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a 2022-es év

Márciusi horoszkópok

Ez az oldal felsorolja az összes főbb szempontot, ami az égen történik a hónapokban  2022 februárjában.

Személyre szabottabb horoszkópokért kövesd YouTube-csatornámat , ahol minden csillagjegyre lebontom a tranzitokat. Pontosan az Ön igényeire szabott horoszkópokért jelentkezzen nálam.

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Worker with Ladder

Újhold a Halak jegyében március 2-án 


március 2

Újhold a Halak jegyében

Remény és optimizmus lehelete a Halak Újholdjával... A Halak az álmok és a varázslat jele, ami először az elmében történik látomásként. Az álom, a kép az elmében a tudatos megnyilvánulás első lépése. Ha van egy tökéletes kép a képzeletében, egy vízió a vágyáról, ott kezdődik minden. Az álmok a teremtés üzemanyaga, a leghatékonyabb módja annak, hogy felébressze találékony intelligenciáját... tovább 

Marble Surface

március 2

A Merkúr a Szaturnusszal együtt

Full moon in Sagittarius on the 4th June also known as Rose moon will put the spotlight on Sagittarius people and themes. An adventurous journey, full of action and excitement, an international affair can manifest now, a university study, a visa application can come to a full circle. A question about ethics, morals or beliefs could have some clear answers now.

An issue with a Sagittarius sun or rising person in your life could be illuminated and put on the spotlight, that allows you to see him or her in a different light, that might be a little more intense than comfortable. This can bring some strong emotions into the picture and intense changes.

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március 2 

A Vénusz, a Mars együttállása a Plútóval

A Plútó, a Mars és a Vénusz hármas együttállása nagyon jelentős. Személyes szinten ez a legszenvedélyesebb és legkreatívabb együttállás, amely új szenvedélyes kapcsolatokat jelez azoknak, akik keresnek egyet, vonzóbbá tesz, vagy egy új szerelem ciklust ❤️ talán egy szexuális egyesülést, ami szélsőséges, intenzív és talán kicsit megszállott is. Egy új kreatív pénzügyi projekt kezdetét is meghatározhatja, amely közös pénzügyekkel, befektetésekkel vagy örökléssel kapcsolatos. A Mars a legerősebb energia ebben a szövetségben, ezért a magasztos és stratégiai bolygó harcos szelleme egyesül a megszállott, szélsőséges Plútóval, dühöt, pusztítást és hatalomvágyat okozva. Személyesebb szinten ez a partnerség a vágy, a megállíthatatlan energia és a célért való küzdelemhez szükséges erő hatalmas hullámát jelzi. Kitör belőled a kezdeményező, teremtő erő, ami ha jó irányba tereled, komoly átalakulást idézhet elő az életedben.

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Leaves Shadow

Valentin nap - március 3 

Vénusz, Mars és Plútó együttállás 

A Vénusz Mars együttállása egész februárban érvényben lesz. Március 3-án csatlakoznak a Plútóhoz, amely a Vénusz és a Plútó 3. és egyben utolsó együttállása lesz retrográd évszakában. 

A hosszú távú érzelmek és hatalom iránti igénye növekedni fog, és a birtoklás iránti szenvedély drámai mértékben megnő. Az érzelmek nagyon mélyek és erősek e befolyás alatt, nem messze a megszállottságtól. A szerelmi életet titokzatos romantika, a szexualitás és a hatalom beleszőtt ebbe a hatásba.  Szeretnél egy hosszú távú elkötelezett kapcsolatot építeni, és nem félsz erődet felhasználni földi, romantikus céljaid elérésében. 

A szerelemnek megvan az az energiája, hogy meggyógyuljon és átalakuljon viharos érzelmeken keresztül ebben az időszakban, mélyen beleásol a félelmeidbe és a pszichédbe, egészen a szíved barlangjáig, hogy megtisztítsd és elengedd, majd végül újjászületsz a régóta eltemetett problémák. 

A Plútó kapcsolatban áll a sötétebb energiákkal, és különösen akkor, ha együtt jár a Marssal, szexuális zaklatással, nemi erőszakkal, pedofíliával, és ezeknek való kitettség nagyon valószínű.

A Vénusz és a Mars együttes jelenléte hónapokig fog tartani, mivel azonos sebességgel mozognak. A Vénusz, a szerelem és öröm bolygója addig nem boldog  április .....tovább 

Marble Surface

március 5

A Nap együttállása a Jupiterrel

Ez a nap tele lesz optimizmussal, lehetőségekkel és vidámsággal. Kiszélesíti a perspektíváját a lehetségesekre, és látnokként képes lesz látni azt a nagyobb képet, amely éppen kibontakozik előtted. Kivételes önhittel a filozófia inspirál, és szélesebb horizontok felé törekszel. Az ön identitása és önkifejezése kiemelkedőbb a szokásosnál, önbizalma pedig felülmúlhatatlan. Ezeknek az energiáknak a kombinációja tehát lehetőségeket hoz számodra, mintha jókor lennél jó helyen. Az Ön jelenléte és életszemlélete meleg, megnyerő, nagylelkű és filozófiai, de anélkül, hogy túllépne a dolgokon, és rálépne az emberek lábujjára.

Az illetékesek nagylelkűek, és érezhető a jóindulat felőlük. 

Ez egy nagyszerű alkalom a nemzetközi utazásra ebben a befolyásban, hogy külföldi emberekkel találkozzon, és ezen az élményen keresztül bővítse nézetét. 

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White Structure

március 6

A Vénusz a Mars konjunkciójával

The trickster planet well known for delivering messages from gods to humans is in his home sign in Gemini. Naturally he feels very comfortable here and if it's not afflicted by any planets, which is not the case now:-) will be making all aspects of communication, flow of informations, travels, learning skills and sales very easy. After the two months of staying in Taurus which is a slow sign anyway we really in for some fast speed flow if mercurial things as mentioned above. 👆 Mercury has really picked up the pace by now, and he will only spend 2 and a half weeks in his home sign before he moves into Cancer. Until then we can excel in languages, mathematics, analytics and fast speed moving around our neighbourhood. Don't forget the messenger god is the one with the winged 🦋 sandals. Now in a blink of an eye before you notice it will have moved on to his next topic, subject, person or phone call. 

It may feel like you are having to put your hand into many pies, and as much as you would like to focus and organise you won't be able to not only due to the scatteredness of Gemini but also due to the square aspect to Neptune. You might get lost in your paperwork or in the neighbourhood often because you're unable to concentrate due to trying to do million things at the time.  

Sometimes when Mercury squares Neptune we may engage in gossiping or god forbid not telling the truth. That's because our imagination and ours speech is strongly effecting each other. Choose the high road and don't engage in creating negative energy around you. What comes around goes around.  

Mercury will square Saturn soon after its ingress in his home sign. This might actually slows down the fast flow of information so the otherwise heavy aspect this time around could do us a favour. Take your time when making decisions or before you speak. 

On the other hand you might be called into the principal's office.

That is rarely good news.

március 13

Nap konjunktív Neptunusz

Mercury is making a trine to Pluto from the 26˚ Virgo to the 26˚ Capricorn. This is about truth telling that you have been working towards or or trying to get going since late August. Or could be about uncovering something that you have been trying to dig up since late August. Mercury Pluto is about revelation, about details and documents that there were hidden or missing and you finally you can get going with this paperwork or application or process. We understand the deeper motivation, we get all the fact, things are coming out of woodwork. We got the whole picture we also have an understanding of what is going on under the surface. So the other side of this aspect is  that there is this raw real, truth-telling, vulnerable revelatory energy here. The exploration of  intimacy and trust, there maybe discussion that are very honest, deep and open. there maybe a disclosure of things "I'm sharing something with you that you may not know about me, but might help you make a decision or make sense of me or an action that I've made." This aspect is all about the words have power and that certain words at a certain time can radically reshape a situation. This will be done for the better, there is a willingness or receptiveness , it is a trine, easy flowing aspect between Mercury and Pluto. You might find yourself engaging in a process of revelation, intimate conversation, deep discussion that are going to clarify things. 

It also means, something you've been puzzling over or this thing that you have been trying to figure out since late August you kinda find the answer or you get the solution. Since the aspect happens in earth sign it is possible that the solution has to do with money, material goods, your physical stuff your immediate environment. Figuring out how to make your space more efficient or more organised. How to get the most out of the minimal or reduced resource. We are looking at all of those expression of Mercury Pluto the mind but also in Earth signs helping us organise or understand  our environments  our resources, our physical space as well. 


This aspect suggest an easy opportunity to harmonise with the urge to dominate and control your environment.

Mercury trine Pluto transit is ideal for asking for favours and talking people into things. Your brain is very powerful under this influence and it gives the power of penetration at the mental level. This could be applied to sales work, debating, bargaining, or negotiating favourable deals in business or major purchases like houses and cars.

Just as you can have a profound influence on others, you may meet someone who deeply affects you through some idea, or plan, or it could be the beginning of a karmic friendship or successful partnership. Socialising for the sake of it may not be appealing as a serious discussion.

Gains can be made if you are on the wrong side of the law. Your understanding and perception will be deep when it comes to the underworld such as drugs and crime. But your ability to deeply understand things is probably best applied to research and investigation, uncovering secrets, and psychological self-analysis. A good time to understand astrology at a deeper level.

Marble Surface

március 18

Telihold a Szűz jegyében

A mély és erőteljes telihold lezárja és betetőzi azokat a terveket, projekteket és törekvéseket, amelyek 2 héttel ezelőtt a Halak újholdján kezdődtek, vagy hosszabb távú szándékok esetén olyan programokat, amelyek körülbelül 6 hónapja a Szűz Újholdjával vagy akár 18 hónapja kezdődtek.  ezelőtt a Szűzben lévő előző holddal. Nagyon mélyreható, de némileg kényelmetlen változások vannak kilátásban, attól függően, hogy az Ön személyes háza milyen helyen van  Szűz Hold🌕 . Itt nézd meg, hol esik a Szűz a diagramon. 

Mindannyian belefáradtunk a régibe, ezért van vágy a status quo megváltoztatására, mert kényelmünk és interperszonális kapcsolataink elviselhetetlenné és fájdalommal gyötrővé váltak... tovább .

Stressed Woman
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március 19 

Saturn retrograde

A szerelem bolygója kemény aspektusba kerül a hirtelen változások bolygójára, és a szerelmi és kapcsolati ügyekben váratlan fordulatok állapotába hoz. Előfordulhat, hogy olyan mértékben szeretné megújítani érzelmi életét, hogy akár elveszítheti is. A vágy, hogy valami másra legyen, bár szinte rendszertelen, és hirtelen megtörténhet. Az Uránusz a világító, az ég istene a másodperc törtrésze alatt eltalál, és a várakozásoknak megfelelően egy teljesen más forgatókönyvben találod magad.

A stabilitás nem olyan dolog, ami ezen a pár napon át az asztalra kerül. A szabadság azonban erős vágy, amelynek most nem tudsz ellenállni. Megdöbbentő szakításokra, szakításokra számíthat, amelyek hirtelen, figyelmeztetés nélkül történnek. Nem kell szerelmi kapcsolatnak lennie, barátok között is előfordulhat.

Az izgalom iránti vágya a pénzügyi szférára is kiterjed, ezért előfordulhat, hogy itt egy kicsit többet kockáztat, mint amennyi kényelmes lenne.

It feels like Saturn has just moved into Pisces and it is already retrograde. How Does Your Next Half of 2023 Look? What Would You Like Explored? What Would You Like Answered. 

we are now starting the second Half of This Year 2023, six months to go, and most of it in Saturn retrograde… !

It is time to ask yourselves… What major decisions, must I make. What will unfold in the next six months for me, what do I really need to know.

If you have planets around the 10 degrees of mutable signs of Pisces, Virgo, Gemini and Sagittarius, you might be feeling  the heavy burden of Saturn that brings. Some of you who has planets in the beginning of the mutable sign, may have felt a relief but it's all coming back you guys. It's all coming back. Saturn will be retrograde until the end of the year and it will revisit all the beginning degrees of  Pisces, Gemini, Virgo and Sagittarius. So the themes of those planets will have another 2 hits unfortunately. I say unfortunately because none of  us like the Saturnian lessons all that much, it feels like a heavy ocean of lead. Toxic  flow of emotions that will hit us in two more waves before the water settles again.

Saturn blocks the flow of water in our body too. It could be a high time to try and help the release of the toxins in the body with lymphatic massages or juice detoxification to help the process.

Marble Surface

március 21

A Merkúr összekapcsolja a Jupitert

Very good influence on friendships and social life because of harmonious and charming interactions. All sorts of communication goes well since there is a willingness to be kind and diplomatic. Business negotiating  are dealt with successfully because of mutual aim for collaboration and balance. 

Art especially creative writing is well received and appreciated. 

It is a good time to confess love in relationship. Words will be well received as a source of love and pleasure. 

Ski Slope
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18th June

New Moon in Gemini

Magical New Moon in Gemini on the 17th of June. Will put you on a brand new journey on an intellectual, social butterfly kinda way. On the next 7 days, the beginning of something new is going to unfold before you, something that is going to take you on a brand new endeavour for the next 6 month or so. This is like a newborn baby, like a brand new page, that can be what ever you make out of it, however it does come with a set of energies. A new trip, a new friendship, an educational or school project, a new language course, sales plan, a new contract, paperwork, that looks almost too good to be true. Enfused with magic, kind words, a spiritual connection that feels so close, bonding with someone, where beauty and the skill of words is coming together. However things that seems too good to be true usually aren’t. This new journey can take you on a road of full of confusion, where you being mislead, so make your you are as clear and as intentional as possible.

március 23

A Merkúr a Neptunusszal együtt

Olvass tovább....

Color Fog
Pottery Creations
White Background

március 28

A Vénusz a Szaturnusz konjunkciójával

This aspect is the opening sextile it is a powerful seed moment of the Jupiter Saturn conjunction which most likely have happened about 2 and a half years ago. Every planetary conjunction works like a New Moon when the seeds are planted in a fertile ground so the dark phase of that conjunction now is over. The two planets are able to see each other which means that what ever new movement began at the conjunction. The very recent Jupiter Saturn conjunction has happened on the 21st of December, on the winter solstice of 2020, on the 0˚ of Aquarius, so thinking back what ever new beginning you have made, what ever project was launched then it will show the very first sign of direction now, the further development of that initiative. This is the first aspect of that new 20 years cycle that Jupiter and Saturn has inaugurated then. Look at this as a new chapter of that story that began in late 2020. This is true of the world events that was going on then as well as in your personal chart.

Look at the house position of Aquarius in your chart for further clues if you’re not sure what is this supposed to relate to in your personal chart. This is going to be an important turning point of that story, the first notable phase of Jupiter and Saturn.

Sextile is a soft aspect so things won’t feel too heavy, they are rather optimistic, it feels doable what ever you may need to work on in relation to that project or further development of that story. You will feel both opportunities  and obstacles that are belonging to that landscape, rather than experiencing as a disconnection.

Tropical Flower

Happy Summer Solstice. When sun moves into Cancer from the 21st of June till the 22 or July we after the social Gemini season we tend to become a little more private, somewhat sensitive, perhaps a little moody and retreat back home with our closest one and focus on our nesting and filling up. our wells, nurture our family, or people that you feel familiar and comfortable with. Cancer is cardinal water sign at initiates , makes changes  and leads by emotions, by the heart. The ruler of Cancer is Moon the most intimate planet there is, that rules our emotions and subconscious mind.   During the Cancer season we are focusing on the closest relationships of ours. We want to nurture them, protect them, give them the feeling of safety and security. Whilst you enjoy some nice food perhaps in a garden party, the feelings of nostalgia whilst sipping raspberry lemonade. You might remember times spent with your grandparents' and your joys of childhood  whilst on a family holiday. Hold on to that feeling, it could be a good time to reconnect with them, whilst they are still around. 

White Branch
21st June

Sun enters Cancer

21st June

Mercury sextile Mars 

Mercury the planet of communication coming into a flowing aspect with Mars means that you have lots of confidence, energy and enthusiasm when you speak during these couple of days. Your ability to process information speeds up and you express yourself in a direct manner. There is a flow in your physical and mental abilities which will allow to put your knowledge and skills to practice. You will have a lot done today that might have been neglected in the past. 

With feeling so daring with high intellectual and physical attractiveness its a good time to socialise, flirt, ask someone out for date or be active in sports and leisure with friends, mates and colleagues. 

Students Sitting on Staircase

Mercury square Neptune

25th June

Your mind tend to wonder during these days, you may find hard to concentrate and daydream instead of  utilising your organisation skills. 

Things maybe somewhat confusing and blurry,  you are not able to process information with sharp intellect. As a result exchange of informations becomes foggy, not clearcut and that gives way to misinterpretations what's more even deception with words. 

It is not a great time to do important business negotiations or to go into legal actions, to sign a contract as you don't have the capacity to see things clearly, distinctively. 

However you may give voice to your imagination, talk spiritual speech, write poetry or using mediative, imaginative mind activities. 

Man Looking Out the Window
Abstract Surface

26th June

Mars square Uranus

Explosions, volcanoes, earthquakes, fireworks and sudden but serious disruptions are associated with this transit. 

This has never been more prominent than since Uranus is in Taurus, the sign of the very earth itself. It will shake us up, can manifest as out of control of risk taking, instability of the actions. It's the most intensely restless, dynamic energy there is. It is an energy that is very quick and things happen out of the blue, very unexpectedly, hence it is extremely hard to control. Without any warnings, there could be hasty, premature actions, when you act first, and think 💭 way too late. 

Proceed very cautiously through these couple of days, careful when travelling, its a very accident prone energy, as well as with anger could be blown out of proportion, especially if issues has been suppressed, now can explode all of a sudden. 

Full Moon
Meditating on Beach
White Structure

28th June

Mercury in Cancer

Mercury in Cancer makes your thinking and communication process somewhat sentimental, more emotional and intuitive. Your mind is less logical and you might even have some heart to hearts with your nearest and dearest. You become more thoughtful and reflective on your feelings and emotions evaluating your life situations. You may take things very personally and expect sensitivity and intrigue to fill you heart and mind.

Beware of acting protective of how you feel when others don't quite understand your perspective.

This is a time when our inner needs and sense of security become more important, but you can also interact with others on a softer, more sensitive level. Use this time to listen, rather than just waiting to reply.

The cosmic messenger will swim through Cancer with such speed that by the 19th of July will be in warmhearted Leo which will change the whole scenario again.

29th June

Sun trine 

With both Sun and Saturn can represent authority figures, these couple of days (+- 2 days from the exact conjunction) could bring some meetings with bosses, superiors even the police, but with this flowing aspect it does not have to be a negative one. It brings about a sober, realistic attitude with a great sense of duty and work ethics. This is not the time to have fun and enjoy life. This aspect brings the hard working individual out of you who can and will accomplish something seriously great purely because of the determination you feel. 

Tying Shoelaces
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