a 2022-es év
Márciusi horoszkópok
Ez az oldal felsorolja az összes főbb szempontot, ami az égen történik a hónapokban 2022 februárjában.
Személyre szabottabb horoszkópokért kövesd YouTube-csatornámat , ahol minden csillagjegyre lebontom a tranzitokat. Pontosan az Ön igényeire szabott horoszkópokért jelentkezzen nálam.

március 2
Újhold a Halak jegyében
Remény és optimizmus lehelete a Halak Újholdjával... A Halak az álmok és a varázslat jele, ami először az elmében történik látomásként. Az álom, a kép az elmében a tudatos megnyilvánulás első lépése. Ha van egy tökéletes kép a képzeletében, egy vízió a vágyáról, ott kezdődik minden. Az álmok a teremtés üzemanyaga, a leghatékonyabb módja annak, hogy felébressze találékony intelligenciáját... tovább

március 2
A Merkúr a Szaturnusszal együtt
Feelings of confusion and/or disappointment, tension in relationships and a general view of 🌫 fog and being unclear is natural today. You may feel as though you were taken advantage of and as a result you may want to run and hide somewhere and isolated place, or indulge in a spa to lick your wounds spending money way beyond your means. Your judgement can trick you in financial losses which in return will again make you feel worse with emotional and now financial loss as well.
You can spend money in making you feel better but ask an advice of a close friends or relative if it is within your boundaries before going over your budget, be more conscious about your limits and don't go to the extreme.

március 2
A Vénusz, a Mars együttállása a Plútóval
A Plútó, a Mars és a Vénusz hármas együttállása nagyon jelentős. Személyes szinten ez a legszenvedélyesebb és legkreatívabb együttállás, amely új szenvedélyes kapcsolatokat jelez azoknak, akik keresnek egyet, vonzóbbá tesz, vagy egy új szerelem ciklust ❤️ talán egy szexuális egyesülést, ami szélsőséges, intenzív és talán kicsit megszállott is. Egy új kreatív pénzügyi projekt kezdetét is meghatározhatja, amely közös pénzügyekkel, befektetésekkel vagy örökléssel kapcsolatos. A Mars a legerősebb energia ebben a szövetségben, ezért a magasztos és stratégiai bolygó harcos szelleme egyesül a megszállott, szélsőséges Plútóval, dühöt, pusztítást és hatalomvágyat okozva. Személyesebb szinten ez a partnerség a vágy, a megállíthatatlan energia és a célért való küzdelemhez szükséges erő hatalmas hullámát jelzi. Kitör belőled a kezdeményező, teremtő erő, ami ha jó irányba tereled, komoly átalakulást idézhet elő az életedben.

5th May

Full Moon Eclipse in Scorpio
The powerful full Moon lunar eclipse will peak on 5th May at 17:33 GMT on the 14˚57' intense, emotional Scorpio. This lunar eclipse marks a time of inner completion of whatever began with the New Moon in Scorpio in November, last year.
A lunar eclipse is a powerful full moon magnified and extended over a longer period than a regular full moon would be. It is time of completion, of letting go. This is the last of the eclipse in the Scorpio and Taurus eclipse chain as the lunar nodes are changing signs and leaving the fix axis behind. Due to that, we feel as though we are wrapping things up for great new beginnings to take place a little later down the line.
Full moons are often outer experiences that mirror the inner world, but since this is an eclipse the event could be challenging as it might feel destined or fated in some sort of way. Eclipses can bring upheavals and chaotic times around, as we are in less control and more in the hands of destiny.
The main element of this lunation is Mars in Cancer the ruler of the eclipse forming a grand water trine with Neptune and Moon 🌙 which do

Valentin nap - március 3
Vénusz, Mars és Plútó együttállás
A hosszú távú érzelmek és hatalom iránti igénye növekedni fog, és a birtoklás iránti szenvedély drámai mértékben megnő. Az érzelmek nagyon mélyek és erősek e befolyás alatt, nem messze a megszállottságtól. A szerelmi életet titokzatos romantika, a szexualitás és a hatalom beleszőtt ebbe a hatásba. Szeretnél egy hosszú távú elkötelezett kapcsolatot építeni, és nem félsz erődet felhasználni földi, romantikus céljaid elérésében.
A szerelemnek megvan az az energiája, hogy meggyógyuljon és átalakuljon viharos érzelmeken keresztül ebben az időszakban, mélyen beleásol a félelmeidbe és a pszichédbe, egészen a szíved barlangjáig, hogy megtisztítsd és elengedd, majd végül újjászületsz a régóta eltemetett problémák.
A Plútó kapcsolatban áll a sötétebb energiákkal, és különösen akkor, ha együtt jár a Marssal, szexuális zaklatással, nemi erőszakkal, pedofíliával, és ezeknek való kitettség nagyon valószínű.
A Vénusz és a Mars együttes jelenléte hónapokig fog tartani, mivel azonos sebességgel mozognak. A Vénusz, a szerelem és öröm bolygója addig nem boldog április .....tovább

március 5
A Nap együttállása a Jupiterrel
Ez a nap tele lesz optimizmussal, lehetőségekkel és vidámsággal. Kiszélesíti a perspektíváját a lehetségesekre, és látnokként képes lesz látni azt a nagyobb képet, amely éppen kibontakozik előtted. Kivételes önhittel a filozófia inspirál, és szélesebb horizontok felé törekszel. Az ön identitása és önkifejezése kiemelkedőbb a szokásosnál, önbizalma pedig felülmúlhatatlan. Ezeknek az energiáknak a kombinációja tehát lehetőségeket hoz számodra, mintha jókor lennél jó helyen. Az Ön jelenléte és életszemlélete meleg, megnyerő, nagylelkű és filozófiai, de anélkül, hogy túllépne a dolgokon, és rálépne az emberek lábujjára.
Az illetékesek nagylelkűek, és érezhető a jóindulat felőlük.
Ez egy nagyszerű alkalom a nemzetközi utazásra ebben a befolyásban, hogy külföldi emberekkel találkozzon, és ezen az élményen keresztül bővítse nézetét.

március 6
A Vénusz a Mars konjunkciójával
This will be a calming aspect on the havoc and surprises on the Sun conjunct Uranus energy. During this influence for a couple of days the thinking process, communication and commuting is going to slow down, will be more disciplined and well structured. Therefore it makes an excellent time for making amends if damage was done yesterday It is great for business dealings, signing contracts, entering negotiations, laying out business plans and the mind is calm, more organised and realistic.
Personal discussions also become more serious, structured and well organised. You can plan for the long term since the information processing is reliable and realistic. There is a general respect for the agenda and routine, we tend to show up in time for all appointments, meeting and have a responsible attitude towards friends, siblings close relatives.
It is a good time to learn or test and your are able to fulfil your responsibilities towards neighbours, colleagues or at school with whoever you're dealing with.
március 13
Nap konjunktív Neptunusz
Venus sextile Saturn transit increases your need for companionship. You want to feel loved and valued by someone but it must be serious and true love. With an existing partner, you will look for reassurance or more commitment, but will also be dutiful about making them happy and content.New relationships are possible but you will not be interested in one-night stands. You are more likely to attract serious types or those also interested in long-term commitment. Often, teacher-student type relationships are possible, or there may be a marked age difference.
Even though love is important, you will take a practical and common-sense approach. This especially applies to solving any recent difficulties. Resolutions can be found and there should be a mutual understanding and acknowledgment when a relationship has run its course.
Doing business is favoured under this transit. Investing in blue-chip stocks, real estate, or works of art is preferred. This would be a good time to start a savings plan but also for paying off debt. Your creative talents can be put to use in anything requiring detail and organisation

március 18
Telihold a Szűz jegyében
A mély és erőteljes telihold lezárja és betetőzi azokat a terveket, projekteket és törekvéseket, amelyek 2 héttel ezelőtt a Halak újholdján kezdődtek, vagy hosszabb távú szándékok esetén olyan programokat, amelyek körülbelül 6 hónapja a Szűz Újholdjával vagy akár 18 hónapja kezdődtek. ezelőtt a Szűzben lévő előző holddal. Nagyon mélyreható, de némileg kényelmetlen változások vannak kilátásban, attól függően, hogy az Ön személyes háza milyen helyen van Szűz Hold🌕 . Itt nézd meg, hol esik a Szűz a diagramon.
Mindannyian belefáradtunk a régibe, ezért van vágy a status quo megváltoztatására, mert kényelmünk és interperszonális kapcsolataink elviselhetetlenné és fájdalommal gyötrővé váltak... tovább .

március 19
Mercury sextile Venus
Very good influence on friendships and social life because of harmonious and charming interactions. All sorts of communication goes well since there is a willingness to be kind and diplomatic. Business negotiating are dealt with successfully because of mutual aim for collaboration and balance.
Art especially creative writing is well received and appreciated.
It is a good time to confess love in relationship. Words will be well received as a source of love and pleasure.
A szerelem bolygója kemény aspektusba kerül a hirtelen változások bolygójára, és a szerelmi és kapcsolati ügyekben váratlan fordulatok állapotába hoz. Előfordulhat, hogy olyan mértékben szeretné megújítani érzelmi életét, hogy akár elveszítheti is. A vágy, hogy valami másra legyen, bár szinte rendszertelen, és hirtelen megtörténhet. Az Uránusz a világító, az ég istene a másodperc törtrésze alatt eltalál, és a várakozásoknak megfelelően egy teljesen más forgatókönyvben találod magad.
A stabilitás nem olyan dolog, ami ezen a pár napon át az asztalra kerül. A szabadság azonban erős vágy, amelynek most nem tudsz ellenállni. Megdöbbentő szakításokra, szakításokra számíthat, amelyek hirtelen, figyelmeztetés nélkül történnek. Nem kell szerelmi kapcsolatnak lennie, barátok között is előfordulhat.
Az izgalom iránti vágya a pénzügyi szférára is kiterjed, ezért előfordulhat, hogy itt egy kicsit többet kockáztat, mint amennyi kényelmes lenne.

március 21
A Merkúr összekapcsolja a Jupitert
The planet of growth s, expansion and abundance moving in the sign of a wealth, money and economy from16th May 2023 to the 25th May of 2024.
What is Jupiter and Taurus ?
Taurus ♉️ - fine foods, fine dining, wealth, hoarding, financial security, singing talent, art culture, history, one’s lineage
Jupiter is knowledge, wisdom, how happy you feel in life, your luck, your true divine intelligence.
Jupiter in Taurus - knowledge intelligence with regards to wealth, 💰, financials, food, comfort, security and art
Jupiter brings his knowledge and intelligence to ♉️ (money, wealth, art, creativity, culture)
-expands wealth, the focus becomes money, how to generate income, pleasant public speaking, a pleasant teacher or professor....

március 22
Mars négyzet az Uránusz
This is a very powerful combination when things can actually go out of hand. It is happening right after the eclipse season, being just as potent as the lunations. In the midst of change and conflict there will be a big need to stay calm and stay focused and be in centred position when you think things through. Something super intense and volatile may happen in your life that is coming from the Taurus house to your Aquarius one. Calming your nervous system is essential before you move forward. If you do that , this could be a profound positive change that was much and long needed but never happened. Now is the time whilst Jupiter and Pluto along with Mars form a T- square together creating a powerful energy that can transform your life in a very liberating way. This constellation has a massive, creative potential to put your through some sudden change in your life that will shake you up and put you right in your path.
As always, KEEP CALM and CARRY ON with Pluto in Aquarius coming into a pressuring T square with Jupiter and Mars.

március 23
Olvass tovább....

A Merkúr a Neptunusszal együtt

19th May
New Moon in Taurus with Algol the demonic star
New Moon in Taurus is going to happen on the 28th degree of Taurus on the exact degree where the demonic star 💫 Algol resides.
Algol the most notorious and feared star of all is in the constellation of Perseus and it represent the head of Gorgon Medusa.
In the myths Perseus was out to kill the snake haired woman whose glaze was enough to turn men to stone.
He succeeded with the help of some gods but the head of Medusa become even more powerful after her death.
Thanks to this mythological origin Algol is often associated with losing one's head, even if it is symbolically. It is the ultimate star of wealth however (Lady Diana had it in prominently place in her chart as well as the British royal family). Medusa is also a powerful symbol of feminine power, magic and transformation. The blood dripping from her head was connected to the magic of menstrual cycle.

március 28
A Vénusz a Szaturnusz konjunkciójával
This will be a calming aspect on the havoc caused the day before with Mercury opposing Mars. During this influence for a couple of days the thinking process, communication and commuting is going to slow down, will be more disciplined and well structured. Therefore it makes an excellent time for making amends if damage was done yesterday It is great for business dealings, signing contracts, entering negotiations, laying out business plans and the mind is calm, more organised and realistic.
Personal discussions also become more serious, structured and well organised. You can plan for the long term since the information processing is reliable and realistic. There is a general respect for the agenda and routine, we tend to show up in time for all appointments, meeting and have a responsible attitude towards friends, siblings close relatives.
It is a good time to learn or test and your are able to fulfil your responsibilities towards neighbours, colleagues or at school with whoever you're dealing with.

In ancient mythology, Mars is the God of War, the ultimate warrior spirit. In astrology, Mars is the planet that signifies heat, action, energy, ambition, aggression, passion. Mars is the animal instinct that is so necessary for our survival. Mars is the will, a very immediate planet, he wants what he wants and he wants it NOW. Mars is how we go after our desire, yes including sexual desire. The sign of Mars shows how we take action to reach our goals.
Mars in Leo can express himself, he wants to be generous, he wants to lead, act, be unique and spontaneous but also needs acknowledgement. Mars here in the fixed fire sign wants to create a lasting fire, he wants a royal throne, dramatic and performing act. He wants to be the centre of attention and be very creatively expressive.
Mars is the soldier, your willpower, your strength here is becoming very dramatic, he is fiery, regal, (where he can stand yes, I ‘made it)
I wanna be the centre of attention
Mars becomes very sexualised here, very dynamic, also a bit unfaithful and argumentative (until the 22nd June)
Why? Sun is in Gemini (Mars’ dispositor)
after the 22nd June, more sensitive
Mars’ fiery nature is now about finding the light for his work.
Mars will meet Pluto in opposition right upon his ingress into Leo, which is a very explosive, powerhouse energy. So the introduction to Leo won't go unnoticed. By the 25th of June he will create a T-square with Jupiter and Pluto. Something super intense and volatile may happen in your life that is coming from the Taurus house to your Aquarius one. Calming your nervous system is essential before you move forward. If you do that , this could be a profound positive change that was much and long needed but never happened. Now is the time whilst Jupiter and Pluto along with Mars form a T- square together creating a powerful energy that can transform your life in a very liberating way. This constellation has a massive, creative potential to put your through some sudden change in your life that will shake you up and put you right in your path.

20th May
Mars in Leo

21st May
Sun in Gemini
Treats of Gemini sesason
First it's lighthearted. Then it's fast and informative. Last it's changeable. You may not feel this right now, because of the heaviness of the fixed T square that may bring some profound, much needed distruction then changes to your doorstep. Once that dissipates by the end of May the lightness of Gemini season will kick in. For you to leave behind the ashes and look forward to the new, to learn from the past and enjoy the current state of art.
I wish you easy recovery if you have fixed planets or angles that this T square has activated. A promise of upbeat giddiness is in the air...
Gemini season in characterised by:
Wit, variety & curiosity
Curiosity killed the cat & opened Pandora's box.
But where we would all be without a tiny bit of child like curiosity that breeds the thirst for knowledge? Men would be still in earthly paradise, flowing in rivers of milk and honey. Feminine charm and beauty wouldn't exist, learning could never take place and life would be meaningless without the god given trait: curiosity. Existence would be dull perfectionism without any variety.
Pandora may have released ills and evil, but with that came sweet hope to conquer helplessness and rise to power.
Knowledge is power
21st May
T-square between Mars opposite Pluto and square Jupiter
During these couple of days even a week whilst this energy will be felt, (and it will be!) there will be powerful changes going on. Mars will come into a T - square configuration with Pluto (opposite) and Jupiter (square).
Mars opposite Pluto is an aggressive, powerhouse energy that sometime gets projected onto others. You could have behaved like a saint and someone else is terrifying the life out of you. And you don't understand. You were impeccable, you're calm, you are pleasantly kind. Yet, this distructive, dark, mysterious energy lurks you from beneath the surface.It is an eruption of dynamic vivacity that has been dormant, hidden in the depth of your subconscious, or under the ground, given it is physical with Mars in the picture. Pluto in Aquarius is talking about the AI, the new technocratic age, and Mars in Leo will want to challenge that. Because Leo Mars wants to be unique, artisitic and manmade. Jupiter in Taurus talks about expansion of material resource such as money. So these three will butt heads with each other and launch a major battle as a collective energy, and something profound, an innovation will be born out of the ashes. Can't wait to see what that is going to be.
On a more personal level, look at your fixed houses, Leo, Taurus and Aquarius if you are getting triggered, there is/are any planet on the early degrees, you will feel it playing out in those houses. Pluto has the biggest say in this picture since it is the most invisible but most powerful outer planet. Be careful how you react to people, avoid confrontation at all costs as it can explode. into a monstrosity in a blink of en eye. Expect unique, powerful transformation happening in those fixed signed houses of yours, that might feel like a major distructive forces are taking you down, but eventually you will rise above the ashes like a phoenix bird and come out in the other side. Your battle against the odds will prove yourself .

Sun trine Pluto
21st May
Powerful self expression even overbearing behaviour could be characterised. by these couple of days but if that's the picture it can be done with ease and flow that doesn't necessary harm anyone.
You can get a great deal done during this transit and that's because it comes with intensity and the need to dig deep, look in the hidden corners, shine light on secretive and dark issues that were buried under the ground. You can project this magnetic aura, that mesmerises people to the extent of the obsession.
Great time to find reveal truth, investigate, look at a subject with a magnifying glass.

22nd May
Sun sextile Mars
During Sun positive aspect to Mars you want to be as physically active as possible. You are able to achieve a lot through especially physical activities. These couple of days you are tireless with a zest for life, feeling strong both in your body and mind.
Your self confidence is at its high, physical vitality is at maximum, your courages, leadership ability is second to none.
During these couple of day you should follow your desires, with enthusiasm, your personal charisma and natural creative potential will make it easier to achieve any goal you might want to accomplish.
It favours competitive spirit but also the stamina to follow through.

23rd May
Mars square Jupiter
Overdoing your confidence could be a typical outcome of this aspect. Jupiter gives highly energised quality to this aspect with more buoyancy and charisma. However, you may overstretch yourself and can come across boastful thinking that you can get away with anything. This could be a downfall of the aspect. There is a need to regulate your enthusiasm and consciously practise self restrain but this proves to be challenging this time.
You have this great desire to be adventurous in sexuality, you want to conquer and explore all territories you come in contact with.
You could benefit from slowing down, face and learn from the mistakes you may make and that will allow the more positive manifestation of this aspect to take the lead.
24th May
Venus square
“What is hell? I maintain that it is the suffering of being unable to love.”
Fyodor Dostoevsky
Love can be a healing game or love can hurt.
Is the ultimate message of this aspect. It is all about a childhood wound that prevents us to love, and the feeling of not worthy of love. Chiron brings up these issues, but this is exactly the time when we can heal those wounds by becoming aware of therm. Pay attention to what is happening with you and in your environment around you. Do you feel any wounding these days? What does that teach you? How can you help yourself? If love feels painful you definitely have some healing to do. Listen to what people have to say to you, even if it hurts, they might be showing you what you need to do, where you need to look for healing and soothing that wounds.
Never have been a better time than now to deal with it, become aware is almost the biggest job, 80% of healing.
You are worthy of love

Venus sextile Uranus
This transit makes you enjoy things out of the ordinary. You may fall in love unexpectedly, or with someone who is not in your age range or cultural back round. This romance can be very exciting or with long distance, may get off the ground very quickly but also be somewhat volatile.
You can make sudden changes in your appearance or seek a hobby that you've never tried before.
Changes in value system or spending habits are very likely.
26th May

Sun square Saturn
28th May
When Sun meet Saturn in tense aspect, Saturn the planet of limits, duty and karmic debts dims Sun's light and his ability to shine. Self-expression becomes rather limited and the ego is blocked, shut down. There is not a lot of self confidence during these days and fears might keep you trapped from performing or creating. It feels as someone has thrown a damper on your ability to have fun and enjoy yourself. No, this is not a lighthearted, party time. You could be called out for a past mistake that you have long forgotten about. A responsibility may feel now especially heavy and burdensome. Your mood is more pessimistic, negative with a tendency to feel depressed because of heavy karma that may show up as a boss, parent or authority figure who is calling you to account, giving you harsh criticism even sometimes bully you. It is not a long lasting influence, unless Saturn is transiting the natal Sun. It is best to accept if you have to pay for past mistakes, learn from it and put your head down, work through it meticulously, patiently with no or very little reward for your hard work. This too shall pass.