LunaClair Astrology
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Relationships / Love / Marriage / Divorce / Career / Health / Family / Finance / Karma

About me
My journey and how it all began
Hi! I’m LunaClair
I create a combined program of ancient and modern philosophy with energy and astrology readings to align you with your soul's path, to allow your soul's evolution.
In my late twenties when I was going through the so called 'dark night of the soul's' phase in my life, when I lost everything that was important for me, I realised that we are all part of this cosmos. I learnt that there are higher forces than human consciousness and I thought that we were all destined to live with 'our karma' as a consequence of previous lifetimes and acceptance was the way to be happy.
My insatiable thirst for knowledge and geminian curiosity however wanted a way out, a solution. I was seeking why's and how's, I just wouldn't accept that we are inevitably predestined, I knew this has to be a misperception.
This ancient, beautiful science and art, which I believe is the language of the Gods or if you like the Universe, gave me the answers I was seeking. But I didn’t know how to use them. For a long time I was blaming the planets, my fate, my own constellations for everything that was going wrong in my life! I didn’t realise that I also needed to look within. Once I became conscious of that Astrology is not fatalistic, it is an energetic map of your potential, your talent as well as the subconscious motives buried deep within. Recognising and understanding the energetic patterns meant I could work with it, use it to improve me and support me, rather than determine me. The answers are also inside.
Now I weave together my knowledge of the inner and outer wisdom to create a deeper understanding of the patterns that so many of us have been experiencing in our relationships, career and through the soul's evolution.
If you’d like to find out more about how I can support you too, sign up to receive my regular astrological newsletters focused on nourishing you to grow through self-love to heal you and your relationships. Click here to get more insights.
I’m looking forward to connecting with you!

Needing some directions in life? Astrology is the perfect tool to see where you are heading, which way the winds are blowing, what is on your spiritual and worldly agenda.

Bachelor of Art
Qualified Teacher
Pranic Healing practitioner
Certificate of Astrology Apprenticeship
Astrolada School of Astrology
Horary astrology practitioner