On September 15th at 01:39 GMT, a New Moon will rise in the diligent and humble sign of Virgo, precisely at 21°58'. It's time for a fresh perspective on matters related to work, organisation, practical interests, health, and daily responsibilities. The chart of this New Moon is predominantly influenced by the earth element with a touch of water, calling for a period of birthing material and pragmatic projects, characterised by a keen eye for details and a systematic approach.
The energy pattern of this practical New Moon resembles that of a kite, a rare and dynamic configuration that holds exceptional potential but also places significant demands on its owner— in this case, any endeavour or journey you embark upon in your Virgo-ruled house. You can find out here which house Virgo occupies in your horoscope for a more personalised understanding.

Let's break this down further for a clearer, more practical perspective:
New moons signify new beginnings. It could be the start of a new journey, project, job, home, routine—virtually anything, depending on the house in your horoscope where Virgo is positioned. You can check this for your specific case to gain a deeper understanding of your chart. Once you identify the area of your chart where the new moon occurs, we can delve into the energy patterns to understand the dynamics of your project.
As mentioned earlier, the kite pattern and the abundance of the earth element suggest a new project or endeavour that yields tangible, long-term results. It emphasises talents such as attention to detail, financial competence, culinary expertise, persistence and leadership.
The fact that the ruler of the New Moon, Mercury is in a stationary direct position is a promising sign that things will gradually gain momentum, become more stable and head in the right direction. This is further enhanced by the messenger planet being in its own rulership and sign of exaltation.
Additionally, Uranus, the planet of innovation and authenticity, is favourably aligned with Jupiter, bringing an element of unpredictable but smooth change, originality, and serendipity to your new endeavour.
To a lesser degree, Pluto, forming the other part of the grand trine, contributes to deep transformation, healing, and focused energy to this promising and feasible New Moon.
Even the opposition from Neptune doesn't diminish the overall positivity of this lunation. Instead, it suggests a release from excessive focus on details, practicality, or materialism. It reminds us that there is magic to be harnessed and conveys a message of soulful assurance, pointing to the presence of something beyond the tangible—a realm filled with divine myths, inspiration, and guidance, should we find ourselves too entrenched in pragmatism and scrutiny.
In summary, this New Moon is a delightful opportunity for embarking on a new journey where you can utilise your exceptional skills to establish a solid foundation for a project that promises long-term stability and pragmatic results. Looking at the axis of Pisces and Virgo in your horoscope chart gives you a clue where this might play out for you. Keep an eye on the upcoming Full Moon in two weeks, in six months, or even 18 months from now in Virgo, as it will shed further light on your journey showing results of this great new beginning.
Let's express our gratitude for these wonderful energies.
With heartfelt thanks 🙏
Luna 🌙✨♍️