On the same day, in other words the 23rd of July, when the sun steps into Leo, Venus the planet of love and beauty will begin its 40 days retrograde cycle in the regal, most radiant sign of the zodiac.The Sun in Leo in his rulership is a super strong, radiant, vitalising transit, it boosts strength and confidence and it can help you to take in charge of really important matters. It represents the archetype of leader, the regal lion the head of the pack.The sun is the most consistent planet, and steady in astrology, the way it moves and expresses its light. You can use this season to help establish routine and build consistency, to stabilise different areas with help of the sun in Leo.

When sun moves into Leo the holiday season also officially begins. It is the season of letting your hair down, enjoy your hobbies and entertainment, be spontaneous and tap into your creativity.
The Sun’s initial transit through the beginning of Leo is going to activate a Fixed Grand Cross with Pluto and the Nodes that has got to do with your sense of stability and creativity challenged and put into a crisis situation due the hidden powers or invisible dark forces.
Once the Sun leaves the first couple degrees of Leo the intense times and feelings quite overwhelmed, will ease off and the sun will have this even brighter more radiant quality this year. This four weeks can encourage you to shine and radiate your light and your essence in the house position occupied by Leo even stronger than usual. Something we can all learn and take away from the Sun in Leo is to use our hearts for guidance and to never lose confidence in ourselves or what our soul’s have come here to express.
The biggest astro news this week is Venus retrograde. It is a 6 weeks cycle when Venus is going to be reversing from 28˚ to 12˚ of Leo. The main themes of this transit is to reevaluate and reassess the place of desire and pleasure. To reviewing the place of beauty, connection, enjoyment and relationships. Venus represent a lot of the things that can bring sweetness into our life. So when Venus is retrograde this things don’t go away but we might be questioning and exploring of the best ways to have pleasure in our life. What are going to be the more satisfying types of relationships, friendships how do we encounter beauty, how do we make time to those artsy pleasant experiences. Venus doesn’t represent the necessities, instead the fun things in our life, which is further amplified by Leo. Especially the love aspect to it. Venus and Leo do have similar qualities as to what they represent. They are both connected to love, art, pleasure and creativity. Since Venus is squaring Uranus in Taurus we might encounter something a bit unexpected, or unconventional and our desire for change in those Venusian themes mentioned are going to be even further accentuated. Sudden shifts in relationships are likely especially if you have Sun, Moon, Venus and ascendant in those degrees mentioned (12˚-28˚ ♌️ ) Even if you have any other planets on those degrees or have Taurus or Libra ascendant you could be feeling this Venus retrograde a little stronger than other people.

So how might this manifest for those of us who are effected by this influence. Look at the house position of Leo first of all, then move over to Taurus and Libra. We all have Leo, Taurus, and Libra somewhere in our chart. Those topics, the areas covered by those houses are going under revaluation they will call our attention in deeper, more persistent ways to the topics of those chart. The things you have enjoyed, the types of people you felt connected to in those part of your life might go through some shift. That could mean that you are reactivating, rekindling some connections but it can also mean that after some consideration you acknowledge that those relations or your affection to those people could have changed and you may find that you’re happy to let those connections fade away. Venus in Leo can represent to raise our standards and so it might be useful to take this time to reset some patters and relations to honour your new values. Think about those areas of your life that they are ripe for renewal and ready for a makeover. Just as an example if you are Gemini ascendant you will have Leo in your 3rd house of siblings and neighbours. You will find that you’ll need to reassess your relationships with your close relatives and with people in your everyday environment in order to move forward or leave behind if necessary some of those connections. You might be re-exploring reconnecting with themes to do with service, spirituality and retreats if you have Leo in your 12th house.
So we are bringing the topics of re-evaluation of Venus retrograde into the topic of Leo part of your chart. Update and set new standards about your experiences and interaction about the Leo house topics in your chart.
So let's see all the houses by your ascendant.
Aries ♈️ Venus retrograde in your 5th house of love and children
Taurus ♉️ Venus retrograde in your 4th house home and family
Gemini ♊️ Venus retrograde in your 3rd house siblings and neighbours
Cancer ♋️ Venus retrograde in your 2nd house of money and values
Leo ♌️ Venus retrograde in your 1st house of self and physical appearance
Virgo ♍️ Venus retrograde in your 12th house of retreats and spirituality
Libra ♎️ Venus retrograde in your 11th house of friends and community
Scorpio ♏️ Venus retrograde in your 10th house of career and public status
Sagittarius ♐️ Venus retrograde in your 9th house of abroad and higher mind, beliefs
Capricorn ♑️ Venus retrograde in your 8th house of shared money and transformation
Aquarius ♒️ Venus retrograde in your 7th house of long term partnership, collaboration
Pisces ♓️ Venus retrograde in your 6th house of service, daily routines and health.
I wish you joyful reevaluation time with Venus retrograde in Leo
Love and bliss