New Moon in Taurus
is going to happen on the 28th degree of Taurus within 2 degrees of tight orb with the demonic star 💫 Algol, on the 19th May at 15:53 GMT.
New Moons are new beginnings, new endeavours, a chance for a clean slate where we can rewrite our story at least in one area of our life. It is a powerful time of setting new goals and creating a new chapter in our journey. An astrological clock of timing for success and manifestation.
Taurus New Moon is an exalted Moon and with the recently joined Jupiter in this material sign it foreshadows a promise of materialisation of luck and abundance.
But can success and prominence come without a sacrifice when the dignified Taurus Moon shares sign with obsessive Rahu, stationary direct Mercury, unpredictable Uranus and degree with Algol the most evil of heavens?
Algol, derived from the Arabic Al Ghoul the demon,
the most notorious and feared star of all holds space in the constellation of Perseus. It represents the head of Gorgon Medusa and according to the ancient astrologers is associated with death by decapitation.

In the myth, Perseus was sent to kill the snake haired gorgon woman whose gaze was enough to turn men into stone.
Thanks to this mythological origin Algol is often associated with losing one's head, symbolically or literally. The Gorgon Medusa is also a powerful symbol of feminine power, magic and transformation. The blood dripping from her head was connected to the magic of menstrual cycle.
According to modern astrologers, Algol is a much misunderstood and negatively pictured ⭐️ star that should be looked at from a different angle. In the myth, Gorgon Medusa originally was a Goddess who was turned into a monster with serpent hair due to the jealousy of Pallas Athene. Ultimately killed by Perseus, Medusa's head was given back as a trophy to Athene to use in battle. Although Perseus succeeded with the help of gods, the head of Medusa became even more powerful after her death.
Algol and prominent artists
The much feared star however has to carry more meaning than agony, violence and decapitation. It is often prominent in the chart of powerful artists or public figures.

It is the ultimate star of wealth, Lady Diana had it with Venus in her chart, just like her son William, the Prince of Wales. King Charles, Pablo Picasso, Amber Heard, Frida Kahlo and Gianni Versace are only few of the artists and public figures who have Algol in elevated position in their charts. Most interestingly, the Versace brand's logo is Medusa's head demonstrating the Italian Oscar winner mogul's inspiration with ancient Greek motifs and mythology. Did he have an astrologer advisor or is this just a coincidence?

Gianni Versace was assassinated, shut in the head and died from the wounds front of his Miami mansion. The killer gun was a .40 caliber Taurus PT100 pistol. The event chart of his death shows Algol on the Medium Coeli (MC) in the highest point of the chart.

Princess Diana had Venus conjunct Algol in her chart, she also died a tragic death but became an almost saint through this catastrophe and has left a forever living legacy.
Frida Kahlo's cataclysmic accident made her bedridden when her artistry emerged by painting her own head with the prominent eyebrow line. She had the exalted Moon conjunct

with Algol just 5 degrees away from her midheaven. Often Algol natives have a distinctive facial and hair feature such as Frida's eyebrow line or a striking beard, tousled, long hair.
Pablo Picasso has a Taurus stellium with Pluto in exact conjunction with Algol.
His most famous painting is Guernica, that is set on the aftermath of the catastrophic destruction of the ancient city by the fascists in1937. Picasso painted his artwork in 35 days in Taurus season when Algol is most active and is further illuminated by the sun. The tragic story features a one eyed bull and a range of hidden images of heads and skulls, agony and death, martyrdom and an all seeing one eye.

It is the mystery of future and we are yet to see how Amber Heard's and Johny Depp's Algol Venus conjunction will play out. Last year, the world witnessed how demonic Algol can show up with both parties losing their 'heads' due to substance and domestic abuse. The name of the 'evil spirit' alcohol is also connected to Algol and Amber heard's locks as well as her behaviour during the trial also resembled the Medusa's head.

A new look on an old evil or how to work with Algol's energy
If you have Algol in a prominent position however fear should not be the first thing it comes to your mind. Everything has two sides, light and shadow and so does Algol.
With the energy of the New Moon we can create something abundant and powerful that can transform our life in the Taurus part of our chart and using the creative energy of this powerful star.
Use Algol to step into your feminine power in that area of your chart.
The blinking star can bring you tremendous amount of wealth.
Make a conscious choice of using the light side of Algol, tap into the positive, spiritual manifestation and transformative energies of this notorious star.
Use Medusa's head as talisman, just like Pallas Athene did for protection in battles.
Most importantly make sure your mental health and obsessive behaviour under control and all will be well. Use powerful manifestation techniques to materialise positive thoughts that result in positive words and actions in your three dimensional reality.
If all of this should not be enough, you can always consult an astrologer on what to do and what not during the fertile time of New Moon in Taurus conjunct Algol the most feared star of all.
Love and protection
from Luna