Monthly horoscopes
This page list all aspect that are happening in this month in the heavens and the effect it has on humans generally
4th December
This very special new Moon in Sagittarius on the 4th of December, is triggered by the fated karmic nodes of the moon. When this happens the Moon blocks the light of the Sun thus a total solar eclipse happens and certain parts of the earth become dark during daylight.
South in Australia, South in Africa, South in South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Antarctica are going to be the areas where this solar eclipse is going to be visible, in other parts of the earth the eclipse .... read more

6th December
Mars sextile Pluto
These two powerful planets in positive aspect to each other will push you into action. Now you can make great physical effort with determination and unbounded confidence to get to your desired goal. You can utilise your inner warrior power to move into leadership roles with a little danger that might be overpowering others.
It gives tremendous amount of power to achieve good results in sport due to the immense energy this aspect provides.
Intense sexual encounters can be part of the experience, your sexual drive is insatiable.
7th December
Mercury square Neptune
Your mind tend to wonder during these days, you may find hard to concentrate
and daydream instead of utilising your organisation skills.
Things maybe somewhat confusing and blurry, you are not able to process information with sharp intellect. As a result exchange of informations becomes foggy, not clearcut and that gives way to misinterpretations what's more even deception with words.
It is not a great time to do important business negotiations or to go into legal actions, to sign a contract as you don't have the capacity to see things clearly, distinctively.
However you may give voice to your imagination, talk spiritual speech, write poetry or using mediative, imaginative mind activities.

8th December
Mars square Jupiter
Overdoing your confidence could be a typical outcome of this aspect. Jupiter gives highly energised quality to this aspect with more buoyancy and charisma. However, you may overstretch yourself and can come across boastful thinking that you can get away with anything. This could be a downfall of the aspect. There is a need to regulate your enthusiasm and consciously practise self restrain but this proves to be challenging this time.
You have this great desire to be adventurous in sexuality, you want to conquer and explore all territories you come in contact with.
You could benefit from slowing down, face and learn from the mistakes you may make and that will allow the more positive manifestation of this aspect to take the lead.
11th December
Venus conjuncts Pluto
Intensity and crisis in intimate relationships, jealousy and emotional manipulation will be featured under this influence. Your need for long term affections and power is going to increase and passion with being possessive will be running to dramatic extent. Emotions are very deep and strong under this influence not far from obsession. Romance, that mystifies love life, sexuality and power are woven into this influence. You want to build a long term committed relationship and you are not afraid to use your power in achieving your earthly, romantic goals.
Love can have the energy to heal and transform through tempestuous emotions throughout this period, you will dig deep into your fears and psyche to the cavern of your heart to purge and release then eventually rebirth long buried issues.
Venus also has financial aspect and along with Pluto especially if it's happening in the material houses can bring inheritance, money from investments, occultism, research, surgery or even sex work.
11th December
Mercury sextile Jupiter
To expand the horizon and think optimistically will denote these couple of days. Good news, abundant knowledge, broad outlook and plenty of communication that can boost optimism and helps with business negotiations. There is wisdom and higher knowledge to everyday interactions with joviality and great moral. Amazing time to travel or to plan your tours since both of the planets are about travel. Mercury the short commutes and Jupiter the long journey abroad.
Open up that booking website and start packing your suitcase.

12th December
Sun square Neptune
Today you may feel that nothing is clear, your motivations is lacking, your energy level is low and you may just want to escape a bit from reality which is a great idea if you are able to do it.
This aspect makes one a sponge in terms of being sensitive to energies, therefore special care needs to be taken to isolate at least energetically not to be so effected by negativity.
Music and any spiritual practice can be very healing and soothing to survive these couple of days.

13th December
Mars conjunct South Node
Going to hard on a purification, or diet or a purification process, excretions of experience, and junk in the body, Mars could be forceful with regards to this and it may decrease the life force and energy level of the body, so special care is required in this sense and caution in not overdoing cleansing.
It can be an intense, cathartic time to let go of things that don't serve you anymore.
Things from past may resurface and stir up into your consciousness, you may find yourself in an argument that is awfully reminding you to your childhood battles. These now resurface for one reasons. It is time for facing then healing and resolving past angers and karmic feuds.
19th December
Full Moon in Gemini

19th December
Venus is the archetype of love, art and beauty, in greek mythology she is the goddess Aphordite, ancient Egyptians called her mother goddess, Isis, in Vedic tradition she is Lakshmi and Saraswati. They all express everything that causes pleasure for the five senses. The visual beauty of a human body or an artwork, the sweet sound of music as a source of joy, the smell of perfume, indulgent soaps, essential oils, the preference of food for sensory stimulation, the comfort acquired through material wealth, the pleasure and intimacy of physical touch are some examples of Venusian qualities...read more


19th December
Sun sextile Jupiter
This aspect is a true, cosmic blessing, bringing you
optimism, opportunities, faith in yourself and luck because of all this above. It is very important however to take initiative and ride the opportunities as opposed to wait things out in a jovial mood. It is a great time to achieve but nothing will happen unless you make the moves.
The sun is the expression of our soul and creative, inner self, our conscious ego and our vitality. When in positive aspect to Jupiter we are able to keep focused, endowed with generosity and friendliness, we can only see the good in people and this attitude comes so naturally to us. In return, we only receive back the same. It is therefore a great time to do business deals, express yourself with wisdom and higher knowledge and generosity, to learn higher knowledge and travel to foreign places.

20th December
Mercury trine Uranus
This very futuristic planet Uranus opens up your mind to unusual territories. Often time these are connected to future, innovation, science, new age, unconventional, and divinely inspired.
Informations, new that are exciting are coming your way, you want to learn more about IT, astrology, the universe, electricity, innovations.
Friendships, communications and commute could be around and about the non traditional, high tech, avant-garde and ingenious.

24th December
Saturn square Uranus
The final meeting of the aspect of the year
This is the final time Saturn will square Uranus coming to the third quarter of the cycle between them. The aspect symbolises the old structures crumbling down just as the Tower card in tarot, so the new can make way. Earth vs Universe or man vs nature comes tension. As a result the old will crumble down, leaving behind total destruction, previous belief systems and existing structures must fall down.

25th December
Venus Rx conjunct Pluto
Reassessing, and revaluation of issues in love and relationship, crisis situations, jealousy and emotional manipulation will be featured under this influence. Your need for long term affections and power is going to increase and passion with being possessive will be running to dramatic extent. Emotions are very deep and strong under this influence not far from obsession. Romance, that mystifies love life, sexuality and power are woven into this influence. You want to build a long term committed relationship and you are not afraid to use your power in achieving your earthly, romantic goals.
Love can have the energy to heal and transform through tempestuous emotions throughout this period, you will dig deep into your fears and psyche to the cavern of your heart to purge and release then eventually rebirth long buried issues.
Venus also has financial aspect and along with Pluto especially if it's happening in the material houses can bring inheritance, money from investments, occultism, research, surgery or even sex work.
26th December
Mercury sextile Neptune
Mercury making an aspect of opportunity and possibilities to Neptune magnifies imagination, especially to do with creative communication and words. Change is in the air, although hard to pinpoint where to.
These transits favour inspiration and artistic expression. They help you understand some psychological problems. Although, the effect of these transits is that the psychological problems become more acute and this is why you notice them.

28th December
Jupiter in Pisces
Jupiter is moving into Pisces for a good five months until the 10th of May, bringing expansion, luck and abundance to this sensitive, spiritual water sign. We are all going to be feeling more tuned in, connected and in touch with our psychic senses and our own soul. It is a healing energy to soothe our sous with music, meditation, poetry and imaginative arts. Our understanding of oneness and source energy is going to expand, there will be opportunities to reach a new, a deeper level of awareness.
We will be truly inspired by the magical and the ethereal and will have opportunities to expand our enjoyment of all the wonderful things in life.
It is a time when we seek out something more heavenly, to transcend earthly realities and merge with divine oneness.
There will be a deep, soul-level yearning for a more loving and kinder world, for greater charity, healing, acceptance and compassion, where there are no boundaries, no rules, no pain, no conflict and no harshness.
Pisces is a spiritual sign and Jupiter is connected to expansion and growth, spiritual businesses such as healing will thrive this year as well as all things associated with faith and belief in higher realms will really benefit from this time.
29th December
Mercury conjunct Rx Venus
It a wonderful aspect for creativity and talent, charm and sweet artistry. Venus gives the palatable pleasantness, Mercury gives the skilfulness to do more of the things that you can enjoy. You can review and improve a recent communication and interaction you might have had with someone. It is the aspect of togetherness, there is a quality of sweetness, affectionate and mental connection. The shared intellectual vibe could be the part of the spark. It is also a clue of how important communication to a partnership, to trust to togetherness. This is a great opportunity to work through stuff during this revaluation process that the retrograde Venus cycle provides. The connection happens in an earth side, therefore talking through practical issues, bringing up more psychological problems could be a theme.
Catching up with a past lover, an ex through messaging or online media is also a possibility with this aspect. More than likely you will be having a deep, transformational or healing conversation since Pluto is not far off and is certainly in the picture.

30th December
Mars sextile Saturn
Mars sextile Saturn transit regulates your energy to give the determination and endurance to succeed. You can methodically plan out your course of action in the most efficient way. A strong work ethic and attention to detail mean you can attack complex and difficult tasks.
It is also a good time to put some order in your life. It may concern any area of your life, especially if there is some chaos in it. You may find out that it is being an obstacle for you and you can make things much easier if you try to organise it.
31st December
Mercury conjunct Pluto
You are capable of great focus and depth of thought, as well as concentration. You easily become serious and pensive. Determined and sometimes exhaustive effort is a strength, and depth of perception as well. However, sometimes your desire to turn ideas inside out can work against you, to the point of obsession, suspicion, and mistrust. You are a born skeptic of anything that appears superficial or overly straightforward. You always look for a hidden meaning, desiring to get to the bottom line, and with people, to lay bare motivation. You are intellectually fascinated with all that is hidden, taboo, secret, or suppressed. You can be provocative in your communications, often subtly so. You can also be sarcastic and cutting. You can be so determined to find answers, or even to convert others to your frame of mind, that you end up wasting energy beating a dead horse. You are excellent at developing strategies and can be very clever and cunning, although this is essentially on an intellectual level — manipulation is more an intellectual exercise rather than something coming from the heart. Of course, it is up to you how to use your abilities. You enjoy a good mystery to solve, clever plot twists, and darker art forms.