the year of 2022
May Horoscopes
This page lists all the major aspects that are happening in the sky during the the months of May in the year of 2022.
For more personalised horoscopes follow my YouTube channel where I break the transits down to each zodiac sign. For horoscopes tailored exactly to YOUR individual needs book me in.

2nd May
Venus into Aries
Venus entering the bold, initiating signs of Aries means that matters of love, money and beauty will be spontaneous, quick and direct. Aries possesses huge amount of energy but does not necessarily goes all the way. We enjoy the chase of the thrill and love to seduce and express our desires enthusiastically. Might be quick to jump into an affair but just as quickly get bored and look for new exciting endeavours. Similarly, our spending habits may be more impulsive and we can display our beauty courageously and have a taste for daring entertainments.

5th May
Sun conjunct Uranus
Sun conjunct Uranus is the day of the surprises when you can expect the unexpected. It has an electrifying influence in your identity when you want to break the status quo and infuse your expression with authentic truth, out of the box behaviour and fresh new perspective that is innovative and breaks away from tradition. Depending on your personality you may find this unsettling or may welcome it to your life.
Either way it will not be a boring couple of days whiles the transit lasts.
You may feel as you want to break free and nothing can keep your interest, there is a nervous tension in the air. You want to express yourself in different ways than usual and this could be anything from a fresh new look of shocking demeanour that may raise eyebrows.
Uranus is the planet of future and higher truth and your core which is the Sun is strongly influenced by that.
6th May
Mercury sextile Venus
Very good influence on friendships and social life because of harmonious and charming interactions. All sorts of communication goes well since there is a willingness to be kind and diplomatic. Business negotiating are dealt with successfully because of mutual aim for collaboration and balance. Meetings and discussions have an atmosphere of pleasantness, charm and diplomacy.
If you haven't already it is hight time to restore harmony and love into all relationships because you feel at ease expressing your thoughts and you do that with love and beauty.
It is a good time to confess love in relationship. Words will be well received as a source of love and pleasure.
Art, especially creative writing is well received and appreciated.

6th May
Sun sextile Mars
During Sun positive aspect to Mars we want to be as active as possible. We are able to achieve a lot through especially physical activities. These couple of days we are tireless with zest for life with feeling strong both in your body and mind.
Our self confidence is at its high, physical vitality is at maximum, our courages, leadership ability is second to none.
During these couple of day we should follow our desires, with enthusiasm, our personal charisma and natural creative potential will make it easier to achieve any goal we might want to accomplish. It favours competitive spirit but also to stamina to follow through.

10th May
Mercury retrograde in Gemini
The planet of communication moving retrograde in its own sign the one of communication, thinking and learning marks a time when we need to rethink, rewrite, edit, relearn the way we express our thoughts. Mishaps might happen when conversing, the thought process might me sluggish, problems and delays with paperwork, travels, marketing, media is quite likely.
There could be gossips and information might be delayed, distorted. This is the time that allow us to reexamine, make amends and fixed those past issues so we can have clearer, more purposeful communication moving forward.
Mercury then moves back to Taurus on the 22nd where it brings money and value into the picture. More revision and practicality of ideas, budgets and values needed before we can manifest them into the material world.
As always the advise is: read the fine print, take your time, don't rush into anything and make amends for the future.
How is your sign effected? Find out here

11th May
Jupiter ingress to Aries
Jupiter the planet of luck, abundance, wisdom, higher knowledge and long distance travel will be moving into Aries the first sign of the zodiac. It is great news for all Aries natives, but of course the collective meaning is that we, humans will experience luck, growth and opportunity if we tune and tap into our initiating, leader, courageous and enthusiastic abilities, energies.
There will be growth in starting and pioneering exciting new endeavours, where bravery and leadership will take precedence over waiting around to see what happens. Aries likes to take action so opportunities will favour the ones who are ready to make the move...
How is your sign effected? Find out here

13th May
Sun conjunct North Node
This aspect always signifies being in the eclipse season when the fated, karmic lunar nodes are aligning with the luminaries. This day signifies a piece of unfolding destiny, the chaotic energy that the eclipse brings into your life. There could be confrontations with authority figures a climax of some sort or a turning point, where you first feel that there is no going back from here. The point of no return, where you are guided not so gently towards your purpose, that feels that is beyond your control. However fated it is you must allow changes to happen first, because they are bound to happen. Secondly, not wanting to accept will only cause further upsets that are unnecessary. Remember, North Node is the future karma, and Sun shines light on it that day. Rahu (North Node in Vedic astrology) also brings you tangible, material possession. Sun is also the ago, that can be amplified with the lunar node energy. Today is the day when you can put yourself out there to shine and put yourself first, selfishly even.

15th May
Sun square Saturn
When Sun meet Saturn in the tense aspect, Saturn the planet of limits, duty and karmic debts dims Sun's light, his ability to shine, your self-expression becomes rather limited and your ego is blocked, shut down. There is not a lot of self confidence during these days and your fears might keep you trapped from performing or creating. It feels as someone throws a damper on your ability to have fun and enjoy yourself. No, this is not a lighthearted, party time. You could be called out for a past mistake that you have long forgotten about. A responsibility may feel now especially heavy and burdensome. Your mood is more pessimistic, negative with a tendency to feel depressed because of the heavy karma coming in as a boss, a parent or an authority figure who is calling you to account, giving you harsh criticism even s bully at times. It's not a long lasting influence, unless Saturn is transiting the natal Sun. It's best to accept if you have to pay for past mistakes, learn from it and put your head down, and work through it meticulously, patiently with no or very little reward for your hard work. If you are able to meet you responsibilities there will be reward later down the line when Sun and Saturn join again in a harmonious aspect with each other.

16th May
Blood Moon Lunar eclipse in Scorpio
The Super Flower Blood Moon Total Lunar Eclipse that is happening on the16th of May 4:12 AM, GMT and is occurring on the 25thËš Scorpio. Lunar eclipses are very potent full moons, however the light of the full moon is obstructed by the lunar node this time the south node of the moon, that is connected to the past karma. Well more scientifically, the Moon goes into the shadow of the sun so called umbra, where all direct light of the sun is blocked. The Moon takes on its reddish colour because of a phenomenon called Rayleigh scattering, a similar phenomena happens during sunrise or sunset. From the colours of the sunlight the longer wavelength red ones are only able to reach the moon turning it into a reddish looking whilst the totality lasts, about 1 and half hours....read more here

16th May
Venus conjunct Chiron
Insecurity and awareness of your wounding are highlighted and begging to be acknowledged. Relationships may become hurtful and healing on this day, when the wounded healer joins with the archetype of love, beauty and values.
Venus is associated with attraction, so on that note you could be attracted to someone who is hurt and wounded particularly because of their vulnerability. The union of these two definitely comes with the opportunity to embrace your vulnerability and heal your heart. Chiron, when joins Venus it ‘unlocks’ her secrets, it reveals something that was hidden, overlooked and misunderstood in matters of love, art and possessions.
As a first step you may become aware of what hurts, then you can start healing through purging and crisis by delving into the pain, of feeling it, embracing it, opening our heart to it.
Finally your pain transforms into a gift when shyness becomes self value and serene confidence, low self-esteem grows into emotional maturity and anger turns into passion.

18th May
Mars Neptune conjunction
This transit marks the time when you may feel as you lost your enthusiasm, energy and sense of loss of direction. You may feel lethargic, you may run out of steam and as a result your actions can lack a sense of purpose.
The more negative manifestations of this transit can be aggressive deception, dishonest and disingenuous actions, there could be a fog and confusion in how you proceed or you might need to sacrifice something in order to reach your goal, desires. In light of currant affairs could easily mean use of chemical weapons that can lead to a sense of paranoia. A powerful military personnel can disappear, dissolve.
On a more positive note it is a good day to make and act of compassion and kindness, to do spiritual practises.
How you handle this confusing energy is very much up to personal aspects of your Mars and Neptune.
Regardless, one needs to try to take precautions to manifest a more positive outcome if the difficult transit. You can pursue a spiritual goal, try and heal someone, chase your dreams or meditate and go on a spiritual trip.
19th May
Sun trine Pluto
Powerful self expression even overbearing behaviour could be characterised. by these couple of days. You can get a great deal done during this transit and that's because it comes with intensity and the need to dig deep, look in the hidden corners, shine light on secretive and dark issues that were buried under the ground. You can project this magnetic aura, that mesmerises people to the extent of the obsession. Good time to find reveal truth, investigate, look at a subject with a magnifying glass.

20th May
Mercury sextile Jupiter
Expanding the horizon and thinking optimistically will denote these couple of days. Good news, abundant knowledge, broad outlook and plenty of communication that can boost optimism and helps with business negotiations. There is wisdom and higher knowledge to everyday interactions with joviality and great moral. Amazing time to travel or to plan your tours since both of the planets are about travel. Mercury the short commutes and Jupiter the long journey abroad.
Open up that booking website and start packing your suitcase.
21st May
Mercury casimi in Gemini
Mercury is in the heart of the sun. In effect on Saturday evening between 16:00 and 23:00 GMT on the critical OËš Gemini.
Mercury considered invisible and burnt here, think about Icarus who’s wings were burnt because he flew too close to the sun. However, these couple of hours while Mercury is actually in the heart of the sun (17 minutes within the exact conjunction) are very fortunate and lucky. During those hours in the afternoon an important message could be delivered to you from the Gods via Mercury who was Hermes the messenger of the Gods. Keep yourself open to receive the message, download your epic insights directly from the universe. It can arrive to you in many forms as a dream, you may hear something important once you turn your device on, you may open a book and something grabs your attention..... have a notebook ready the day to record your divine downloads. You can ask also from the Gods depending on the house position of Mercury in Gemini. Where is Gemini in your chart? Check here
Mercury casimi... in the heart of the King it is going to be a very fortunate day to launch any new endeavour connected to studies, words, paperwork, short journeys, sales and marketing, important meetings should be scheduled at this hour or if you want to have a VIP conversation with someone this is the time to do it.

22nd May
Mars sextile Pluto
These two powerful planets in positive aspect to each other will push you into action. Now you can make great physical effort with determination and unbounded confidence to get to your desired goal. You can utilise your inner warrior power to move into leadership roles with a little danger that might be overpowering others.
It gives tremendous amount of power to achieve good results in sport due to the immense energy this aspect provides.
Intense sexual encounters can be part of the experience, your sexual drive is insatiable.
23rd May
Sun sextile Jupiter
This aspect is a true, cosmic blessing, bringing you
optimism, opportunities, faith in yourself and luck because of all this above. It is very important however to take initiative and ride the opportunities as opposed to wait things out in a jovial mood. It is a great time to achieve but nothing will happen unless you make the moves.
The sun is the expression of our soul and creative, inner self, our conscious ego and our vitality. When in positive aspect to Jupiter we are able to keep focused, endowed with generosity and friendliness, we can only see the good in people and this attitude comes so naturally to us. In return, we only receive back the same. It is therefore a great time to do business deals, express yourself with wisdom and higher knowledge and generosity, to learn higher knowledge and travel to foreign places.

24th May
Mercury re-enters Taurus
When Mercury re-enters Taurus is a paramount time to examine your relationship to money, values and possessions. You might need to re-thing and re-examine how you spent your money, what is your connections to the material aspect of life? What is that you value? You need to re-focus on things that are bringing long-term values and flourish, nourish you materially as well as give you a feeling of safety, security. Your mind needs to be more practical and very business oriented. You might need to re-learn about nature, beauty, what you value, what gives you the feeling of comfort and security.
24th May
Venus sextile Saturn
Venus sextile Saturn transit increases your need for companionship. You want to feel loved and valued by someone but it must be serious and true love. With an existing partner, you will look for reassurance or more commitment, but will also be dutiful about making them happy and content.New relationships are possible but you will not be interested in one-night stands. You are more likely to attract serious types or those also interested in long-term commitment. Often, teacher-student type relationships are possible, or there may be a marked age difference.
Even though love is important, you will take a practical and common-sense approach. This especially applies to solving any recent difficulties. Resolutions can be found and there should be a mutual understanding and acknowledgment when a relationship has run its course.
Doing business is favoured under this transit. Investing in blue-chip stocks, real estate, or works of art is preferred. This would be a good time to start a savings plan but also for paying off debt. Your creative talents can be put to use in anything requiring detail and organisation

24th April
Venus sextile Saturn
Stable feeling characterise thses couple of days. Vhen Venus eligns with Saturn the the people around are not too many but they are reliable, loyal and trustworthy. It is a good time to commit to relationship if you have one that is worthy of it. If you are looking for realtinship now you can attract a serious one, that will not be a one night stand and commen sense, practicality will be woven into the energies.
Saturn has a stabilsing effect on your finances too. You are very responsible when it comes to money and because of that doing business is very favourable during the tramsit.
24th April
Mars ingress to Aries
Mars into Aries in his home sign denotes a time when your action, your warrior spirit and energy level is in its hight. Spontaneity, initiation, enthusiasm flares up in a spark of inspiration but dies down just as quickly. This is not the energy of a marathon but the energy of a quick sprint. The fire flares up but cannot be sustained long term. Its cardinal fire. The spark that ignites.
Mars will meet Jupiter the planet of expansion, soon after his ingress to Aries, and Chiron, the wounded healer later on at the time of the full Moon. So this will be an eventful two months front of us whilst Mars is in his home-sign.
Mars being the God of war connected to all physical energy, our raw power will increase tremendously. It is a good idea to find some kind of outlet for this amplified energy before it bursts into unhealthy manifestations as injuries, accidents or violent rage.

Deep thoughts

25th May
Mercury trine Pluto
Mercury trine Pluto transit is ideal for asking for favours and talking people into things. Your brain is very powerful under this influence and it gives the power of penetration at the mental level. This could be applied to sales work, debating, bargaining, or negotiating favourable deals in business or major purchases like houses and cars.
Just as you can have a profound influence on others, you may meet someone who deeply affects you through some idea, or plan, or it could be the beginning of a karmic friendship or successful partnership. Socialising for the sake of it may not be appealing as a serious discussion.
Gains can be made if you are on the wrong side of the law. Your understanding and perception will be deep when it comes to the underworld such as drugs and crime. But your ability to deeply understand things is probably best applied to research and investigation, uncovering secrets, and psychological self-analysis. A good time to understand astrology at a deeper level.

27th May
Venus square Pluto
The planetary energies of Pluto and Venus together certainly packs a punch - the direction the energy takes (in regards to higher or lower vibrational expression) depends on the sacred geometric aspect their in… with a square (such as this) the most intensified, stress filled, crisis driven plot lines ensue ultimately requiring that some sort of change be made. This will most directly affect those with Cardinal sign (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) planets or points around the later degrees of the sign - 27º to 29º most intensely. I have my natal nodes at 29º of Aries and Libra and I am DEFINITELY feeling this one - what placements do you have here?
With Venus at the last few degrees of Aries (ruled by God of War Mars) and being fueled by the co-presence of Jupiter and Mars - we will NO DOUBT see some big, bold, aggressive, confrontational, toxic, potentially impulsive and unyielding energies playing out whether it be on the world stage or in your personal lives. It may be unbelievably difficult to resist temptation for some, leading to secret scandals and self-destruction. Others may experience this on a more internal, psychological level working through their own relationship with power or maybe obsessive thirst for addictions and behavioral patterns plaguing them from the past.

Venus ingress to Taurus
28th May
After the intensity that Venus was involved in the past few days (see the previous post I made on Venus square Pluto), we have a really nice clearing of energy-related to our ability to feel beautiful and worthy, connect with others, build a healthier relationship with money & finances, magnetise what you desire towards you, and step further into sensuality. Venus leaves the 29º of Aries - the sign of her detriment where she operates from more brash, self-centred, and aggressive energy and separates from the square to Pluto which may have increased power plays in relationships and even drudged up some of our deepest fears and insecurities. She has now entered her home sign of Taurus where she will stay until June 21st.
Venus in Taurus basques in natural beauty, simple comforts, and luxuries, rich aromas, and fine foods that make the taste buds pop! Experiencing the material plane through the 5 senses - enjoying the simplicity of your soft hair running through your fingertips, gentle massages with a lover, candlelit dinners on the patio at sunset, the easy listening of music that lights up your soul, and taking a stroll through your neighbourhood admiring the new plant & flower growth as the warmth of the sun gently caresses your skin.

29th May
Mars conjunct Jupiter
Jupiter and Mars coming together in the sign of Aries is a huge transit that denotes a time when energy levels are amplified, the spark of inspiration is at its peak. We are taking direct and action that is intensified Mars is the planet of movement, effort towards our goal and desires, Jupiter being the largest planet expands everything it touches. It increases our courage, motivation, the willpower and the passion to be proactive and outreach for what we want to achieve. Jupiter brings wisdom, therefore unless it is severely aspected in natal chart this suggest that our ability to push things forward is towards your endeavour or embark on a brand new journey towards your desire is the right but overwhelming action. With such magnified energy always there is a danger of burning out, channelling this cosmic push in the right way is very much recommended to avoid being exhausted and run out of steam.