the year of 2023
September Horoscopes
This page lists all the major aspects that are happening in the sky during the the months of July in the year of 2022.
For more personalised horoscopes follow my YouTube channel where I break the transits down to each zodiac sign. For horoscopes tailored exactly to YOUR individual needs book me in.

4th September
Mercury trine Jupiter
Our minds are expanded and open to ideas outside of our experience. Abstract ideas flow and intellectual growth flourishes. Literal and metaphorical travel broadens our horizons. The big picture looks really good…
It also brings optimism and good news. Research, study, and socialising are favoured, and this is one of the best transits for making plans because of your good instincts, future-oriented, and positive thinking. This is also the ideal time to clean up and organise anything from your office to your life.
Planning or setting off on a journey is favoured, especially long-distance travel. Your open-mindedness and progressive outlook enable you to increase your general knowledge and expand your horizons. Particular areas of study which may interest you include religion, law, language, and philosophy.
Your investigative mind is expanded during these couple of days and open to ideas that are deep and outside of your experience.
Abstract thoughts flow and intellectual growth flourishes. Literal and metaphorical travel broadens our horizons. The big picture looks really good and now somehow manage to intertwine it with the small details too.
This aspect also brings optimism and good news, and a great desire to learn. Research, study, and socialising are favoured, and this is one of the best transits for making plans because of your good instincts, future-oriented, and positive thinking. This is also the ideal time to clean up and organise anything from your office to your life.
Planning or setting off on a journey is favoured, especially long-distance travel. Your open-mindedness and progressive outlook enable you to increase your general knowledge and expand your horizons. Particular areas of study which may interest you include religion, law, language, and philosophy.

4th September
Venus direct in Leo
Finally, on September 4th, Venus gracefully turns her gaze in the right direction. After 40 days of introspection and reevaluation, our period of reflection comes to an end. During this time, we've reached conclusions regarding our missteps in various one-on-one relationships—be they for enjoyment, affection, profession, or family. Some of these relationships may have reached their conclusion, as Venus has twice encountered the challenging influence of Uranus. This celestial dance culminates on September 29th, marking the final square between them. When Venus, symbolising both financial matters and relationships, encounters the disruptive energy of Uranus, it prompts us to seek liberation or embark on unforeseen and sudden journeys. Given the current retrograde motion of Uranus and Jupiter in the domain of the Material Girl, ♉️ Taurus, a tendency towards impulsive spending may arise.
In any case, the direct motion of Venus is an eagerly anticipated event. It promises smoother currents in the area where Venus currently resides in your personal horoscope chart. To uncover additional insights, identify the house governed by the confident Leo ♌️.
As Venus graces Leo, the zodiac sign of creation and performance, it urges us to pay heed to our values, self-esteem, financial aspects, and, most importantly, self-love. By valuing our individual selves, we cultivate greater respect and admiration from others. This harmonious flow enriches all aspects of life, allowing love to recapture its essence of splendor and grandeur. The impending connection with Jupiter instills us with hope and positivity, affirming that the decisions we've made were suitable and empowering. Strengthened by these choices, we can confidently progress from a position of assurance and affirmation.
4th September
Jupiter retrograde
When Jupiter turns on his backspin our ability to have luck, prosperity, wisdom and expansion is more internalised.
This year Jupiter turns retrograde the day when Venus turns direct and having aspects from both Venus and Mercury this is a pretty good Jupiter feeling internally. After the arrival to a very good place from the Venus retrograde with a sense of hope and optimism, the whole of September is really giving us great feeling of coming into a happy place where we can indulge our senses a bit, but also expand our minds, or travel, or learn, maybe speak a lot, teach a lot, travel a lot, despite delays, there is a luck element to these things.

6th September
Mercury cazimi
Mercury is finally set to pass the Sun, and with that, move through its Cazimi, a period of time when Mercury’s energies are said to be elevated and at “the lap of the King.” Throughout Mercury’s very brief Cazimi - four short hours around the exact second - , Mercurial tasks are empowered with a blessing from the Sun.This is a turning point of this Mercury retrograde cycle. By this time we have had a good understanding of how we've got into this mess of Mercury retrograde situation and what is this all about so we can untangle and sort things out. It is a rebirth of a new beginning for Mercury itself so fresh ideas and having access to wisdom that perhaps divinely sourced is now a possibility. It is an 'aha' moment when you begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel where Mercury retrograde has pushed you into. You have a deeper awareness, and get to the truth, or so to say the 'heart' of the matter during and around the Cazimi time. A piece of insight is landing that has the potential to be problem solving in the days and weeks ahead. The message you receive from the messenger, Mercury from the divine or universe if you like it could be helpful towards health matters,, work related issues, perhaps organising, reorganising your work space in some capacity. You might get a little revelation and see things form a different perspective and that will help you understand the big picture. It is a great mental reset to start afresh in that particular area that you've found trouble some in the recent days and weeks.
Exact conjunction to the second is: 12:12 AM BST 13˚36' of Virgo♍️.
It is advisable to keep yourself open to receive the insights however this is not the condition of the message or the insight. This can come to you as a thought form, during or after mediation, you may open your phone and a message that gives you the clue. You might turn on a television and there would be a subtle hint, that'll gives you the chills since you know deep down this was meant for you.
Often this will be connected to your house area where Mercury is this time around. So which of your house is occupied by Virgo his should also give you some further tip or clue.

8th September
Sun trine Jupiter
The sun in Virgo trining Jupiter in Taurus is a true, cosmic blessing, bringing you optimism, opportunities, faith in yourself and luck because of all this above. It is very important however to take initiative and ride the opportunities as opposed to wait things out in a jovial mood. It is a great time to achieve but nothing will happen unless you make the moves.
The sun is the expression of our soul and creative, inner self, our conscious ego and our vitality. When in positive aspect to Jupiter we are able to keep focused, endowed with generosity and friendliness, we can only see the good in people and this attitude comes so naturally to us. In return, we only receive back the same. It is therefore a great time to do business deals, express yourself with wisdom and higher knowledge and generosity, to learn higher knowledge and travel to foreign places.

15th September
Mercury direct, New Moon in Virgo
Embracing the promising energies with the New Moon in Virgo
On September 15th at 01:39 GMT, a New Moon will rise in the diligent and humble sign of Virgo, precisely at 21°58'. It's time for a fresh perspective on matters related to work, organisation, practical interests, health, and daily responsibilities. The chart of this New Moon is predominantly influenced by the earth element with a touch of water, calling for a period of birthing material and pragmatic projects, characterised by a keen eye for details and a systematic approach.
The energy pattern of this practical New Moon resembles that of a kite, a rare and dynamic configuration that holds exceptional potential but also places significant demands on its owner— in this case, any endeavour or journey you embark upon in your Virgo-ruled house. You can find out here which house Virgo occupies in your horoscope for a more ......
16th September
Sun trine Uranus
Sun sextile Uranus helps with a positive change in career, life, friendship even marriage. You are beginning to except the possibility of a change of scenery in all areas of your life. Exciting new horizon is just about to be outlined before you and your self identity is intuitively needing a change as situations became a bit stale. Your friends and community is supporting that. You personality is craving more freedom and more stimulating environment. Your interest may spark towards learning about science, astrology, cosmic consciousness and modern high technology, the internet.
Flashes of insights might come to you out of the blue and excite your consciousness about things out of the ordinary and unusual.
You friendships and communities are turning into more culturally diverse and more excepting of the unorthodox, the unconventional, people with different social, cultural back rounds.

17th September
Sun square Jupiter
A general benevolence, an overly optimistic attitude and self expression characterised by this transit. There is a tendency to promise but not deliver because of the inability to realistically view ones capabilities. You may have a tendency to exaggerate, overstate and overplay something that usually people do not really like, since you may over promote mostly the ego.
If however you are looking for newly found confidence this is a good aspect for it. It will definitely boosts your self belief, however still there is a need to watch what you promise, and what you expect even from your own self and how big you are going to inflate your own ego. Don't boast of what you have or can do, as it can easily bite you in the back. Sun is usually responsible for our self expression and pride and Jupiter is going to overextend that during this transit. However difficult that is, try to remember these days: 'less is more'.

19th September
Sun opposite Neptune
Today you may feel that nothing is clear, your motivations is lacking, your energy level is low and you may just want to escape a bit from reality which is a great idea if you are able to do it. This is an aspect when your are letting go and going with the flow. Things may slow down, get dissolved or get washed away, like the sandcastles on the beach by the change of tide. You may not have a structure, a shape or form for your day toady and because of that you will be less productive than usual. You certainly won't be as clearheaded as normally and so postpone big decisions for another day when you mind and intellect is a bit sharper.
This aspect also makes one a sponge in terms of being sensitive to energies, therefore special care needs to be taken to isolate at least energetically not to be so effected by negativity.
Music and any spiritual practice can be very healing and soothing to survive these couple of days as well as compassion and assuming that everybody does their bests and they mean no harm even if they've let you down.

Autumn Equinox
Out with the heatwaves and in with snuggling up in knitted sock and cardigans, sipping pumpkin lattes and cinnamon cappuccinos whilst the sounds of autumn rain is dropping on your windows and rusty leaves rattling in the wind.

23rd September
Venus trine Chiron
As Venus trines Chiron, we are invited to explore the profound potential for healing and growth within our relationships and emotional well-being. This harmonious alignment creates an opportunity for us all to cultivate deep self-acceptance and compassion for ourself and others. We may find that our interactions with loved ones become more gentle and empathetic, allowing for greater understanding and connection.
This transit encourages us to embrace our vulnerabilities and past wounds, recognising them as sources of wisdom and strength. By acknowledging and integrating our emotional pain, we can nurture a sense of wholeness and inner peace. This may involve seeking out healing modalities such as therapy, artistic expression, or engaging in heartfelt conversations with trusted confidantes.
Reflecting on this transit, consider how you can cultivate more self-love and acceptance in your relationships. How can you extend kindness and understanding to yourself and others? How can your past wounds be transformed into sources of empathy and compassion? Embrace the healing power within you and allow it to permeate your connections with others.
Remember, this transit does not guarantee a specific outcome, but rather offers you an opportunity to tap into the transformative potential of love and acceptance. By embracing vulnerability and approaching relationships with an open heart, you can create a space for healing and growth.

21st September
Sun trine Pluto
Powerful self expression for some even overbearing behaviour could be characterised. by these couple of days. You can get a great deal done during this transit and that's because it comes with intensity and the need to dig deep, look in the hidden corners, shine light on secretive and dark issues that were buried under the ground. You can project this magnetic aura, that mesmerises people to the extent of the obsession. Good time to find and reveal truth, investigate, look at a subject with a magnifying glass, discover truths about your essence, you identity.
There is intensity, desire and depth on this day. Deep strong focus, you can create a great progress.
On another level, astrology can be very literal.
Sun means royalty, Pluto is death, burial, given that Pluto is the roman Hades, the god of underworld.
Today is the funeral of great Queen Elizabeth II in London in St Georges Chapel where she will be resting eternally.
It will me an emotionally charged, intense and transformational day, that will be remembered by many.

24th September
Mars opposite Chiron
Chiron is often associated with our deepest wounds and the path to healing them. It represents our inner wounds, insecurities, and vulnerabilities that we may have carried since childhood.
When Mars and Chiron are in opposition, they are 180 degrees apart in the zodiac. This aspect creates tension between the energy of Mars and the energy of Chiron, as they are essentially pulling in opposite directions. This can manifest as an inner conflict between our desire to take action and our fears or insecurities that hold us back.
For people, this opposition can bring up deep-seated wounds and insecurities that may have been buried for some time. It can also trigger our defense mechanisms, causing us to become defensive or reactive when confronted with challenges.
However, with self-awareness and reflection, this opposition can also offer growth and healing opportunities. It can push us to confront our inner demons and work on healing our deepest wounds, ultimately leading to greater self-awareness, personal growth, and transformation.

25th September
Mercury trine Jupiter
Our minds are expanded and open to ideas outside of our experience. Abstract ideas flow and intellectual growth flourishes. Literal and metaphorical travel broadens our horizons. The big picture looks really good…
It also brings optimism and good news. Research, study, and socialising are favoured, and this is one of the best transits for making plans because of your good instincts, future-oriented, and positive thinking. This is also the ideal time to clean up and organise anything from your office to your life.
Planning or setting off on a journey is favoured, especially long-distance travel. Your open-mindedness and progressive outlook enable you to increase your general knowledge and expand your horizons. Particular areas of study which may interest you include religion, law, language, and philosophy.
Your investigative mind is expanded during these couple of days and open to ideas that are deep and outside of your experience.
Abstract thoughts flow and intellectual growth flourishes. Literal and metaphorical travel broadens our horizons. The big picture looks really good and now somehow manage to intertwine it with the small details too.
This aspect also brings optimism and good news, and a great desire to learn. Research, study, and socialising are favoured, and this is one of the best transits for making plans because of your good instincts, future-oriented, and positive thinking. This is also the ideal time to clean up and organise anything from your office to your life.
Planning or setting off on a journey is favoured, especially long-distance travel. Your open-mindedness and progressive outlook enable you to increase your general knowledge and expand your horizons. Particular areas of study which may interest you include religion, law, language, and philosophy.

29th September
Venus square Uranus
The planet of love coming into a hard aspect to the planet of sudden change, brings you into a state of unexpected twists in love and relationship matters. You may have a desire to innovate your emotional life to a degree that you may risk even losing it. The desire to have something else though it is nearly erratic and may happen out of the blue. Uranus is the lighting bolt, the god of the sky hit within a split second and you find yourself in a whole different scenario as expected.
Stability is not something that it is on the table for these couple of days. Freedom however is a strong desire that you can't resist now. You can expect shocking break ups, separations that are happening out of the blue, without warning. It does not have to be love relationship, can happen amongst friends too.
Your urge for excitement stretches to the financial sphere too, therefore you might end up risking here a bit more than it would be comfortable. This dynamic alignment challenges the status quo and encourages a break from routine, leading to sudden attractions or impulsive spending. While it can bring thrilling experiences, it may also introduce instability and unexpected changes in romantic or financial matters. Embracing flexibility and open-mindedness during this period is crucial, as it offers an opportunity to explore new possibilities and liberate ourselves from old patterns. Navigating this transit with an adventurous spirit can lead to transformative experiences and a greater sense of personal freedom.

29th September
Full Moon in Aries
Coming soon
30th September
This very futuristic planet Uranus opens up your mind to unusual territories. Often times, these are connected to future, innovation, science, new age, unconventional, and divinely inspired.
Informations, new that are exciting are coming your way, you want to learn more about IT, astrology, the universe, electricity, innovations.
Friendships, communications and commute could be around and about the non traditional, high tech, avant-garde and ingenious.
This is the day of thinking outside of the box. Your mind is stimulated by sudden ideas, futuristic plans, original thoughts and these are all opportunities for unusual insights with unconventional approach to things. Your routines may just flow out of the window today, make sure there is room for flexibility. Surprising news might make your jaw drop and evoke erratic behaviour of some sort. Information can speed up to the degree that it may become impossible to process on the spot. There could be nervous tension that leads to electrifying experiences.
These couple of days are characterised by surprising and exciting news, open mindedness and discussion about innovation and change. Uranus, like a lightening bolt can give you divine insights. Chances are that you have an open mind to accept anything that is unconventional, breaks off traditions in friendships, communication, learning and short trips. You enjoy a conversation with someone that stimulates your intellect, you might discover friends different from you cultural back rounds. Learning and interacting with hight tech, information technology could be something in your agenda. You could expand your horizon to study astrology or a new age science.
Your mindset is unique and that takes you to brand new horizons and possibilities.