the year of 2022
March Horoscopes
This page lists all the major aspects that are happening in the sky during the the months of March in the year of 2022.
For more personalised horoscopes follow my YouTube channel where I break the transits down to each zodiac sign. For horoscopes tailored exactly to your needs book me in.

2nd March
New Moon in Pisces
Breath of hope and optimism with New Moon in Pisces...Pisces is the sign of dreams and magic, that happens in the mind first as a vision. The dream, the picture in the mind is the first step of conscious manifestation. Having a perfect picture in your imagination, a vision of your desire, is where everything begins. Dreams are the fuel of creation, the most powerful way to awaken your inventive intelligence....read more

2nd March
Mercury conjunct Saturn
Not only the Sun and the Moon but any other conjunction signifies new beginnings. Saturn and Mercury are also coming into alignment during the new lunar phase beginning of March. Mercury rules the mind and communication and Saturn has association with seriousness and responsibility. This adds some seriousness to the picture when you are able to apply yourself to mentally challenging tasks too, or you communicate your ideas with a sense of maturity and sobriety. You are definitely not fooling around. Since this is an exact aspect during the lunation, the heaviness will be dominating over optimism and joviality. Saturn is also related with longevity, reality, rules and regulation hence whatever project you may begin now will be there for the long term and it indicates grounding and connections with rules and laws of some sort. It is happening in the sign of Aquarius therefore it signifies new beginnings in terms of your social circle, long term goals and wishes, so the importance of dream reoccurs again with this very strong aspect.
2nd March
Venus, Mars conjunct Pluto
The Pluto, Mars and Venus triple conjunction is very significant. On a personal level this is the most passionate and creative conjunction, that is signalling new passionate relationships for those who are out seeking one, making you feel more attractive or a new cycle of love ❤️ perhaps a sexual union that is extreme, intense and perhaps a little obsessive as well. It can also pinpoint the beginning of a new creative financial project that has to do with shared finances, investments or inheritance. Mars is the most powerful energy in this alliance therefore the exalted and strategic planet's warrior spirit unites with the obsessive, extreme Pluto causing rage, destruction and lust for power. On a more personal level this partnership indicates a massive surge of desire, unstoppable energy and strength to fight for your goal. You will be bursting out with initiating, creative power that, if channelled in the right direction, can cause major transformation in your life.

Valentines day - 3rd March
Venus, Mars & Pluto conjunction
Your need for long term affections and power is going to increase and passion with being possessive will be running to dramatic extent. Emotions are very deep and strong under this influence not far from obsession. Romance, that mystifies love life, sexuality and power are woven into this influence. You want to build a long term committed relationship and you are not afraid to use your power in achieving your earthly, romantic goals.
Love can have the energy to heal and transform through tempestuous emotions throughout this period, you will dig deep into your fears and psyche to the cavern of your heart to purge and release then eventually rebirth long buried issues.
Pluto has an association with darker energies and especially when it is conjunct Mars, sexual abuse, rape, pedophilia and the exposure of that is highly likely.
Venus' co-presence with Mars is going to last for months, since they are moving in the same speed. Venus, the planet of love and pleasure is not happy until April .....read more

5th March
Sun conjunct Jupiter
This day will be filled with optimism, opportunity and joviality. You will broaden your perspective to what's possible and will able to see, as a visionary, the bigger picture that is just about to unfold before you. With exceptional self belief, you are inspired by philosophy and you aspire towards greater horizons. Your identity and self expression is more prominent than usual and your level of confidence is second to none. The combination of these energies is therefore bringing opportunities to you, as if you are in the right place at the right time. Your presence and outlook in life is warm, engaging, generous and philosophical but without going over the top and stepping on people's toes.
Authority figures are generous and there is a sense of goodwill coming from them.
It is a great time to travel internationally during this influence to meet foreign people and to expand your view through this experience.

6th March
Venus conjunct Mars
The final Venus Mars conjunction is going to happen on the 1st degree of Aquarius on the 6th of March 2022.
Each conjunction is a beginning of a new cycle, with regards to Venus and Mars the lovers of the zodiac it is very likely that a new cycle of love or ,since Venus rules money too, a new financial cycle is going to begin. With regards to the new cycle it is something connected to dreams and wishes, a futuristic long term goal that began in 2020 December. Look at the house position in your own chart here this will shed light and look back at your calendar, what long term project began for you around that time. This is now going to get realigned and will be reactivated by Mars and Venus, brining a new energy of love 💕, passion and financials to your project.

13 March
Sun conjunct Neptune
During the transit, that usually lasts 2-3 days, you are extraordinarily sensitive, caring and gentle. There could be confusion with self expression and ego that becomes vulnerable soaks up the energy that is surrounded by. Today is easy to drift off and just daydream, there is less focus and more tendency to escape into other realms. Spirituality and psychic ability is heightened, with artistic interest or getting lost in music. Meditation 🧘♂️ yoga 🧘♀️ and charitable, compassionate acts are favoured. You are more altruistic and intuitive than usual.
The ability to soak up negative energies paired with very sensitive feelings and escapist tendencies makes you prone to substance abuse, such as drugs and alcohol. It is very hard to focus on reality, your imagination takes you to your own existence.

18th March
Full Moon in Virgo
Deep and powerful full Moon will bring closure and culmination to plans, projects and endeavours that began on the new Moon in Pisces 2 weeks ago, or for longer term intentions, programs that began about 6 months ago with the Virgo New Moon or even 18 months ago with the previous lunation in Virgo. Very profound but somewhat uncomfortable changes are on the horizon depending on your personal house placement of the Virgo Moon🌕 . Check where Virgo falls in your chart here.
We are all tired of the same old so there is a desire for change the status quo because our comfort and interpersonal relationships became intolerable and agonising with pain... read more.

19th March
Venus square Uranus
The planet of love coming into a hard aspect to the planet of sudden change, brings you into a state of unexpected twists in love and relationship matters. You may have a desire to innovate your emotional life to a degree that you may risk even losing it. The desire to have something else though it is nearly erratic and may happen out of the blue. Uranus is the lighting bolt, the god of the sky hit within a split second and you find yourself in a whole different scenario as expected.
Stability is not something that it is on the table for these couple of days. Freedom however is a strong desire that you can't resist now. You can expect shocking break ups, separations that are happening out of the blue, without warning. It does not have to be love relationship, can happen amongst friends too.
Your urge for excitement stretches to the financial sphere too, therefore you might end up risking here a bit more than it would be comfortable.

21 March
Mercury conjunct Jupiter
Good news is one of the best manifestation of this influence. Something positive can be expected in terms of travel, news, studies, information, marketing, writing, publishing.
Mercury the planet of thinking with Jupiter, the planet of abundance and joviality, you are in a great frame of mind, full of ideas, inspiration, joy, broad horizon in your thought process. It is a very good time for learning. Exams, knowledge, crafts and masterfulness abound.
This transit favours business negotiations too. The style of meetings and discussion are warm, generous the air is filled with positivity and goodwill. Each part is happy to share and exchange information with one another.
There is an insatiable thirst for knowledge and you are able to focus on the big picture.

22nd March
Mars square Uranus
Explosions, volcanoes, earthquakes, fireworks and sudden but serious disruptions are associated with this transit.
This has never been more prominent than since Uranus is in Taurus, the sign of the very earth itself. It will shake us up, can manifest as out of control of risk taking, instability of the actions. It's the most intensely restless, dynamic energy there is. It is an energy that is very quick and things happen out of the blue, very unexpectedly, hence it is extremely hard to control. Without any warnings, there could be hasty, premature actions, when you act first, and think 💭 way too late.
Proceed very cautiously through these couple of days, careful when travelling, its a very accident prone energy, as well as with anger could be blown out of proportion, especially if issues has been suppressed, now can explode all of a sudden.
23rd March
Mercury conjunct Neptune
Mercury, the trickster of the zodiac and the planet of thinking, communication and trips can make things slightly problematic when meets Neptune the planet of spirituality, compassion and art. The reason for confusion is the two different nature of the planets. Whilst Mercury loves to organise and has a very objective and analytical way of thinking, Neptune is the planet that likes escaping and create their own reality without any boundaries. Therefore, these two don't mix well. Communication becomes confusing, mind wanders away and daydreams, when commuting we get lost and can't keep to deadlines. The greatest nightmare of Mercury is though when he wants to organise himself and his paperwork, Neptune confuses him so much that he gets lost in his administration and reality becomes very blurry, unable to show up in time and look organised.
On the other hand if we want to spend a day talking, reading and writing about spiritual topics, do lots of breath work, yoga and meditation this is a perfect day for it. Ours senses are heightened with sensitivity and our psychic perception is accurate so it does make a good day or two to spend with the unseen reality.

28th March
Venus conjunct Saturn
Saturn the planet of cold sensibility asks for a reality check in matters of the heart and finances when meets Venus. Saturn the time lord and great teacher of responsibility can inflict harsh lessons on the day when meets with Venus, the lovey dovey planet of beauty, pleasure and values. That day we will not be able to express love so much, or we may also feel that the ones we love are rather cold and critical towards us. Saturn will ask the question: is this something you can work with for a long time? Does it have a structure, a solid ground to stand on? And if you cannot answer yes wholeheartedly to his queries he might just make the decision to end things for better or worse hardheartedly.
Both matters of love and finance can suffer today, we may feel that the expenses we encounter are imposed on us unfairly as well as the warmth and generosity is lacking in our relationships and often for that reason we might even brake it off.