the year of 2023
July Horoscopes
This page lists all the major aspects that are happening in the sky during the the months of July in the year of 2023.
For more personalised horoscopes follow my YouTube channel where I break the transits down to each zodiac sign. For horoscopes tailored exactly to YOUR individual needs book me in.

1st July
Mercury Cazimi sextile Jupiter
Mercury is finally set to pass the Sun, and with that, move through its Cazimi, a period of time when Mercury’s energies are said to be elevated and at “the lap of the King.” Throughout Mercury’s very brief Cazimi - four short hours around the exact second - , Mercurial tasks are empowered with a blessing from the Sun. It is a rebirth of a new beginning for Mercury itself so fresh ideas and opportunities having access to wisdom that perhaps divinely sourced is now a possibility. It is an 'aha' moment when you begin to see the good news, or wisdom and answer to a Mercurial type of question. You have a deeper awareness, and get to the truth, or so to say the 'heart' of the matter during and around the Cazimi time. A piece of insight is landing that has the potential to be very lucky, empowered by authorities, opportunity that doesn't come about every day.The message you receive from the messenger, Mercury from the divine or universe. You might get a little revelation and see things form a different perspective and that will help you understand the big picture. It is a great mental reset to start afresh in that particular area that you've found trouble some in the recent days and weeks.
Exact conjunction to the second is: 5:05 AM GMT
9.08 second of ♋️ Cancer and because this is the world axis it can also happen in mundane astrology as a proclamation a revelation of some sort.
It is advisable to keep yourself open to receive the insights however this is not the condition of the message. This can come to you as a thought form, during or after mediation, you may open your phone and a message that gives you the clue. You might turn on a television and there would be a subtle hint, that'll gives you the chills since you know deep down this was meant for you.
Often this will be connected to your house area where Mercury is this time around. Do look for the house occupied by Cancer, this should also give you some further tip or clue.

3rd July
Full Moon in Capricorn
In the Cancer season the Capricorn full Moon we may find ourselves having to find balance between traditions, conservativeness and things from the past that we have had emotional connections to. We may need to find the middle road between being sombre, too reserved and letting our feeling flow freely, being emotional. The full moon often illuminates something we have not seen before. Now an issue from the past can come into our awareness and changes how we view things moving forward. This full. moon can also take you back to the past, maybe an old friend reappears, an old document or a picture will be found that brings back some fond or not so fond memories and you find yourself reminiscing about hearts 💕 and flowers 🌸. Since Saturn the ruler of the full Moon is in retrograde motion in Pisces, the theme of meditating on something from the past which has emotional connection is more emphasised. The ultimate message of this full moon however is to find practical and a tangible resolution from those past memories, to draw wisdom from it that can be used for our future goals. There is an element of surprise and unexpectedness, breaking free from past chains in a way that might be shocking. a sort of eye opener is woven into this influence.
This is a progressive new way to leave past where it belongs to and to look forward to something that is more upbeat and unconventional.

9th July
Mercury sextile Uranus
This transit usually brings surprising news or finding some missing information. You can find yourself in interesting, stimulating conversations, or engaging in group activities with a large number of people, catching up with friends. Your daily routines might change unexpectedly, surprising new activities might emerge out of the blue and you might end up becoming friends with people from different back rounds.
Your mind could be sparked with flashes of insights to speed up your thoughts, you can be extremely quick in grasping intellectual ideas at the right time. You can take inspiring ideas from other realms and 'download' knowledge from the divine. You can become a modern thinker with revolutionary thoughts that thinks outside of the box and your mind is free to explore everything in space, time, internet and can influence a large amount of people.

19th July
Mercury trine Neptune
"Thinking magically is highly strategic' as the motto of this energy.
Listening to the whispers of your soul, thinking magickaly, creating through your voice that set your dreams on the road of reality, on tangible practicality. Allow your heart to sing with words that create magick and explore the flickering flame of inspiration to grow into an all consuming fire.
Mercury sextile Neptune transit is good for relaxation, creativity, communication, and spiritual pursuits. Your words become soothing and can actually be healing to others. All of your senses become acute, enabling you to pick up a lot of extra information through your intuition. You may even receive spiritual information through dreams, meditation, your spirit guide, or chance encounters.
This would be a good time to do artwork or anything creative. You could write a romance or fantasy novel, but this transit is not so good for studying or writing on technical subjects. You are more attuned to the larger picture and not focusing on intricate details as much.
Mercury making an aspect of opportunity and possibilities to Neptune magnifies imagination, especially to do with creative communication and words. Change is in the air, although hard to pinpoint where to.
These transits favour inspiration and artistic expression. They help you understand some psychological problems. Although, the effect of these transits is that the psychological problems become more acute and this is why you notice them.
10th July
Mercury opposite Pluto
During these couple of days the mind can be obsessing over propaganda and deep, dark thoughts. Communication can be manipulative and overpowering, there is a tendency of trying to mold partners to conform. The style of verbal interactions may be blunt and raw to a degree that creates conflicts and confrontations. Intense mental energy and effort to investigate matters that can go all the way from fear to paranoia. Learning about the occult, secrets and taboo.
Favours all kinds of research, psychology and healing through words.
There is a need to try to tone the tendency of overpowering communication, use conscious effort to come across softer and a bit more diplomatic.

10th July
Mars into Virgo
Mars is going to stay here from July 10th til August 27th and will co exist with Virgo ruler Mercury and its retrograde motion and in the same time opposing Saturn.
This is such an efficient aspect of Mars and although they don't particularly like each other with Mercury, the action planet is slowed down in this meticulous Mercury ruled sign and tries to have very practical desires. The way we take action will be driven by the analytical mind for better or worse. The reason why Mercury and Mars don't gel is because the mind ruler Mercury can stop Mars taking action especially the instinctively driven ones and that can be a hinderance for the warrior planet. Mercury is also not fun of Mars because he likes to think first before acting, or at least not using his words as weapons, which is very much the case when Mars in Virgo coexists with Mercury.
So yes, expect all sort of verbal wars mostly due to the frustration caused by the Saturn opposition first followed by the Mercury retrograde misunderstandings and mishaps... Oh boy.... 👦
Let's see how everybody is going to be effected.

11th July
Mercury enters Leo
Mercury in the gregarious sign of Leo is a master story teller, a boisterous speaker and can make a brilliant performer. People with this placement love talking and communicating in BIG, heartfelt and theatrical ways! This is also a really great placement for leadership, mental confidence, a warm sense of humor and a need to express oneself with a little bit (or a lot) of flair.
Mercury is going to make some rather dicey connections while in the sign Leo, including a square to the Lunar Nodes, a square to Uranus and Mars in Taurus and an intense opposition to Saturn in Aquarius. Fixed signs and those with prominent Virgo or Gemini will likely face a number of frustrating obstacles throughout this transit.
However, Mercury is moving pretty quickly and soon enough it will be in its home sign of Virgo where things will move a lot more efficiently. Throughout this time try to find a deeper meaning or purpose behind the obstacles that arise. With Mercury in Leo, our thinking can become too grandiose and it may be that we overlooking important details.

12th July
Nodes leave Taurus into Aries
With the karmic Nodes of the Moon changing signs in July, the shift in love and relationships will be eminent. The north and south nodes in Vedic astrology are the most fascinating karmic points where the sun and the moon’s plane intersect. They cause the eclipses, hence bringing fated endings and new beginnings for 18 months to a new area for each and every one of us. The axis of Aries and Libra is about relationships. Relationship with the self (Aries) and with others (Libra) will be the karmic paths we will explore. To find new balance by releasing what is not serving and manifesting more independence, passion and self confidence is our new purpose.
All of us will be feeling this influence however if you have sensitive points (AC, MC) and planets in the ♈️Aries-Libra♎️ axis the effect is so much more profound. To have a clearer picture of this confusing time read this for your ascendant (AC).
To find out your ascendant follow this link, and cast your chart .

14th July
Sun sextile Uranus
Sun sextile Uranus helps with a positive change in career, life, friendship even marriage. You are beginning to except the possibility of a change of scenery in all areas of your life. Exciting new horizon is just about to be outlined before you and your self identity is intuitively needing a change as situations became a bit stale. Your friends and community is supporting that. You personality is craving more freedom and more stimulating environment. Your interest may spark towards learning about science, astrology, cosmic consciousness and modern high technology, the internet.
Flashes of insights might come to you out of the blue and excite your consciousness about things out of the ordinary and unusual.
You friendships and communities are turning into more culturally diverse and more excepting of the unorthodox, the unconventional, people with different social, cultural back rounds.
17th July
New Moon in Cancer with Mercury square Jupiter
When the Sun and the moon conjunct to the degree a new fertile cycle begins a New moon phase also known as dark moon phase when seeds are planted for new beginning of our life. Each month this new moon phase allows us to begin a fresh new page in one particular area of our life, in the fashion of the sign and in the area of that house position. So where is Cancer in your chart? Look at the house position for more clues, that makes it personal for you. The New Moon is aspected by Uranus,Neptune and Pluto, all the transcendental planets. Whilst we plant our seeds of intention almost as we are creating a new nest where we can nurture that plan, dream or project bare in mind that this New Moon energies are coming with a grain of surprise, a pinch of magic and a sprinkle of obsessiveness, so the nourishing end product will be well spiced, within two weeks, or 6 months in your house that is occupied by Cancer. Find out where Cancer lies in your personal chart here.

20th July
Sun trine Neptune & Mars opposite Saturn
Sun trine Neptune
Identifying with compassion, sensitivity and kindness. A soft, gentle and alluring self expression is present together with being compassionate, helpful, loving unconditionally.
Heightened sensitivity creates a tendency to soak up the surrounding energy, negative and positive.
Artistic skills are very strong during these days, music and arts, that involves images of the mind.
Meditation and spiritual practice with strong faith can be part of the day with vivid dreams during the night as well as strong psychic abilities.
Great day to visualise for future manifestation of ones dreams and goals.
Mars opposite Saturn
This aspect is in effect four days before the exact date and 3 days after. Those couple of days can be characterised by frustration, limited self - expression. Saturn puts obstacles to limit and criticise the passion and enthusiasm of Mars therefore causing suppressed anger and immense irritation.
There could be conflicts with authority figures, fear that overtakes courage and inhibits the will. Rules can be enforced that causes setback in actions, work. Delays are possible that push you out of deadline and generally lots of problems at work mainly because of limited, inhibited actions.
Mars symbolises sexual desires and sports too therefore only natural that the libido will be blocked and the energy for running a sprint or do any other sport activity will be limited too.
It is very important that you find an outlet for the frustration built up inside due to the difficulties this aspect brings. Temper tantrums are not the greatest way to release the built up heat inside however. Except that for now you have to put more effort in your work, sport, endeavour and will achieve less than normal. This too shall pass and the tests and challenges will be eased up once Mars moves out of the orbit of the Saturn opposition. In extreme cases the blockage can cause health issues such as broken bones so don't fight (Mars) it. Saturn is stronger and has the upper hand in this situation.

22nd July
T square between Sun, Pluto and the Nodes-creatives' strike
Sun opposite Pluto
A crisis situation may occur during these couple of days connected to identity, ego or you can find yourself in conflict with powerful people, such as authority figures. Dark themes may emerge out of nowhere, subconscious fears surface now to the conscious reality.
Whatever comes up from the underworld that was buried deep down, it will feel intense and extreme. There could be dissatisfactions with self expression and personal achievement. Psychological issues, fears of death and transformation, hidden things, secrets may be illuminated. There will be a strong need to manage fears of being taken off guard and losing control.
Keep off form manipulating, possessive and jealous people and try to not get involved with power and control plays, although there could be a weird craving for showing your darker side now.
This aspect is a clash of power maybe conflicting priorities maybe being at odds with a person or an organisation that you are dealing with. You might be dealing with some pressure to adjust your ethics or a your integrity or you are having to make a choice that is doesn't sit right with you. In a situation like that even though it might not be popular it is better to make a decision, it is ideal to stick with what's right for you or what is going to leave you in a happy place your place of feeling satisfied or place of integrity. But this Sun opposite Pluto has some friction in it where you have to navigate maybe different points of views, different intentions, With Mars Saturn opposition still within orb you want to make sure that you're cautious enough not to create more friction than what is already there.
Pluto and Sun T- squaring the Nodes
The sun is going to illuminate the peak of the ongoing Pluto square the Nodal axis all year long basically from March till November. This configuration is made a fixed T square since the Sun is involved opposite Pluto. The North node is our future collective karma, where we are heading and the South node is the collective past that we are about to leave behind. Pluto has always got to do with creating change through crisis, the sun is making things visible and powerful and rules celebrities, the creative industry. By the way this will only hit you personally and very intensely only if you have planets and points at the very end degrees of cardinal signs (♈️ , ♎️, ♋️, ♑️ and very beginning of fixed signs of ♉️ , ♌️ , ♏️ , ♒️ .
The sun puts the spotlight on and creates an incredible pressure for change, but also rules performers and creativity. Pluto is often connected to invisible power, wealth, hidden or other people's money, criminal or sexual issues. If we look at the news it's all there. Further celebrity #metoo scandals and allegations push Taiwan to toughen equality laws. (Bloomberg). Hollywood actors and writers are in strike demanding the restriction of AI as well as the invisible power of streaming giants such as Netflix, causes the industry's biggest shut down in 60 years by some 160 000 performers stopped working. (The Spectator). The development of genderism and its validation is at heights never seen before. This is to further develop in the future as the movement of Aries North Node (sexism, individualism) especially towards the end of the year when Pluto will return to Aquarius the humanitarian sign.
23rd July
Sun in Leo ♌️ Mercury square Uranus & Venus retrograde
When sun moves into Leo the holiday season also officially begins. It is the season of letting your hair down, enjoy your hobbies and entertainment, be spontaneous and tap into your creativity.
The Sun’s initial transit through the beginning of Leo is going to activate a Fixed Grand Cross with Pluto and the Nodes that has got to do with your sense of stability and creativity challenged and put into a crisis situation due the hidden powers or invisible dark forces.
Once the Sun leaves the first couple degrees of Leo the intense times and feelings quite overwhelmed, will ease off and the sun will have this even brighter more radiant quality this year. This four weeks can encourage you to shine and radiate your light and your essence in the house position occupied by Leo even stronger than usual. Something we can all learn and take away from the Sun in Leo... read more

28th July
Mercury into Virgo
Mercury, the planet of communication, thinking and trips arrives in his rulership and exaltation sign. The messenger planet loves to be in Virgo is full of dignities. That translates to what ever the purpose of Mercury, to organise, communicate, to move around, to sort out paperworks, errands, to write email, to think, to learn it as its maximum capacity. Mercury does not spend a long time in Virgo since it is at its full speed. It will spend about 3 weeks here before moves into Libra where it will begin its retrograde motion.
So before that begins start organising everything that is paperwork, write that email, sort out your routine, organise your calendar. Where ever Mercury is in your chart check here that area of your now can be organised to the perfection, to the last, tiniest detail to where ever it has to be. This is important because although Mercury is fast but due to its speed goes retrograde three times every year, so next time it will come back here it is going to be next year October.
Do you want to do marketing, selling, learning in that house position where Virgo is? Do it now!
Be like the perfect secretary in that particular area of your life.
Mercury also rules health and routine, anything you need to do in that department too, now is the time to go for it.
27th September
Mercury trine Pluto
This aspect suggests an easy opportunity to harmonise with the urge to dominate or control one’s environment. Mercury trine Pluto transit is ideal for asking for favours and talking people into things. Your brain is very powerful and you have the ability to really manipulate, influence people under this influence and it gives the power of penetration at the mental level. This could be and should be applied to the right things such as sales work, debating, bargaining, or negotiating favourable deals in business or major purchases like houses and cars.
Just as you can have a profound influence on others, you may meet someone who deeply affects you through some idea, or plan, or it could be the beginning of a karmic friendship or successful partnership. Socialising for the sake of it may not be appealing as a serious discussion.
Gains can be made if you are on the wrong side of the law. Your understanding and perception will be deep when it comes to the underworld such as drugs and crime. But your ability to deeply understand things is probably best applied to research and investigation, uncovering secrets, and psychological self-analysis. A good time to understand astrology, occultism, at a deeper level.