the year of 2022
April Horoscopes
This page lists all the major aspects that are happening in the sky during the the months of April in the year of 2022.
For more personalised horoscopes follow my YouTube channel where I break the transits down to each zodiac sign. For horoscopes tailored exactly to YOUR individual needs book me in.

1st April
New Moon in Aries
New Moons are new beginnings and the start of something that offers a promise of hope that dreams can indeed come true. Strangely enough, this new 🌙 Moon's only major aspect is the conjunction to Mercury, the planet of words, thoughts and trips as well the one to Chiron, astrologers favourite asteroid. We know Mercury rules all sorts of communication and short trips, learning new skills. New plans or endeavours will have a strong, impulsive.... read more

3rd April
Mercury conjunct Sun
and Casimi
Mercury is in the heart of the sun. In effect Sunday afternoon 12:58 - 17:58 GMT.
Mercury considered invisible and burnt here, think about Icarus who’s wings were burnt because he flew too close to the sun. However, these couple of hours while Mercury is actually in the heart of the sun (17 minutes within the exact conjunction) are very fortunate and lucky. During those hours in the afternoon an important message could be delivered to you from the Gods via Mercury who was Hermes the messenger of the Gods. Keep yourself open to receive the message which can arrive to you in many forms as a dream, you may hear something important once you turn your device on, you may open a book and something grabs your attention..... hear the news. You can ask also from the Gods depending on the house position of Mercury in Aries. Where is Aries in your chart? Check here
Mercury casimi... in the heart of the King
Also on that day both Sun and the Moon the two luminaries of the sky are in exalted position, still in the new Moon phase it is going to be a very fortunate day to launch any new endeavour connected to studies, words, paperwork, short journeys, sales and marketing.
5th April
Mars conjunct Saturn
Mars and Saturn completing the cycle of the energies that began in 31st of March 2020. This was one of the aspects that started off the pandemic. This cycle is closing, so naturally we hear less and less about the global illness, however a new Saturn Mars cycle of two years is going to begin. Because of the nature of Saturn 🪐 which is restrictive, slow, hardworking and that of Mars which is the warrior spirit with fast enthusiastic energy and aggression, the energy in this union becomes extremely frustrating, when the drive and passion is obstructed, limited cannot be expressed. Think of a car that you try to drive but someone pulls all the breaks in yet you are pushing the accelerator pedal in. The essence of this union will be with similar dynamic for the next couple days and the nature of the cycle begins for the next two years to come. It could be the reinforcement of new rules and regulations or an introduction of a new restriction that leaves us frustrated and annoyed. Mars wants to run ahead after his goal whilst Saturn holds him back. This creates friction. On a more positive note, it can bring a new cycle of hard work that requires determination and stamina, but either way it will not be a stroll on the park. However these two are the malefic planets of the zodiac so extreme caution is a must during this transit especially if it meets an important point or planet in the natal chart, that is the 22nd degree of Aquarius. Click here to check this point in your chart.

7th April
Mercury sextile Saturn
During these couple of days the thinking process, communication and commuting is slow, well structured and disciplined. Therefore it makes an excellent time for business dealings, signing contracts, entering negotiations, laying out business plans.
Personal discussions also become more serious, structured and well organised. We can plan for long term since the information processing is reliable and realistic. There is a general respect for the agenda and routine, we tend to show up in time for all appointments, meeting and have a responsible attitude towards friends, siblings close relatives.
It is a good time to learn or test and are able to fulfil our responsibilities towards neighbours.

9th April
Mercury sextile Mars
Mercury the planet of communication coming into a flowing aspect with Mars means that you have lots of confidence, energy and enthusiasm when you speak during these couple of days. Your ability to process information speeds up and you express yourself in a direct manner. There is a flow in your physical and mental abilities which will allow to put your knowledge and skills to practice. You will have a lot done today that might have been neglected in the past.
With feeling so daring with high intellectual and physical attractiveness its a good time to socialise, flirt, ask someone out for date or be active in sports and leisure with friends, mates and colleagues.

10th April
Mercury square Pluto
During these couple of days the mind can be obsessing over propaganda and deep, dark thoughts. Communication can be manipulative and overpowering, there is a tendency of trying to mold partners to conform. The style of verbal interactions may be blunt and raw to a degree that creates conflicts and confrontations. Intense mental energy and effort to investigate matters that can go all the way from fear to paranoia. Learning about the occult, secrets and taboo.
Favours all kinds of research, psychology and healing through words.
There is a need to try to tone the tendency of overpowering communication, use conscious effort to come across softer and a bit more diplomatic

12th April
Jupiter conjunct Neptune
This is an aspect that only occurs once every 13 years. In fact last time when Jupiter and Neptune aligned in Pisces it was in 1856. Both planets having their rulership in Pisces and strongly connected to spirituality and beliefs is no wonder that 1856 was the year when Russia signed the treaty to end the Crimean war, which was fought mostly because of religious tensions between Catholics and Orthodox believers. Since Pisces is strongly connected to music and film industry too it is also a no brainer that 'Blues' emerged out of all this escapist, retreating and creative sign as a new trend in music and a the precursor or R&B and American music.
This conjunction will be brining similar themes to us in 2022 April. There will be expansion in spirituality, creative and imaginative arts, poets, musicians will have opportunities to shine and grow. All imaginative arts forms such as film and photography will flourish not only in April but for the entire 5 months whilst Jupiter expands Piscean qualities from December 28th ill the 11th May.

13th April
Sun sextile Saturn
With both Sun and Saturn can represent authority figures, these couple of days could bring some meetings with bosses, superiors even the police, but with this flowing aspect it does not have to be a negative one. It brings about a sober, realistic attitude with a great sense of duty and work ethics. This is not the time to have fun and enjoy life. This aspect brings the hard working individual out of you who can and will accomplish something seriously great purely because of the determination you'll feel.

16th April
Full moon in Libra
April full Moons are about relationships since it is happening in the me versus you axis, when Libra (relationships) Moon opposing Aries Sun (independence). This lunation occurs on the 16th of April, on the 26th degree of Libra and conjuncts the fixed star Spica with a two degree orb.
This is a blessing, since Spica is one of the most fortunate fixed stars, it said to give riches, overcome contentions and removes scarcity and mischief.
However just remember that full moons are the time of....read more

17th April
Mercury sextile Venus
Very good influence on friendships and social life because of harmonious and charming interactions. All sorts of communication goes well since there is a willingness to be kind and diplomatic. Business negotiating are dealt with successfully because of mutual aim for collaboration and balance.
Art especially creative writing is well received and appreciated.
It is a good time to confess love in relationship. Words will be well received as a source of love and pleasure.

17th April
Venus sextile Uranus
This transit makes you enjoy things out of the ordinary. You may fall in love unexpectedly, or with someone who is not in your age range or cultural back round. This romance can be very exciting or with long distance, may get off the ground very quickly but also be somewhat volatile.
You can make sudden changes in your appearance or seek a hobby that you've never tried before.
Changes in value system or spending habits are very likely.
18th April
Sun square Pluto
A crisis situation may occur during these couple of days connected to identity, ego or you can find yourself in conflict with powerful people, such as authority figures. Dark themes may emerge out of nowhere, subconscious fears surface now to the conscious reality.
Whatever comes up from the underworld that was buried deep down, it will feel intense and extreme. There could be dissatisfactions with self expression and personal achievement. Psychological issues, fears of death and transformation, hidden things, secrets may be illuminated. There will be a strong need to manage fears of being taken off guard and losing control.
Keep off form manipulating, possessive and jealous people and try to not get involved with power and control plays, although there could be a weird craving for being in control and showing your darker side now.

18th April
Mercury conjunct Uranus
This is the day of thinking outside of the box. Your mind is stimulated by sudden ideas, futuristic plans, original thoughts and these are all opportunities for unusual insights with unconventional approach to things.
Your routines may just flow out of the window today, make sure there is room for flexibility.
Surprising news might make your jaw drop and evoke erratic behaviour of some sort.
Information can speed up to the degree that it may become impossible to process on the spot.
There could be nervous tension that leads to electrifying experiences.
24th April
Mercury square Saturn
The mind and speech is suppressed, meeting with obstacles. There could be problem with paperwork, contracts, agreements. Bad news, learning and generally the mental process is very slow and limited. Negative thoughts, dark and gloomy perceptions bring rather depressive and fearful conduct.
Information is processed very slowly and
there could be limitations and delays to travel plans, business meetings and negotiations.
On a good note, this transit helps with organisation and administrative work and promotes more responsibility in communication.

24th April
Mercury sextile Neptune
Mercury sextile Neptune transit is good for relaxation, creativity, communication, and spiritual pursuits. Your words become soothing and can actually be healing to others. All of your senses become acute, enabling you to pick up a lot of extra information through your intuition. You may even receive spiritual information through dreams, meditation, your spirit guide, or chance encounters.
This would be a good time to do artwork or anything creative. You could write a romance or fantasy novel, but this transit is not so good for studying or writing on technical subjects. You are more attuned to the larger picture and not focusing on intricate detail
26th April
Mercury sextile Jupiter

To expand the horizon and think optimistically will denote these couple of days. Good news, abundant knowledge, broad outlook and plenty of communication that can boost optimism and helps with business negotiations. There is wisdom and higher knowledge to everyday interactions with joviality and great moral. Amazing time to travel or to plan your tours since both of the planets are about travel. Mercury the short commutes and Jupiter the long journey abroad.
Open up that booking website and start packing your suitcase.

28th April
Venus conjunct Neptune
This aspect is one of the most romantic aspect of all. Venus the love and art goddess with Poseidon the god of seas makes you feel as you are in heavens from love or appreciation of art and joy. Your imagination runs high, and you are feeling as you want to escape into your own personal reality to create a piece of art or to be in your dream world with your lover. Your sense of pleasure or art is now divine, other worldly, your taste is sophisticated, you are hearing the songs of your muses to deep dive into creation or sensual fulfilment.
You are gentle, compassionate and emphatic towards your lover. It is relaxation time and in touch with your divine feminine.
29th April
Mercury trine Pluto
This aspect suggests an easy opportunity to harmonize with the urge to dominate or control one’s environment. Opportunities to cash in on prevailing cultural trends should be seized, especially if they benefit more than the individual. This is generally a quick transit that comes around twice a year, but as soon as every six to seven years or more often at longer thirteen-year intervals, Mercury makes a series of three trines with the middle one occurring during its retrograde. This is a more significant transit that suggests adjustments to the inner need for power or control over one’s destiny. Integrating yourself into existing power structures is easier now, or you may choose the more long-term process of creating new power structures for yourself that can maximize your personal benefits.

30th April
Jupiter sextile
This aspect can bring power that is very beneficial, or can make you become yourself a jovial powerful decision maker and influential figure yourself. If you wanting to make any changes in life this is the time to make them, it can come easily not forcefully to you, you can be inspiring with your persuasion if you are willing to practise power over other people. Sextile is a nice not forceful aspect, and so the changes it will bring they come flowing into our life, yet you can still make a big difference, can have a transformative experience. Investments can bring you sudden growth now and you can expand in your ability to heal, submerge in secrets or learn about the occult
30th April
Venus conjunct Jupiter
When the two benefics of the zodiac come together we expect nothing better but swim in sweet, tangible goodness and expand in everything that brings pleasure to our senses and feelings. Our ability to attract, grow and the love we can express is abundant now. When these two align in the sky, the chance for prosperity multiplies, so it is and auspicious time for prosperity rituals, since this is also a new beginning of love, money, art and beauty with all the possibilities to grow each and every association of these beautiful planets of sensual pleasures, inspirational knowledge, body and mind expansion, joyful travels.
Get your Goddess Lakshmi mala bead out and at chant some mantras for yourself and for others too.