the year of 2022
June Horoscopes
This page lists all the major aspects that are happening in the sky during the the months of June in the year of 2022.
For more personalised horoscopes follow my YouTube channel where I break the transits down to each zodiac sign. For horoscopes tailored exactly to YOUR individual needs book me in.

3rd June
Mercury direct
Mercury turns direct again on the 26th degrees of Taurus after appearing to move backwards for the last 3 weeks. Having stationed for couple of days now with the evil fixed start Algol, there could have been some bad news 📰 or negative communication on those days. Finally we arrived to the day, when we can slowly put things, mishaps and miscommunications behind our back. Emails sent to the wrong address, text unanswered because of taken the wrong way, delays in travels, contracts and paperworks finally will come to an end. Mercury will wake up and although not on the day, but slowly as it gains momentum after turning the right direction again, the pieces will fall back to their place, thoughts, messages and information get to their recipients.

4th June
Saturn retrograde
When the lord of time turns retrograde it will be in that direction for the next 5 months to come. The strict teacher is going to keep this direction until the 23rd of October. Saturn is going to move back all the way to the 18th degree of Aquarius touching sensitive points again. Any points and planets between the 25th and 18th degrees of fixed signs Aquarius first and foremost, then Leo, Taurus and Scorpio will have 3 hits from the lord of karma, natural law, limits, delays and obstacles. Check it here. What ever house, points or planets are effected by its movement, along with Aquarian themes of future dream and goals, friends, groups, communities, networks, internet and the higher mind will need to be revisited again. Make sure that your plans and projects have solid foundations, their structure is secure and it will withstand the test of time.
There could be some more hurdles you need to jump and obstacles you will have to overcome in order to move forward with a solid plan that works for long term. You may need some more time, introspection and a bit more patience till you can advance with regards to those issues that are effected by Saturn. How can you be most effective? Have you embodied all Saturnian qualities of patience, responsibility, planning meticulously, doing more repetition and being mature, realistic enough? When you wholeheartedly can answer yes to all of these questions Saturn will let you progress ahead. Until then keep on working hard and learn what you must.
10th June
Mercury trine Pluto
This aspect suggests an easy opportunity to harmonise with the urge to dominate or control your environment. Mercury trine Pluto transit is ideal for asking for favours and talking people into things. Your brain is very powerful and you have the ability to really manipulate, influence people under this influence and it gives the power of penetration at the mental level. This could be and should be applied to the right things such as sales work, debating, bargaining, or negotiating favourable deals in business or major purchases like houses and cars.
Just as you can have a profound influence on others, you may meet someone who deeply affects you through some idea, or plan, or it could be the beginning of a karmic friendship or successful partnership. Socialising for the sake of it may not be appealing as a serious discussion.
Gains can be made if you are on the wrong side of the law. Your understanding and perception will be deep when it comes to the underworld such as drugs and crime. But your ability to deeply understand things is probably best applied to research and investigation, uncovering secrets, and psychological self-analysis. A good time to understand astrology, occultism, at a deeper level.

11th June
Venus conjunct Uranus
This aspect accentuates our desire to change the status quo especially in relationships, art, beauty, finances, values and security. Uranus being a revolutionary planet that wants to break the tradition and bring in new futuristic energies to everything that it touches. Your old values with regards to love and money will be challenged and you will gravitate towards the unusual and not the ordinary.
That day be ready for the unexpected, even shocking especially if your are fixated on your ideas. Electric connections and separations may occur with the speed of lightening bolt. Your partnerships will be revolutionised, love affairs take a different, unusual turn.
You may decide on the split of a second to change your appearance to one that is going to raise eyebrows - to your greatest amusement of course.
Since Venus is associated with money and finances, values, naturally in that sphere could be surprises too. You either spend beyond your means unexpectedly, or have a great influx of money coming in from a place your would have never thought of.

13th June
Mercury re-enters Gemini
Mercury re-entering the first degrees of Gemini, retouching the steps he has already strolled over just couple of weeks ago. Mercury is at home in Gemini, this is where he can be in his best, to fulfil his mission of being the messenger of the skies. This movable air sign fits his personality best, to express his purpose to deliver messages, to exchange information, to move around quickly, to make short trips, to socialise with people, to do paperwork., to write, deal with people, to learn new skills that one can do with their hands and their voice. To have lots of ideas, to be intellectual, but also lighthearted because life is just like that.C'est la vie. There is a place for everything and when Mercury is in Gemini we want to be light hearted and just socialise, be easy going.
Mercury retouching the first 4 degrees of Gemini will bring back some mercurial issues that came up before the retrograde period but might not have been solved. There was a need to revisit them during the contemplation time to have a practical, material side to it hence Mercury needed to retreat to Taurus. Now will be the chance to sort those issues of communication, learning and travelling that may arose between the 7th of May all the way till end to the month. Moving forward with a much better future perspective, much practical ideas that can be manifested in the physical reality.

14th June
Full Moon in Sagittarius
The Super Full Moon on the 14th of June at 11:41 GMT on the 23Ëš Sagittarius offers a higher perspective on your future, your destiny as well as a chance for healing and transforming raw wounds into power.
Each full moon on the sky is a primal time of manifestation, a fruition, a climax of an endeavour, a plan, a relationship that is ripe and has reached its final form of materialisation. Whether that's good of bad it really depends on many things mostly on personal efforts, charts and the of course the current transits in heaven.
Since I can only see the latter I can only comment on that......read more

15th June
Mars conjunct Chiron
Mars is the planet of actions, assertion and how we go about to achieve our goals, desires. As the God of War is often associated with the physicality, sport also.
Chiron is on the other hand associated the wound, since in the Greek mythology he has been wounded and all his life wanted to heal himself, but could only heal others.
The sign of Aries where these two meet on the 15th of May is connected to anger, and Mars itself the ruler of Aries also points how we express our anger. During this transit our action and anger can inflict pain on us and others to the extent of physicality. In this sign we become overly reactive and impulsive, someone may press the wrong button on us that evokes, erupts rage due to the unprocessed pain that lies deep within. There will be difficulty with aggression and assertion and the expression of that.
You will have to deal again with a wound that was swept under the carpet, perhaps because how painful it was. This transit offers a chance to heal that soaring body trauma that is resurfacing again. With Mars in Aries you can now take the action to mend and remedy that tender hurt that was lingering around for some time.

15th June
Venus conjunct North Node
The archetype of love and beauty coming into union with the karmic North Node of the Moon denotes a time when intimations of the future are calling. This is another activation of this past eclipse cycle as Venus and her pleasantly magnetic aura cross over the North Node which is tied directly to fate & destiny. Your true desires may become glaringly obvious as they pertain to where you want to learn, grow, and expand now, especially with matters involving long-term goals, financial objectives, relationships of all kinds, matters surrounding the earth and your ties to nature, your relationship to the divine feminine, food, possessions, material matters of all kinds, and a stronger embodiment of self-worth. You may even draw towards you people, places, or things that can assist you in some way - pay extra close attention to the people, places, and things that come in around this date give or take a couple days.

16th June
Sun trine Saturn
With both Sun and Saturn can represent authority figures, these couple of days could bring some meetings with bosses, superiors even the police, but with this flowing aspect it does not have to be a negative one. It brings about a sober, realistic attitude with a great sense of duty and work ethics. This is not the time to have fun and enjoy life. This aspect brings the hard working individual out of you who can and will accomplish something seriously great purely because of the determination they feel.

16th June
Sun square Neptune
Today you may feel that nothing is clear, your motivations is lacking, your energy level is low and you may just want to escape a bit from reality which is a great idea if you are able to do it.
This aspect makes one a sponge in terms of being sensitive to energies, therefore special care needs to be taken to isolate at least energetically not to be so effected by negativity.
Music and any spiritual practice can be very healing and soothing to survive these couple of days.

18th June
Venus square Saturn
This is one of the most painful aspect there is. Venus the archetype of love, beauty, art and money coming into a tense aspect with Saturn the lord of karma, time, discipline, obstacles and delays. It is a depressing, sobering time. Love feels cold and unrequited. Even if in loving relationships those couple of days feel as your partner is withdrawn, rather critical and frozen towards you. You meet the reality of love, and if things were only good on the surface now it will become really challenging, can also break. If you try to open up to your partner this is really not the time. There is a fear lingering around and we rather withdraw from expressing warm emotions mostly because of negative attitude projected and experienced from the other half.
Financially also a challenging time bringing obstacles and karmic debts to our reality that we have long
forgotten about.
For some this could be a time of grieving.
It is good however to meet the reality of love, withdraw from time to time taking into account everything that must work in order to go forward with any relationship. So in that sense, this could be a good transit to rebalance karma in love and money matters.
Delays are not denials, for those who experience this aspect of this challenging transit. Often times there is a reason for it. Fulfilment can be even better than we thought it would have been once we waited our time patiently.
19th June
Venus sextile Neptune
When Venus sextile Neptune you tend to look at things through rose coloured eyes. You will have a taste for glamour, luxury and a sense of beauty. Imaginative art, poetry, music, meditations, healing becomes a source of joy. Your sensual and soulful, gentle side are speaking in harmony with each other. Your creative juices flow and your inspiration is boundless. You can appreciate a good movie, make up art, photo exhibition and equally you retreating, meditating or a spiritual partner may bring out the soul mate type of feeling within you. You will have a strong tendency to fantasise about unconditional love as well as erotic pleasure. Where is Taurus and Libra in your chart? Those areas could be filled with the effects mentioned above. If you are not sure check it here.

20th June
Mercury sextile Jupiter
Expanding the horizon and thinking optimistically will denote these couple of days. Good news, abundant knowledge, broad outlook and plenty of communication that can boost optimism and helps with business negotiations. There is wisdom and higher knowledge to everyday interactions with joviality and great moral. Amazing time to travel or to plan your tours since both of the planets are about travel. Mercury the short commutes and Jupiter the long journey abroad.
Open up that booking website and start packing your suitcase.

21st June
Sun into Cancer
Happy Summer Solstice. When sun moves into Cancer from the 21st of June till the 22 or July we after the social Gemini season we tend to become a little more private, somewhat sensitive, perhaps a little moody and retreat back home with our closest one and focus on our nesting and filling up. our wells, nurture our family, or people that you feel familiar and comfortable with. Cancer is cardinal water sign at initiates , makes changes and leads by emotions, by the heart. The ruler of Cancer is Moon the most intimate planet there is, that rules our emotions and subconscious mind. During the Cancer season we are focusing on the closest relationships of ours. We want to nurture them, protect them, give them the feeling of safety and security. Whilst you enjoy some nice food perhaps in a garden party, the feelings of nostalgia whilst sipping raspberry lemonade. You might remember times spent with your grandparents' and your joys of childhood whilst on a family holiday. Hold on to that feeling, it could be a good time to reconnect with them, whilst they are still around.

21st June
Venus trine Pluto
Intensity and crisis in intimate relationships, jealousy and emotional manipulation will be featured under this influence. Your need for long term affections and power is going to increase and passion with being possessive will be running to dramatic extent. Emotions are very deep and strong under this influence not far from obsession. Romance, that mystifies love life, sexuality and power are woven into this influence. You want to build a long term committed relationship and you are not afraid to use your power in achieving your earthly, romantic goals.
Love can have the energy to heal and transform through tempestuous emotions throughout this period, you will dig deep into your fears and psyche to the cavern of your heart to purge and release then eventually rebirth long buried issues.
Venus also has financial aspect and along with Pluto especially if it's happening in the material houses can bring inheritance, money from investments, occultism, research, surgery or even sex work.
23rd June
With Venus in Gemini you tend to enjoy being bubbly or even the role of social butterfly brings you pleasure. When it comes to romance you like to be fun and flirty and take the more lighthearted version of love as opposed to being dead serious. Intellect will be a charming aspect as well being sociable, knowing everything and everybody makes you feel totally irresistible. Your sex appeal is your communication skills and your curiosity. Adapting to any circumstances makes you feel irresistible when it comes to love. Art, beauty and money is connected to speech and skilfulness and of course multitasking, the very talent of Gemini. You appreciate variety in everything since one thing will not make you joyful: boredom.
If you are single is time to mingle. Speed dating in the neighbourhood can also be on your agenda. After all, research shows that you can decide in 5 seconds whether you like the person or not. You won't take it to heart if they swipe you left either. Variety is the spice of life and anyway it is time enjoy the good old summer. 🌞
Venus ingress Gemini

27th June
Mars sextile Saturn
During these couple of days we all have steady, enduring energy level that sustains us for longer than usual. This is a great time to plan your course of action and with a strong work ethic go for tasks that you did not believe you could have done. It's amazing what you can achieve when you are determined, patient and methodical.
Mars sextile Saturn is great of physical work and endurance sports that require you to go for longer. This is the aspect of a marathon runner not the sprinter.
Your stamina and rigor is enviable now that makes you a great co-worker who does not cut corners or fails completing what were set out to do.
29th June
Sun square Jupiter
A general benevolence, an overly optimistic attitude and self expression characterised by this transit. There is a tendency to promise but not deliver because of the inability to realistically view ones capabilities. You may have a tendency to exaggerate, overstate and overplay something that usually people do not really like, since you may over promote mostly the ego.
If however you are looking for newly found confidence this is a good aspect for it. It will definitely boosts your self belief, however still there is a need to watch what you promise, and what you expect even from your own self and how big you are going to inflate your own ego. Don't boast of what you have or can do, as it can easily bite you in the back. Sun is usually responsible for our self expression and pride and Jupiter is going to overextend that during this transit. However difficult that is, try to remember these days: 'less is more'.

29th May
Venus sextile Jupiter
Venus sextile Jupiter transit is excellent for partying and making love. You should feel warm and happy inside and will want to share the good feelings. This transit is an indicator of good luck and you may receive gifts, money or compliments. You will also be in a generous mood and not greedy at all.
Socialising is favoured because of your increased popularity, charisma and charm. You will most likely be looking and feeling your best. Sex is a great way to share your affections now, and you will be more attractive than usual. This is a great time for dating if you are single. Making friends come easy and new friends made now will be genuine and mutually beneficial.
Setting off on a journey is favoured, especially long-distance travel. You would learn a lot about other cultures and broaden your outlook on life. Financial investments are also favored but good fortune and growth will also apply to higher education and the law. All of your interactions and dealings should be cooperative and satisfying.
The only thing to watch under this influence would be a tendency toward excess, especially with sweet foods and addictive substances.