Full moons are monthly occurrences that are well known of their elevated emotional states where the subconscious mind (Moon) illuminates, brings into awareness hidden truths that are ripe to come to realisation so we can integrate it into our consciousness.
In certain situations, the heightened, ruffled internal self can also stir up feathers, agitating us into a 'lunatic' state of mind, that can indeed cause temporary insanity that leads us ashtray, leaving us with a pile of rubbish to be cleaned on the aftermaths.

Therefore, it is important to make good use of this high energy level and tread carefully on the path of feelings and sentiments, to express and deal with the emotions under a good will and joyousness. With the Full Moon the energies are ripe, the light has grown to its. maximum capacity, the maturation process has reached its height. The fruit of our intention, that began with the new moon 🌙 - often with the New Moon in the corresponding sign - may or may not be how you imagined it.
Nevertheless, you need to accept it for what it is and practise letting go.
The waning phase of the moon will help you acknowledging and embracing, it will cleanse and empty out the residues so you can start afresh again. But that will be a different act in the drama of your life.

On the other hand, when the faster moving Moon reaches exactly the same degree as the Sun a New Moon occurs in the sky. Such constellation comes into existence once every month, but each one of them takes place in a different sign, with different aspect from planets, hence each New Moon carries diverse energies, bringing new beginnings under unique cosmic consciousness.
'Magic dwells in each new beginning'
said Hermann Hess in his poem. And it's true.
Each new Moon holds the key of great new beginnings if we harness the energy in sync with the Universe.
New moons delivers right to your doorstep a chance to start fresh as a newborn baby, by planting new seeds of intentions of your future dreams, hopes and wishes.
For a far reaching effect to take the maximum benefit of both of these lunation it is paramount that you are in the right state of mind and emotions to take the first step of manifestation.
Rituals and spiritual practises have been long used by humanity as a tool of manifestation and channelling energy into the right path.

The power of this ceremonials lie on the reinforcement of your intention of what you choose to experience, it allows you to get into a sacred space where you can create.
Or else for full moon and balsamic moon phase, you might desire to let go , shed something that is stuck with you for some time that does not serve you anymore but because it has became a part of your habitual life, you may find it difficult to release it.
In whatever way you would like to manifest, the following simple rituals are there for you to supercharge of what you choose to encounter in your life.
Crystal programming and energy healing full moon and new moon rituals
First, purify yourself and your space from negative energies with the following practises:
For your space you can use a sage smudge stick. Light the end of a sage bundle with a match or lighter. Blow out quickly if it catches on fire. The tips of the leaves should smoulder slowly, releasing thick smoke. Direct this smoke around your body and space with one hand while holding the bundle in the other. Allow the incense to linger on the areas of your body or surroundings you’d like to focus on.
You can also us a singing bowl for space clearing if you have a Tibetan singing bowl. Walk around the room and produce a sound from your bowl striking it three times. Alternatively, you can use your own choice of Tibetan singing bowl music from any channel that you prefer.
For you self you can either have a sea salt bath and soak in it for at least 20 minutes lighting up white candles letting your hair into the salt water for energy purifying. However, for heightened emotional state the best to use breathing practice to quiet the mind and the feelings, to get ourselves into a meditative state. Alternate nostril breathing is the best and fastest way to get there. This pranayama technique has been used for thousands of years and simply the most effective energy clearing procedure. It will quiet the mind and will promote a more balanced emotional and mental state, in matter of minutes.
You can also clear and ground yourself by envisioning white light showering you, washing away any negativity and filling your with bright, luminous light.
How to do alternate nostril breathing
- Sit comfortably
With your right thumb close your right nostril and breath in your left one for 6 counts. Take a second or two break before your inbreath.
With your pinky finger now swop and close your left nostril and breath out of the right nostril for 6 counts. Take one- or two-seconds break and repeat it 6 more times.
- Have your crystals ready, using your choice of crystal, clear quartz, amethyst or rose quartz.
Ideally you would have purified your crystal as well beforehand with salt water soaking, or bright sunlight etc.
- Sit in meditative state and put your choice of meditative music on not too loud. Have a music that has no lyrics and you cannot connect it to any memories or people.
- Take a notebook and a pencil and write down whatever your intentions are:
If you’d like to let go of something, write it down. (with full moons is more appropriate)
- “I’m lovingly letting you go now….. thank your for being part of my life, thank you for the teaching, supporting or challenging experiences….. God bless your way in the future. Thank you for everything.”
- Be truly grateful for everything you got from that experience, whether it was good or bad. Good things are uplifting our spirits, bad ones are teaching us. They are equally important.
If it was a negative experience ask yourself, how did you get there, and what is that you have learnt from it. Acknowledge it with love and compassion. Do not beat yourself up, have compassion for yourself first.
Ask for help from the universe, God or guardian angels to help you move forward in your path to show you direction, the way, the next step forward.
With New Moons use different sentences: "I am the creator of a great ....I invite the new energies into my life to manifest......."
finish the sentence.
Write an affirmation of what you want to manifest in present tense. However make sure that it is aligned to the relevant sign and house position of that particular new moon. For example New Moon in your 10th house will help you to create a new job, or a great new project in your career or social status, and so on. Remember there is time for everything and you must work with the energy flow not against it. Find out here what each sign occupies in your personal chart by using whole sign house system or follow my on my YouTube channel where I let you know each month which house position of yours is effected.
Meditation practise
- Close your eyes, and try quieting your mind. Every time your mind wonders, bring it back by paying attention to your breathing. This will always help. Ideally you want to get yourself to a space where your mind will rest upon the nothingness. If you find that space a joy will override your mind, body and spirit. Be there until you feel comfortable and enjoy the peace. After spending some time there, imagine a bright white purple light coming form the sky and entering your body through your crown chakra (the top of your head). See it clearly and let yourself shower in that beautiful divine energy. Now let the message come in to you in a thought form. If you received your message open you eyes and write it down. There could be that you get your message not during the meditation but afterwards on the day, of the day after. You will know it when you get it. It could come in a thought form, it could come as something you hear form someone, it could come in as a message when you open up your phone of a book, magazine. You will know once you get it, you will feel it inside of you. Sometimes it is so intense that you get physical sensation with it. You will have no doubt.
- Now come back to the 3D reality have your crystal and your intention front of you and raise both of your hand above the crystal. Feel the energy coming from your hand supercharging your crystal and your written notes.

Crystal programming practise
- Do deep, very slow breathing (7 in : 1break 7 out 1 break)
- Instruct the crystal: “Crystal I will program you with the following intention… (say your intention) “So be it”
- When you finished “paint” (imagine) the crystal into a light blue colour to preserve the potency of the crystal and prevent the energy from leaking out.
If your crystal is a jewellery wear it. If not keep it in a sacred space close to you away from ‘evil’ eyes.
Repeat this every full moon until your intention will manifest.
If you’d like to find out more about how I can support you too, sign up to receive my regular astrological readings focused on nourishing you and supporting you to grow through self-love to heal your relationships. If you want to know more about rituals, manifestation and astrology subscribe to my newsletter , become a member of my community and visit my channel and subscribe for readings, tutorial videos and much more..