The Super Full Moon on the 14th of June at 11:41 GMT on the 23˚ Sagittarius offers a higher perspective on your future, your destiny as well as a chance for healing and transforming raw wounds into power.
Each full moon on the sky is a primal time of manifestation, a fruition, a climax of an endeavour, a plan, a relationship that is ripe and has reached its final form of materialisation. Whether that's good of bad it really depends on many things mostly on personal efforts, charts and the of course the current transits in heaven.
Since I can only see the latter I can only comment on that.

Sagittarius Moons in their full glory are also able to shine their light on something it was not in your consciousness, something your were kept in the dark up until now. This again may or may not be a pleasant experience.
The moon in this freedom loving sign offers a chance to learn through philosophy, ideology or through exploring foreign cultures. The axis of Gemini and Sagittarius bring you similar themes of learning and travelling, they are really the opposite side of the same coin. Communication, connection, education, writing and publishing, learning first skills then knowledge in mastery. Wandering to the neighbourhood or going for a quest are all themes of this mutable axis.
Expect a theme of those mentioned to come into its full reality with an element of confusion, nebulousness though. The full moon shines its light to a message perhaps, a belief you have had so far. A dream may have came true but not quite like as you imagined. Or you may realise that you have played the victim and sacrificed yourself for an ideology that really does not serve you all that much. Someone, maybe a teacher pushes a button on you filling your heart with tempestuous rage that makes you realise your necessity for physical and spiritual healing. As a result you may embark on a journey to rehabilitate.
You may have been put down then harshly criticised by a sudden love interest that took you by surprise and left you wondering about the harsh reality. The entangled threads of destiny has not chosen this particular love affair to get off the ground. This super full moon in Sagittarius induces you to fulfil your mission and leave behind a crusade, a belief, a study, a foreign associate, a holiday or a philosophy that served you well, up until this time.
There is just so many ways how this full moon can guide us towards our destiny there is not enough papers and time to write it all down.
See it yourself in which house position does Sagittarius occupy in your personal chart. Once you have this info head over here to see how might this manifest if you are still in clouds about it.
Love❤️ & wisdom