Everyone has a story of Mercury retrograde, so here👂 is mine.
It is a well know fact that you shouldn't buy a car when Mercury is retrograde never mind on the day when Mercury actually changes its dreaded directions and turns backwards making the whole world a crazy place to be. I, being a scatterbrained astrologer or perhaps the shadow period of Mercury retro flash, quickly said yes to my dear friend when she'd asked me to take her to a close by town to pick up her newly bought beauty, an onyx black, cream leathered, appealing automobile.
We set off around 11 am to have the whole day of joy of not-so-small purchase in the beautiful autumn weather. Little did we know of the nightmare we were just about to face. Yesterday, when I filled up my tank, suspiciously had a slight feeling of warning building up, but who was I, to ruin the BIG DAY? The chances that she'd listen to my astrology warnings were vague so I kept quiet and went with the flow. We'll be back latest by lunch we can even go for a countryside drive with three excited and gadget-well-equipped children.
We got there within just over an hour and the sight of the jeweled roadster, sparkling in the sunshine nearly blindsided us all, we could hardly hear the car dealer saying that there is a slight problem with the car. 'No, it can't be, said we, not with that perfection!'
'Uhh.mmmm only a small one... there is no fuel in it' uttered the merchant a few gabbling words.
'That's alright, we don't need a lot, responds my friend, we only live about 35 miles away'
'There is zero mile of fuel in that car, just enough to start the engine' we couldn't help but hear that with a wry mouthed, winning smile. Before we knew it, he pushed an empty, greasy, grimy looking portable fuel tank in my pal's hand. 'But I warn you the local ones are all empty. I checked them all this morning'
The penny has dropped finally, and we had to face the situation that we had just driven 40 miles to pick up a car in the middle of UK's lorry drivers' shortage and supply chain crisis.
"Noooo this can't be true' bewails my friend on the passenger seat. 'Let's do positive thinking, I'm not going home without this car'. I felt this was the appropriate time when I had to break the truth for her. I lectured her all about the Mercury retrograde: "travel problems, communicating issues, undelivered messages, buying car is a big NO NO, please rethink the whole situation, it's not worth it, you'll find another beautiful car,' whilst we were journeying all around Aylesbury hunting for diesel in ALL existing petrol stations. She was relentless. 'Ildiko, there is no plan B' she repeats, whilst I'm shaking my head 'This is just not going to happen today, trust me. It's Mercury retrograde', trying my best to convince her for common sense.
After many hours of petrol hunting, queuing, 'Are we there yet mummy? We are hungry!' listening, we finally managed to fill up the container with 20 litres of diesel just enough to drive the precious thing home. It only took us till 8 pm and we were all home 😑🤨.
Anybody out there who is still questioning the credibility of Mercury retro no no's. I've got something to say to you.
'Do not buy a car on the day when Mercury goes retrograde'
If you have a story too, please share it with me.
lot's of love and bear with me
a very tired