An extraordinary and magical New Moon is just about to occur on the sky Monday at 11:30 am GMT on the 9th degree of Gemini.
This lunation marks the end of the eclipse time and it appears as the angelic and demonic beings are also joining the fun. After all Gemini is a social sign where there is place for everyone good and/or bad. Light does not exist without the shadow.
The New Moon happens in fun loving, communicative, movable sign, Gemini. It is high time for birthing the new with this beautiful force that can impact everything and everyone from the waves of the ocean to our emotion.
Once we have cleared out the all the rubbish from our space, aura and of course our ♥️ hearts too we can began intention setting.
No things should stay with us that does not serve our purpose, well-being and future development for the next moon🌙 phase to come. New Moons are rather introspective times even when they happen in chatty Gemini. A quiet ritual, with water and air this time around along with a prayer or mantra is sure fitting this airy sign.

As previously mentioned, the angels and demons are also part of the picture of this sociable lunation. New Moon is on the degree of where Aldebaran alights. Aldebaran is one of the royal fixed stars, the eye of the bull famous for being God's military commander and one of the four Archangels, namely Archangel Michael.
Themes related to Aldebaran are wealth, personal power, material command. Even his name uttered offers protection...
'Archangel Michael'
This angelic union with the new moon is receiving a beautiful sextile the Venusian aspect of love and support from the ever so powerful Mars Jupiter conjunction in Aries ♈️. This happens to give us the physical strength, courage that we need to eliminate the junk and beastly and give way to the new.
Only seeds of pure intentions to be planted here and now.
The other side of the coin though is the ruler of the New Moon, Mercury that is still retrograde and lies behind on the 26˚ Taurus ♉️. The end degrees of Taurus especially this one is occupied by the fiery stars, the Seven Sisters, Pleiades and their ruling deity Algol the evil fixed star exactly on the same degree where the ruler of this lunation stations retrograde. It would have been too perfect, too good to be true if only ....
Algol is associated with loosing once head, the Seven Sisters bring about strong feminine power. Have you 'lost your head' during a Mercurial act, talking, writing, marketing, socialising as of lately? That would be no surprise with Mars bursting out of his anger in Aries, empowered by Jupiter... Even if that is exactly did not happen, Mercury stationing on Algol , this appears to be not the greatest omen.
Upon recognising the challenges of this New Moon and get the picture of both sides of the coin, it is highly recommend to do a ritual more so than any other time. Here you can find one what I like to do on lunations and here you can cast your chart to see where is that new moon in your chart. If you'd like to know how is your particular sign is effected click here and choose your rising sign.
With airy Gemini, breath work and mantras work best, prayers, asking protection from Aldebaran and bravely setting new intentions towards the light, love and power.
Remember only one little candle light can break the darkness.
Love ❤️ light and bliss everyone
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Image: Shutterstcok