As the Uranus, North Node and Mars conjunction in Taurus is tightening up and executing its fearful shaking, erupting and explosive energies, an inspirational new Moon in Leo is about to appear in the skies.

Many of my fellow astrologers foresaw the second part of July to be as volatile, unpredictable and problematic as it was. And is. We have seen extreme weather conditions, powerful men fall from grace, shakes of Mother Earth awakening us to our waning resources and comfort. Unfortunate and fated accidents or even deeds of malice prepense are happening in the world stage. Whilst this calamity carries on for growth and evolution like an earthquake, hits not only once, but pre and post shakes.
In the midst of all that, an inspirational New Moon in Leo guards our creation through the elongated adversities.
This incredible inciting happens on the 28th of July, at 17:54 GMT on the 5th degree of theatrical, fixed fire sign Leo and not far before the heliacal rising of the brightest star Sirius occurs, a phenomenon called the Lion’s gate opening that has become rather popular in recent years.
New Moon, new hope, new beginning knows everyone who is just a little bit into the energy consciousness and spiritual, cosmic living. With so much fixed zeal, it is not a surprise that we feel this takes forever to run its course. Perhaps the unpredictability of it that scares us most.
But this too, shall pass. And we have divine help, as always.
This New Moon in Leo gives us so much hope with the supportive aspect of stationing Jupiter in Aries full of enthusiastic, fiery energy. As the battles and trials of the triple fated conjunction are happening in all fixed signs so does the Leo New Moon. With the ruler of this lunation the Sun in its maximum strength and capacity, supported by Jupiter the wise king of gods from daring Aries, I strongly believe we all have the will power and the leadership to create an inspirational, new path that will navigate us through the disasters. Jupiter allows us to see the bigger picture with optimism and faith that from the ashes we can and will build a new kingdom that lasts longer and stands stronger than the ruins behind.
So fortunate, so destined, so magnificent!
Where is your kingdom? Look for Leo in your chart. Where are the ruins, the change? Look for points and planets in between the fixed 18th degree allowing +- 5 degree orb each side.
For further general interpretations click here.
Live passionately and love dramatically
To navigate through the change with ease and grace use these mantra meditation.
Image: Fine Art America by Silvia Duran