On the 10th of September, 9:58a.m. GMT a full Moon is going to rise on the 17˚ of sensitive, soulful Pisces. Once a months full moon, a.k.a Sun and Moon opposition, is a reoccurring phenomenon but each time the attention of this dynamic lunation goes in a different sign.
Sun is in Virgo this time around, and we are all happily (Sun with Venus) settling into our routine, finding joy in work, creating healthy everydays so life can go back to its normal flow of practicality and solution focused reality.

Full moons however tend to take our focus and energy from the opposing sign where Sun is, currently the pragmatic fields of service, health and routine in Virgo. The drama is something more etherial that came into their fullness, bringing something to light that was partially hidden in our consciousness. This could be a climax point of an art project, a spiritual plan, a healing journey, a sacred retreat or an escalation of a problem that will be illuminated right now. With the full moon 🌙 casting light on something that was hidden in the subconscious, our course of action changes. The waning T-square with Mars in Gemini
on the apex suggests that there will be some friction few days prior to the full moon 🌕 but by the lunation it will have dissipated. The conjunction to Neptune creates a gentleness and softly emotional quality. Sensitivity could be an issue, due to the overflow of emotions and approaching Jupiter only expands those feelings as well as the opposing Mercury retrograde giving us overwhelming feelings of mind growth and positivity.
Don't be surprised to see and feel tears here and there.
The bright full Moon harmoniously aspecting Uranus and Pluto the two transcendental planets that brings few twists and excitements to the show but also transformation and intensity. We should be used to these sort of surprises by now, since retrograde Uranus in Taurus always plays a big part in what ever happens lately in the skies. So as always, look at the house position of your chart, where is Pisces located and expect the unexpected, an element of surprise and unusualness will be felt during the lunation.
Slowly we start feeling again the gentle soulfulness of the approaching Jupiter Neptune conjunction but also the closing Saturn square Uranus that will inevitably brake the last outdated pattern within our psyche that still persisted the shift.
. “To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often" Winston Churchill
Be blessed, be flexible
To find out how your ascendant sign is effected click here.