Intense revelations and life-changing news
Lunar eclipses are basically dramatic full Moons on steroids, that are triggering the lunar nodes. These phenomena happen only couple of times a year, with a lasting effect of 6 to 12 months. Lunar nodes are not planets but points on the ecliptic with special meaning in astrology. They carry karmic aspects of one's life, hold a key to the native's destiny and ultimate life lessons. The South node is the letting go, the past karma, familiar but no longer needed things, that we have already learnt and ready to be released. The North Node in the other hand, is exactly opposite the South node and therefore embodies the other side of the coin. It is the future karma, the unknown paths, things that we are meant to gain and learn in this life, the road we are less familiar with. Hence, the lunar nodes give this fated, karmic feel to the eclipses. Unexpected events are to be experienced, that feel destined, beyond our control. They could bring about news of pregnancy, moving, changing of a carrier, selling of a property. Even if it doesn't happen to us, somehow we are deeply affected by it, and therefore a permanent change is about to happen to us. If you are not touched by this eclipse it is just going to be a regular full moon in your life. Read ahead to see who will be most stirred up from the upcoming pair of eclipses that are going to happen in the next two weeks.

Astronomically speaking during a lunar eclipse, the earth gets caught in the middle of the opposition between the Sun and the Moon, therefore casting a shadow on the otherwise very bright full moon (see picture below). The eclipse is going to be visible from the Pacific region to certain parts of Asia and the Americas. Not visible from Europe.

Let’s unpick these very interesting phenomena from an astrologer’s point of view.
The axis of this eclipse is Sagittarius (Moon) - Gemini (Sun) with overpowering mutable energy. Six planets are in mutable signs, including the luminaries and personal planets such as Venus and Mercury. This sets the theme for the need for change, which is the main point of a lunar eclipse anyway. Mutable signs signify the end of a season and the beginning of a new one, they convey the closing months of spring, summer, autumn, winter. Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo, and Pisces zodiac signs mark the change for things that are ready and ripe for change and accentuate the need for flexibility and adaptability for what’s coming next. This is by itself a very similar theme of a lunar eclipse. With a regular full moon, things come to an end or completion, since the light cannot grow anymore. We are called to let things go, for good and create space for new projects, endeavors with the next upcoming New Moon.
This full moon in Sagittarius is being extremely close to the south lunar node calls for a karmic release of Sagittarian themes such as beliefs, blind faith, and optimism in people, media, communications, and the world, over idealizations and our need to escape.
The most affected signs of course are Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo, and Pisces Sun, Moon, Ascendant even more so with planets and points between 1st and 15th degrees of the respective signs. Check your chart here to find out if you have any planets on those critical degrees.
Lunar eclipses reveal the truth of something or someone that completely changes the scenario. Things will never be the same.
The event is happening on Gemini - Sagittarius axis with stationery retrograde Gemini Mercury and direct Venus, we can surely expect some news that reveals a deeper truth, something that was invisible for us up to this point. Mercury is also square by Neptune for a longer period than usual because of its retrograde motion. With Neptune, the planet of deceits, and Mercury that of the news, get ready to receive some information about fake news, misinterpreted communication, or a deceitful movement of some sort.
Since we are within the week of the eclipse announcements have already been made, things have been uncovered. Prince William has just released a damning statement following the inquiry about the bombshell interview between Princess Diana and Martin Bashir. The journalist and the BBC (Mercury) acted deceitfully (Neptune) to secure that infamous interview in 1995 that led to the late Princess' revelations of her marital problems, contributed to her split from the Royal Family, hurt countless people involved, and eventually with a ripple effect lead the loss of her life too.
Eclipses are like when you are walking over a bridge that is collapsing behind you, underneath you deep, treacherous canyon where there is only one way, which is forward. They feel scary because of the life-changing effects they bring about.
Thankfully, not everybody is going to feel the eclipse to the same degree, as I mentioned above. If you are not within those few ones affected, you will experience the Full Moon in Sagittarius where you need to let go of some sort of belief, maybe a travel plan that is very confusing, be aware of fake news, or it could be that you are simply coming up at the end of your studies since we are just about the enter the last term of this educational year.
For the ones who are affected strongly, have faith, the universe moving you forward to your destiny and it is always for your highest good. This lunar eclipse is the time of release making space for new things coming into our life with the following solar eclipse in Gemini.
To see how it might affect you and your Ascendant, Sun, or Moon sign watch the video