Also called as hay moon or thunder moon, a full moon is happening on the 1st degree of Aquarius on the 23 and 24th of July depending on where you are on Earth. The name comes from the Old Farmer’s Almanac, where each Moon is described by the relevant event of the year. July indeed is the hay and thunderstorm season as well as that of the deer showing off their antlers in a full growth mode.
Full moons are monthly occurrences when the Sun and the Moon are coming into 180 degree angle from each other hence the Sun is fully illuminating the Moon. These bright lunations are associated with heightened emotional state, raised energy level and they act as cosmic spotlights to illuminate hidden issues that are ripe to come into our consciousness.
Similarly to this great majestic animal, us humans will have arrived with Aquarius full Moon to a sort of fruition, completion, more so a manifestation of a project, mission or endeavour that began 6 months ago with the corresponding New Moon.

However, this full moon is not only special because is happening in Aquarius. It is also activating the degree of the Great Conjunction that happened last year at winter solstice.
On the zero degree, less then a degree away from where this full moon occurs now, mighty Jupiter and Saturn aligned to begin a new 20 year cycle and so whatever happened then in the collective as well as in the individual lives, will have a ripple effect in the next 20 years to come. Some astrologers connect that day with entering the New Era the Age of Aquarius, some say we have already embarked in some time ago and again some think we are yet to begin it. Either way we are at the edge of closing the old and moving into a New Age, the Age of the humanistic water bearer, the mystical healer who bestows life upon the land.
Rebellious and futuristic Aquarius is the sign of the higher mind, hopes and wishes, long term goals, communities. The awakener is going to shake us up from our dream (Piscean Age) to create a new more humanistic paradigm. This full moon is activating the conjunction degree bringing us to a culmination of the first station on our long-term project. The luminaries in Aquarius and Leo can shine light on an underlying problem that we were not aware of up until now. We question the importance of individual creativity over humanistic goals, having fun, enjoying life or networking on our hopes and wishes, romantic love affairs as opposed to eternal friendships.
Secrets, hidden issues could be revealed, conspiracy theories might gain more attention.
To have full comprehension of what needs to come into our conciseness we need stop and take a rest. We meditate, contemplate on the completion, the manifestation of the first stage of our endeavour began last December. What went well and what went wrong on our journey? We realise (Full Moon with Saturn and Pluto) how intense, deep and hard this has been and it is going to be. It was never to be easy, (Saturn the planet of hard work) it was never to be fast (fixed sign of Aquarius). We might not be all that satisfied with the result (Saturn starves the Moon) yet it will feel intense and transformational (Moon with Pluto).
Rome wasn’t built in a day, neither did Renaissance (last time Jupiter and Saturn aligned in Aquarius) happened overnight.
Keep this in mind and have a pencil ready to make notes whilst meditating to get spiritual insights (Mercury, the messenger trines Neptune), illuminations that is going to take you further on your path.
Watch this video to find out how this might effect your rising, sun and moon sign. Find out what is your rising, sun or moon sign here.
