It is an ancient observation that goes back far in time, that full moons are able to stir up emotions, provoke bizarre behaviours, eliminate us to reason with calm and focused mind. In fact, the word ‘lunatic’ comes from this strong belief that our mood is changes with the phases of the moon, with the full moon being the peak point of emotional behaviour.

Full Harvest Moon in Pisces on the 21st September will bring the final change into the new season, the autumn in the northern hemisphere. This lunation serves its name well since full moons are about harvest, they are climax point with heightened emotions closing one chapter in our life and allowing for a new one to begin with the next new moon to come. Within two days it is the official autumn with the October equinox. Autumnal equinox is a moment in the year when the Sun is exactly above the Equator, day and night are of equal length; also, either of the two points in the sky where the ecliptic (the Sun’s annual pathway) and the celestial equator intersect. In the Northern Hemisphere the autumnal equinox falls about on the 22nd or 23rd of September, as the Sun crosses the celestial equator going south. The equinox also marks the beginning of autumn, which lasts until the winter solstice the 21st of December.
This month planetary drama is going to happen on the 28th degree and 13th minute of Pisces, a water sign opposite Virgo, on the last days of Virgo season.
Are you ready to dive into your September 2021 astrological overview?
The two dominating elements are water and earth.
Water element makes us intuitive and sensitive, and we feel more intensely than other time. We can be emotional and nurturing, like a river, that runs deep. Water is also about compassion and understanding, since the receptivity is remarkably high.

The air element however, is about communication and intellect, the thought process. It is about alertness and curiosity. The air signs are fresh as a summer breeze, or are they howling like the wind? Probably both, depending on when you catch them. Air can blow hot and cold, so depending on their changeability beware of the chilly draft.

This lunation will have both of these influences but since the Moon is in dreamy Pisces also conjunct Neptune perhaps the water element will play just slightly bigger role. When you combine this two elements you find that it makes for someone well-versed in contradiction. Thus the nature of this full moon is very similar. It is going to be tense and upsetting simultaneously bringing us to culmination of good news and fortunate illuminations.
As usual, with the full moon we come to a completion of some sort. Something has come to a full circle, the light cannot grow anymore, a cycle is ending so a new one can begin soon.
Generally speaking, this Full moon naturally ends the summer with coinciding of the equinox and the beginning of Libra season in just two days. It highlights the polar opposition between health and healing, order and chaos, logical mind and intuitions, spirituality and the secular world, infinite vastness and small details, the ethereal and the material...
To learn more about this full moon, find out about Spica the fixed star and learn how it may effect your rising, Moon and Sun sings watch my video on YouTube. If you don't know your rising sing you can calculate it here.
Blessings from Ildiko