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Karmic release with the New Moon eclipse in Scorpio

Writer's picture: Ildiko EgyedIldiko Egyed

An Eclipse occurs when the Sun and Moon form either a conjunction or an opposition within 19 degrees of either of the Nodes of the Moon. The lunar nodes are the two points where the Moon's orbital path crosses the ecliptic, the Sun's apparent yearly path on the celestial sphere. The Nodes of the moon are the two demons, Rahu and Ketu they are representing the past and future karmas. One of them carries the energy of spring (Rahu or North Node) the insatiable demon that pushes up and forward to experience at all costs the other one (Ketu or South Node) is the energy of autumn, the release, the excretion of things that feel very familiar.

Eclipses seem like ‘wild cards', bring stressing emotions or chaotic events that are very unexpected. The universe pushes us to our chosen paths rapidly and seemingly out of control, but they synchronise with major shifts in our consciousness –often with a collective experience. Eclipses bring fated evolutions of humanity, they impact the whole human race, but it is not only happening in the collective. Each and every single one of us have a part to play in, we all have to do something, so it effects us on the personal level too.

This is eclipse on the 25th October on the 2nd degree of Scorpio is a South Node solar eclipse. South node is our comfort zone and these eclipses have more weight on the letting go of something it felt really familiar, and comforting rather than on new beginnings, they are more confusing, we have to deal more with the past rather than the future, there is a sense of you don’t know where you’re heading, like you’re wearing a blindfold.

In the collective this is much about the transformation of power, a new crisis situation that pushes humanity towards the excretion of something that feels familiar but no longer serves mostly in the financial sphere. The eclipse in London, Uk time (GMT, Universal) is in the 12th H of endings and losses and has already manifested in more than one way with the power shifts occurring tumultuously causing the British currency to hit rock bottom due to the political instability. Effects can last a year or more , and are triggered when various transits line up over this degree by hard aspect. This is the beginning of the end of an era, with the existing power, the existing financials, with the existing resources, our inheritance , the ore of the Earth that gave us energy up until now. The ruler of this eclipse is Mars that is stationing retrograde, that is the traditional ruler of eclipse square Neptune is gives us a clue about the war that is becoming more and more lethargic, losing its purpose and goal, it energy level is draining all parties out, or on another level is about the likelihood of misinformation of media about the war.

On a more personal level these type of eclipses bring “power outage” or “release” into the sign, and natal house they occur in. You might be connecting with talents, gifts, events, ideas and even people from your past and bringing them forward into our current reality but in a brand new way. If you have personal planets and points 2-3˚away form Scorpio and Taurus, Aquarius or Leo you will be strongly effected.

It will be an emotional let go of the something in your life that you were closely connected in the past. For more clue look for the meaning of the house or planets that this eclipse is effecting.

Most importantly however, know that the new paths you are taking is YOUR chosen path and Universe is guiding you towards the fate you've already agreed to take on.

Much love and bliss


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