The full Moon in Aries is going to occur on 9th October at 20:54 GMT on the 16˚ Aries. As always, first thing to look is where Aries falls in your natal chart, second to check if you have a planets or points around the 16˚ of cardinal signs of Aries, Libra, Capricorn and/or Cancer. Full moons can be a completion or culmination of a project, plan or an escalation of a problem that began with the new moon two weeks ago or perhaps the new moon in Aries 6 months ago. For longer term projects it could also be 18 months ago with the previous Aries New Moon. These lunation often illuminate things we were in the dark about, we didn't have a conscious understanding of. The main theme of the Aries full moon is your individual needs versus partnership priorities. As humans we are in relationships constantly, all sorts of relationships not just romantic ones. It could be about your parent or parent- child dynamics, sibling relationships, friendships, you and your clients at work or how you relate to your boss. The full Moon 🌕 is illuminating the problem of what happens if we don't speak up for ourselves, because the full moon is in Aries ♈️, the spotlight is on YOUR individual needs as opposed to the other half.
There is an individual here and how you both make sure that you are expressing your needs and then negotiating how you are going to honour both, so that you are not in an imbalance of power. That's really important.
The full moon in Aries is ruled by Mars, that is in Gemini at the moment slowing down to station retrograde and squaring Neptune. It is a slightly volatile full moon after all, but we have to have a look at whether the tension and the disagreement that is coming up it is over something real that has substance or it is over something fake that is made up? This is going to be a real caution under this full moon. Are you annoyed by something that is really happening or angry about an issue that is surreal in a given situation and that's because of the influence of Neptune over Mars the ruler of this lunation. There's going to be lots work to be done to work through the irritation and frustration but in the same time having to make sure that the problem you are addressing is a real thing.
Don't be getting angry at someone just because you've heard something, a gossip, rumour, urban legend, but you haven't spoken to them directly.

It will be really important to clarify the facts and the details before we react. With an Aries full moon like that our passion is inflamed, and you may get flashes or images that are very striking, you might see and image that really galvanises something in you, motivate you but equally might anger you as well. When your passion is inflamed you might be inspired to act and do things in your behalf or on other people's behalf. But this could also be a time when you get a little bit righteous and combative, so you are going to have to kind of navigate to channel that passion into an action that will allow you to create progress in your life and not deterioration. Be aware that either you or people around you might just have a moment of outburst of anger under this full moon and of course with anger is always better out then in, but you may forget to be eloquent or timely with how it comes out because that's just the nature of anger. It is spontaneous and sometimes unexpected.
If need, be quick to recover or apologise or just be honest and admit that you really needed to say that maybe it wasn't the right time or may have not address it clearly but the point you were trying to make, is really valid, upon clarification of course. This is really important as Chiron the wounded healer is really close to the full moon, which can indicate wounding but also healing. So this can again go either way again. A sudden argument can bring issues to the surface with the opportunity to clarify and heal but also could be a moment of distraction and wounding that it really wasn't necessary. It is really up to the capacity how you are going to navigate those impulses.
All in all the most important thing during this full moon is to try and keep in control to channel this fiery, inspiration into progress and not hindrance.
Love and Bliss✨
To know how your sign is going to be affected click here.