The New Moon in Aquarius on the 21st of January at 20:53 GMT on the first degree of this rebellious sign reactivates the Jupiter -Saturn great conjunction in the same degree 2 and a half years ago. It also prepares us for Pluto's ingress to Aquarius, which is the last activation of the Era of Aquarius that is going to take place on the 23rd March.
Both Jupiter-Saturn and Pluto enter to this freedom loving zodiac sign is composing a new beginning for humanity to the New Age where Equality, Fraternity, Liberty will be revived once again. It is NOT a coincidence that I'm mentioning this slogan. The tagline was created by the French revolutionaries when Pluto had entered Aquarius in 1777 and shook Europe into uprising which brought a regime change not only in France.

We are just about to relive something similar, a social, cultural revolution that will transform the whole of humanity not just in Europe but in the whole world and humanity.
Word prepare!
The New Moon allows a new beginning that is unique but also fundamentally different from everything else you have done before, where you eliminate the old toxins of your body, mind and spirit and invite new inspiration, innovation in.
It could be about friendship, future goals and wishes, the society, a humanitarian cause, something about the internet, technology. It is going to be a new beginning that is unusual and is outside of the box. 📦 Remember to the Jupiter Saturn ingress in 2020 on winter solstice day. What new enterprise have you begun then? Planet's conjunction work exactly like the New moon 🌙, they begin a new cycle. The Jupiter Saturn one was for the next 20 years to come. This new moon is bringing a new lead into that project as will the Pluto ingress at the end of March, beginning of April.
Exciting times!
Historic times!

The New Moon, that brings fresh new beginnings, is very close to Pluto the planet of transformation and unearthing. Everything has to fundamentally change if Pluto is around! The New Moon 🌙 has an invigorating harmonious aspect to Mars the planet of energy and warrior spirit. You will be able to fight for your cause and have all the energy to push it forward. It has a luck brining sextile to Jupiter the planet of growth, inspiration and wisdom that bring us opportunities and expansion. Saturn 🪐 is still in the last degrees Aquarius ♒️ wrapping up his task and bringing us the perseverance, structure, The lord of time gives us a shape we can manifest into. And lovely Venus is also close by allowing us to enjoy the ride!
Let those crystals and sage out today, sit down for a new intention setting. Click here if you wouldn't know what to do, and here if you want to hear your 2023 horoscopes in detail.
Aries ♈️ it's happening in your 11th house of friendships, groups, communities, future goals and wishes, gains from career
Taurus ♉️ it's in your 10th house of career, worldly achievements, public image.
Gemini ♊️ the new moon 🌙 is in your 9th house of your belief system, foreign travels, higher education
Cancer ♋️ it is in your 8th house of shared resources, secrets, crisis and sudden transformations
Leo ♌️ it is in your 7th house of marriage, partnerships, audience and other people
Virgo ♍️ it is happening in your 6th house of heath, work and daily routines
Libra ♎️ it is in your 5th house of romance, children and creativity
Scorpio ♏️ it's in in your 4th house of home, family and property
Sagittarius ♐️ is in your 3rd house of brotherhood, mates, communications, learning and short trips
Capricorn ♑️ it's in your 2nd house of earnings, values and taste
Aquarius ♒️ it of course in your 1st house of life path, physical appearance and actions
Pisces ♓️ it's in your 12th house of seclusion, behind the scenes, faraway lands.
Good luck 🍀 for us all
Love and Bliss