August's first lunation the sturgeon full moon happens on the 12th of August 01:35 GMT, on the 19th degree of rebellious, innovative Aquarius. This full Moon in Aquarius is certainly packs a punch. Not only it re-activates the themes of the big bang end of July beginning of August, it also conjuncts the karmic, harsh teacher planet Saturn.
Bringing fate into our doorstep, this lunation will be painful and emotional for many. Fixed signs of course Aquarius, Leo, Scorpio and least but not last Taurus will feel it most.
Any planets, points close to the 19th degree (+- 5˚) will be impacted. In personal horoscopes, as alway look for the house position of Aquarius in your chart, this should give you a clue where the culmination of things will occur. The big bang should have brought you some disruptive, radical changes in your life that will come into its full fruition, into its full manifestation now with regards to the area of life that is represented with Aquarius. We know how Aquarius is a rebellious, innovative sign, that marches of their own beat. It is also connected to large groups of people, friendships, network, communities, internet, television.
Expect something of that nature to climax now.
In society, the big bang brought farmers into fury. With rebellious demonstrations, they blocked sources of food to challenge the government, the higher power against their decision to cut livestock (Taurus). The move was being made to meet environmental targets (Uranus). Never has been astrology so literal as in July when in the sign of bull ♉️ the farmers raged (Mars) and rebelled (Uranus) against the leaders of a country (Saturn) shown by the triple conjunction in Taurus forming a T square with Saturn and Mercury, a very achievement oriented, but tense and volatile aspect in astrology.
'NO FARMERS NO FOOD' they demonstrated. They literary dragged the cows ♉️ front of government buildings, blocked off food distribution centres to rebel against the authorities (Saturn).
'Emotions and pains' were the descriptive words of Guardian news. The breaks and stops in our resources isn't only happening in West Europe. Economy struggled way before the war in Ukraine but that certainly did not help. The country under war used to be the biggest exporter of wheat, that now is making a growing impact of the whole world's food supply ♉️. The constant nuclear threats we are all living under, the accelerating increase of prices and the cost of living crisis put us all into a state of mind where we realise: some things just gotto give. We won't and can't sustain this way of life any longer. Our long term goals, hopes and wishes will diminish and have to at least undergo major transitions.(Uranus square Aquarius 🌙 )
The full Moon in Aquarius will bring us into a climax point where out of this something will have to give in, radical changes will have to happen, until the innovative ideas and material aspects of life will be sustainable and safe.
Such dramatic times. But we will have to endure more...
The big bang will be triggered with the eclipses also in October, November, when the last Uranus and Saturn conjunction is taking place. Old patterns will have to be broken, traditions will crumble and we will all be forced to leap into a future of innovation, cutting ties with anything old, toxic and unsustainable.
I just hope we wont' have to eat crickets instead of steak.
with hope
a very Aquarian LunaClair
To see how your rising sign is effected by the full moon 🌕 Aquarius ♒️ click here.