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Eradicating evil

Writer's picture: Ildiko EgyedIldiko Egyed

The Super Flower Blood Moon Total Lunar Eclipse that is happening on the16th of May 4:12 AM, GMT and is occurring on the 25th˚ Scorpio. Lunar eclipses are very potent full moons, however the light of the full moon is obstructed by the lunar node this time the south node of the moon, that is connected to the past karma. Well more scientifically, the Moon goes into the shadow of the sun so called umbra, where all direct light of the sun is blocked. The Moon takes on its reddish colour because of a phenomenon called Rayleigh scattering, a similar phenomena happens during sunrise or sunset. From the colours of the sunlight the longer wavelength red ones are only able to reach the moon turning it into a reddish looking whilst the totality lasts, about 1 and half hours.

Shifting back to astrology, according to the ancients when the luminaries lose their lights, the time gives power for dark deeds, shadow works and illnesses. When the luminary this time around the moon is in Scorpio, we can also add crisis to this list.

Scorpio is not only associated with crisis, but money, more precisely shared investments, taxes, inheritances, alimonies, also transformation, sexuality, psychology and the occult. It's the sign of extremes and intensity, when we need to dig deep into dark, the underworld for long buried issues to bring them up and heal them, transform them.

An old issue connected to any of these themes might resurface now, and as always the full moon🌕 brings things into culmination this past wound, connected to money, love or beauty,(Chiron conjunct Venus) has to be addressed and dealt with it, however painful it may be. Scorpio is connected to elimination of toxins physically and psychologically, grudges, behaviours and people for transformation will be the key and the way forward. The overpowering water element suggest that this is going to be one of those eclipses that bring us the 'ouch' feelings, emotions, with Saturn squaring both of the luminaries. It might be time to pay off an old, karmic debt that, which literally could mean arrears, capital, mortgage, inheritances in the signs of Scorpio♏️.

But as always when unearthing the buried, you'll get dirty, you'll stir up some dreary, putrefying mud. Whatever comes up for you be it a person, a memory, an emotion or matters or finances it will be very transformational experience and there will be no turning back. Lunar eclipses bring fated endings, where you need to formally close a door. The changes are going to be permanent but there will be healing ❤️‍🩹, there will be forgiveness with the ruler of the eclipse, Mars is with Neptune in Pisces.

However confusing it might be, go with your intuition, eradicate the evil, and you'll come out on the other end, refreshed and powerful like a phoenix bird.

This total lunar eclipse of course is going to impact you much more if you have important points & planets in the late degrees of Scorpio or Taurus, which you can find out here. How it is going to effect you depending in your house position find out here.

Much love and peace


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