Deep and powerful full Moon will bring closure and culmination to plans, projects and endeavours that began on the new Moon in Pisces two weeks ago, or for longer term intentions, programs that were initiated about 6 months ago with the Virgo New Moon or even 18 months ago with the previous one. Very profound but somewhat uncomfortable changes are on the horizon depending on your personal house placement of the Virgo full Moon🌕. Check where Virgo falls in your chart here to see what area will be activated.
We are all tired of the same old, there is a desire for changing the status quo because our comfort and interpersonal relationships became intolerable and agonising with pain. We want and yearn change with Mars and Venus square to Uranus, longing for excitement cherishing the unknown, the non-traditional to the extent that we even make mild risks.

The lunation is going to occur on Friday 7.07 am GMT and is taking place on the 27th degree of Virgo. The majority of full moons this year were actually all on the late degrees of the sign which again accentuates the tendency to finish things up and start anew.
Full moons are times of culmination and completions, however they can also illuminate something that was hidden before. It could be a time of revelation, when we see the true colour of something or somebody that changes our perspective.
Astrologers for thousands of years associate Virgo with work, health, habits and service. Therefore anything in this spectrum could come to a completion and unveiling.
It could be someone from a work situation, most likely a female that shows her true colours to you.
Or a health scenario unfolds before you with deep effect and forces you to leave a bad habit behind. You could be compelled to change your lifestyle for one reason or the other, or as a better case scenario a service of yours might came to fruition due to the diligent, unwavering effort you had put into your venture.
Since both of the luminaries are within the orb of a strong Neptune aspect, the planet of compassion and illusion, there is a chance that you see things through rosed coloured eyes 👀 or a feeling of deception, illusion is paired into this uncovering. Also amplified by Jupiter the planet of abundance and when Jupiter gives, it does it plentifully, but whether that's good or bad thing, the story line will decide.

No matter how this full moon exposes or manifests in your life, the profanity of is almost guaranteed with the exact trine to the Moon 🌝 from Pluto. This is a mitigating factor of the tension that the lunation can offer. The events will move you deeply, it will have a transformational influence in your life. There will be a feeling of destiny or tabu connected to it but also you can access dark areas of the subconscious.
With the still existing Mars Venus conjunction that are aspecting unconventional Uranus, bizarre sexual encounters could also be in the picture.
With Love and Passion
Again thank you about the one with the work colleague I know who it is. And I am 100% confident that it will not spoil anything I have xxx
Thank you