April full Moons are about relationships since they are happening in the me versus you axis, when Libra (relationships) Moon opposing Aries Sun (independence). This lunation occurs on the 16th of April, on the 26th degree of Libra and conjuncts the fixed star Spica with a two degree orb.
This is a blessing, since Spica is one of the most fortunate fixed stars, it is said to give riches, overcome contentions and removes scarcity and mischief.

However, just remember that full moons are the time of harvest. We can only reap harvest according to the seeds we planted. So you must remember what seeds you planted, 2 weeks ago with the new moon or 6 month ago with the Libra New Moon or if you don't just watch carefully what unfolds in your life during the full moon energies in terms of relationships, cooperation, justice, fairness and equality. Since the Libra New Moon, that I wrote about here was in quite of a martial spirit, it is a no brainer that this Full moon is now the completion and the manifestation of it, in the collective as well in on the individual level.
With this in mind looking at the strongest aspect of the full moon 🌕 the Pluto square we quickly realise that indeed we need the help of Spica. Whenever Pluto comes into a harsh aspect to the luminaries there is power play, tension. Intense emotions can appear from under the surface, or rather erupt from within. Exalted Venus in Pisces sextile Uranus with Mercury coming into conjunction to the planet of surprises. Secrets can be revealed, unusual information can suddenly appear, something out of the box can and going to emerge of this lunation.
With Full Moon revelations we often find that it is hight time to leave something behind, since it does not serve us anymore. Seeing something in its true colours can change how we perceive things and this can and is going to create a new reality for you. Jupiter and Neptune conjunction is still very strongly in play which abounds compassion and sets the stage for a new truth to materialise at a later time in future.
What is important now, to have faith in higher wisdom, to let yourself inspired by your intuition and dreams and don't be afraid to embrace the unusual, but above all to let love guide your way forward and out.
Blessed be