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Writer's pictureIldiko Egyed

Full Moon in Scorpio - Shady Secrets revealed

Updated: Apr 25, 2021

Intense Super Full Moon in Scorpio, a source of suspicion and status in quo

On Tuesday 27th of April, the second super full moon of this year is going to light up our night, also known as the Pink Moon or flower moon according to the American Indian almanac.

Full Pink Moon
Super Full Pink Moon

A Full Moon occurs when Sun and Moon are opposite each other in the ecliptic and this phenomenon is recognized as a highly emotionally charged celestial event. The fact that this full moon is taking place in the deeply secretive and psychological sign of Scorpio, well known for its emotional intensity and complexity only amplifies the magnitude of the situation.

Sun, the symbol and representation of our conscious mind is in Taurus. As a part of a four planet stellium illuminating the Moon, the unseen, the subconscious, the hidden motives. This lunation is also associated with completion, culmination of a certain ideas, a projects, letting of something that began 6 months or one and a half year ago with the Scorpio New Moon. The light of the pink moon cannot grow anymore, it will have reached its maximum capacity by Tuesday.

Depending on one’s personal chart this could be a smaller or a greater crisis, that reveals deeply buried, psychological traumas, that are ripe to let go of. Secrets and revelations are bound to appear in the arena of investments, taxes, banking systems.

Financial matters can come to the forefront, with the question of safety and security, where the ego is reluctant to give in, obsessed with getting their own way in stubborn Taurus, the most materialistic sign of all. Food supplies can be challenged, tectonic plates could be shaken which then could lead to a crisis situation, bringing awareness to the fragility of human life, the natural ending of things. In your personal chart look where Scorpio falls, that area is illuminated where some kind of disclosure might crop up. The epiphany can be a source of stress, particularly since the full moon is forming a T square with Saturn in Aquarius and the Taurus stellium of Sun, Uranus, Mercury, and Venus. When Uranus is part of a T square is hard to tell, what to expect, an astrologer can only promise a surprise, an unexpected event with the themes mentioned above.


However, the intensity of this full moon is guaranteed with the fixed T square especially for the fixed signs such as Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius, and Leo. If any of your personal planets (Sun and Moon) or sensitive points (Ascendant and Midheaven) falls here some sort of crisis is highly likely to occur. Taurus – Scorpio rising, it is a possibility that your relationship will be affected. Letting go of a toxic relationship, that won’t serve you anymore is eventually metamorphose you. Do look after your physical bodies (Taurus) your mental health (Scorpio) and your higher mind (Aquarius) so you can rise from the ashes transformed into a united mind, body, and spirit, sensing lightness and purity, having left behind a residue of past traumas.


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