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Super Full Moon in Libra

Writer's picture: Ildiko EgyedIldiko Egyed
The warrior Goddess in the heart of the Sun for healing relationships

A super, powerful and fated full moon is about to occur on the sky at the weekend. Super Full moon happens when the full moon coincides with the Moon’s closest approach to Earth in its orbit, which makes to moon appear closer and brighter to us than normal.

Sun conjunct Venus in Aries opposing and illuminating the Moon in Libra, highlighting important issues we need to deal with. Mars trines Saturn creating a harmonious Grand trine along with the full Moon and sextiles the trio of Sun, Venus, Chiron forming a kite configuration associated with fated, destined events in astrology. Mars also conjuncts the North Node to add even more karmic feel to this constellation.

Let’s break down the components to see what is really unfolding in front of our eyes.


Sun Moon opposition in Aries and Libra axes talks about a crisis of identity versus connection, independence clashing with collaboration, assertion with balancing relationships and harmony. This kite figure has all its planets in fire and air elements peaking on 8 the degrees of Aries with the Sun, Venus and Chiron conjunction, the focal point and the direction of the energy flow. The stage where it is all coming from, is the Libra full Moon, illuminating the need to compromise and cooperate. There is a crisis between putting yourself first (Aries) or others (Libra). Venus midweek has been cazimi, in the heart of the Sun and she has just started a brand-new cycle of 584 days, becoming an Evening Star and being in the opposite sign of her rulership unable to really fulfil her task of balancing, harmonizing and compromising all that much. This new cycle of hers sets the tone of the next 19 month of how we relate to others, pleasure, fun and money. Our primal wounds will be exposed now with Sun conjunct Chiron, ready to be healed now. Both Saturn and Mars are being a supportive influence with each other as well as with the healing process. We are creating and acting (Mars) on our future karma (North Node) with our determination of the structured higher mind (Saturn) so our relationship can be healed, and we can move forward at last.

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