The star of Bethlehem
Jupiter and Saturn were aligned in 7BC in Pisces and it was observed in the sky at the time of the birth of Jesus. According to the ancient Persians these two great planets were aligned showing the way to the Three Wise men who set off on a journey to visit the newly born. It is not to say that this conjunction has never occurred since in the sky, because they do align every 20 year or so. However, this one is a very powerful one being on the day of winter solstice on the northern hemisphere.

What should we do, when such rare astronomical event happens every 20 years or os?
Frist of all, set your intentions, make a little ceremony at home in order to have a good cosmic, energetic support for your objectives and purpose for the next 20 years to come! Yes this intention setting goes beyond the yearly ones and the ones the majority of people do on the 1st of January -which never does work anyway.
If we disregard the Gregorian calendar – which is far from perfect and was only introduced or rather forced on people 438 years ago- and take into consideration more so the real astronomical movement of the Earth in relationship to the Sun, we can apprehend the importance of ‘new year’ resolution rather at solstice day then New Year's Eve. This winter solstice is made special with the help of this Great Conjunction at 0 degrees of Aquarius. It is super important that you take time off today and set your intentions because of the combined energies that are occurring today and the long-term effects that it summons. Jupiter and Saturn have never been so close in the sky for 800 years from our vintage point. They are visible for the naked eye as well, many photographers caught this great phenomenon on camera. Consequently, a brand-new cycle begins collectively on humanity as well as on the individual, more personal level where this conjunction falls in our own birth chart. This is exciting, however don’t imagine this conjunction as a magic wand that changes things around on the blink of an eye. The reset is going to be slow, but long lasting and it is going to determine and revolutionise your mindset on that particular area of your life. In the beginning of the year, it might be a bit frustrating as a result of the square aspect coming from Uranus the planet of rebelliousness and unconventionality.
What does this Great Conjunction mean in Aquarius in air modality that even Google takes notice of?
Air signs are all about the intelligence, ideas, change, communication, in Aquarius these ideas get a fixed, more determined quality. Aquarius is this very unique energy, innovative full of new concepts, very humanitarian, loves technological advancement, science and also spirituality. Saturn and Jupiter are the planets of destiny and manifestation. After restructuring and careful planning (Saturn) in our belief system and higher mind (Jupiter) followed by hard work (Saturn) on our ideologies and higher learning (Jupiter) everything will come to fruition eventually. But it is going to be a slow process. To interpret this in your life, first of all, you need to know in your own personal chart where, in which astrological house Aquarius falls. Secondly, you then apply the wisdom on that area. I think you will know what to do, if not maybe it is high time to find a good astrologer to help you.
Merry Christmas everybody 🎄 May all our wishes and desires come true at the easiest possible way. Blessings to you all.