We are just coming from the energy of the full moon in Virgo to the so called waning crescent moon and that’s when the moon starts to lose its light because it is getting closer and closer to the sun before it completely disappears from our view. So, from the heightened emotional phase the full moon we start to kind of calm down, go more inwards, reflect on the culmination of the Virgo full moon and start to process things before the light can renew itself again provided from the Sun. Now the rest of the energies are a bit more sensitive as well because some of the planets move in to Pisces from Aquarius, such as the sun, Venus as well as Neptun, which has been there for a while, as it spends app. 14 years in a sign. So along with the balsamic phase of the moon the energies somewhat shifted from the fixed air element to the mutable water quality. We were very much fixated in our mind, intellect, communication all the time, thinking a lot. In March we are shifting our view from our mind to our emotions which is the mutable water quality. This energy is highly imaginative, compassionate, dreamy, sensitive and very artsy. Venus is joined up the Sun in this dreamy sign end of February, where she feels very, very good. It’ll is time to enjoy tender moments, be romantic, dream a little, have pleasure in meditation, yoga and spirituality. By mid March the new Moon is joined up Venus and Neptun, so that is going to be a very dreamy New Moon, it’ll be really the time for New Moon rituals and visualisations.

When New Moon aligns with Neptune and Venus, we can really create something from our intuitive side, from deep in our heart, it is time to envision our future exactly how we want it to be, maybe in deep meditation. This always works, but this time it’ll be supported by the quality of New Moon in Pisces, which is a very intuitive, the most spiritual and imaginative sign of the zodiac joining up with Neptun the ruler of Pisces, and mysticisms and infinity. I think we now can really dream big. Don’t be afraid, because anything you’ll create it’ll come from a place of beauty. Artist, performers, actors, this is also your time to be creative. Helpers, healers, spiritual teachers it’s high time to spread your unconditional love around. Yes, this is a beautiful New Moon, with no affliction to it.
Uranus-Saturn is still active, it is going to be all year, so new versus old and the structure against innovation, the radical demolition of the status quo, of what we used to. The new truth it is finding its way through the old and it just not going to be pleasant. Shakes our reality quite a bit, but these are changes that humanity really really need, so on the long term it’ll be good for us.
Mars finally trines (aspects harmoniously) Saturn after many months of squaring (aspects disharmoniously) which is an amazing energy in my opinion as it a very focused action, has got a hard-working quality to it. With tremendous will power we can achieve our goals so we can actually use that well in reaching to our dreams and make it a reality.
On the flip side: It could be chaotic, confused, we need to be careful with drugs and alcohol, because Venus being there, we might indulge in a bit more wine than usual. Depending on one's personal chart it could lead to some fantasy world and disappointment, because we are unable to see reality, in fact we want to escape it.
Aries: Your 12th house of spirituality, hidden fears and desires, dreams is activated by the Sun and Venus this month, and mid-March by the New Moon as well. You could be feeling like staying a lot more away from the public eye, getting lost in your dreamland maybe a spiritual retreat is in your sight now taking much joy in that. New Moon will be supported by Pluto the planet of transformation, so anything you create it can really profoundly change your life, and could feel very intense. You feel a new sense of needing to withdraw and showing your love behind the scenes to whoever you are staying it that space. You are very much acting and working in your sense of value and your actions are really thought through and focused, hence you are set to achieve your goals for sure in financial matters. You are still restructuring your areas of friends, networks, benefactors and your gains from your business. This is going to be the energy for you throughout the year, old structures will crumble down, and radical new ideas will come to you in terms of finances, earnings but your f friends, benefactors and social networks, groups could be find difficult to deal with that won’t be easily swallowed down. They pretty much want to keep the status quo.
Taurus: Your 11th house is activated by the Sun and Venus this month, and mid-March by the New Moon as well. You are shining and are very popular amongst your friends, groups, social networks. You could be taking up new group activities, physically or/and in your online, social circles. You could be making new important connections, friends and it is highly likely that you are a great influencer in these realms with shining your light, beauty and charm to those in your community. The New Moon will be supported by Pluto the planet of transformation, so anything you create it can really profoundly change your life, and could feel very intense. You are also very active physically, maybe you started working out recently, or started working very hard in your carrier and public image. Your actions are really thought through and focused, so you are set to achieve your goals as your will and exertion is just unstoppable and highly determined. You are still restructuring your career and main goals in life this is going to be the energy for you throughout the year, old structures will crumble down, and radical new ideas will come to you from your own intuitions. You are definitely innovating your entire life path as well as your appearance, of how you show yourself to your environment.
Gemini: Your 10h house is activated by the Sun and Venus this month, and mid-March by the New Moon as well. You are shining and are very popular in your public image and career. You need to be planting the seeds of intention, dreams and growth in terms of your life goals and career during the New Moon in the middle of the month. It will be supported by Pluto the planet of transformation, so anything you create it can really profoundly change your life, and could feel very intense. You are also very active behind the scenes perhaps preparing for your new image that you want to create in public. You could also be motivated in certain spiritual practices. Whatever you do it won’t be visible just yet, everything is in preparation stage at the moment. Your actions, however are really thought through and focused, so you are set to achieve your goals when you are ready to publish everything and present it to the world. You are still restructuring your belief system, your life perspective, higher education, spiritual realms and long-term journeys. Perhaps you are thinking about learning astrology, or some sort of spiritual discipline. This is going to be the energy for you throughout the year, old structures will crumble down, and radical new ideas will come to you from your own subconscious mind, and you are going to feel a strong need to publish these ideas at a later stage this year. Things will never be the same after this year, a beautiful new world will emerge from your ideology and higher mind.
Cancer: Your 9th house is activated by the Sun and Venus this month, and mid-March by the New Moon as well. You could be publishing something new finding much joy in it, not so much travel this time around, you could start something new, or dream about some sort of higher education, maybe a spiritual course enjoying that. Maybe you are taking up a new belief system that you really like. The New Moon will be supported by Pluto the planet of transformation, so anything you create it can really profoundly change your life, and could feel very intense. You are very much acting behind the scenes, but your actions are really thought through and focused, so you are set to achieve your goals for sure regarding these 9th house matters. You are still restructuring your financials, your taxes, or your partners resources, this is going to be the energy for you throughout the year, old structures will crumble down, and radical new ideas will come to you from the area of friend, benefactors and networks but it won’t be easily swallowed down.
Leo: Your 8th house is activated by the Sun and Venus this month, and mid-March by the New Moon as well. Something to do with your financials, partners money, taxes, inheritance the house of deep intimacy, your finding new ways of terms of these mentioned, taking much joy in it. Your partner could find new ways of making money, you might need to renew your tax return, or some inheritance can come into the picture with Venus being there. Or you could be enjoying a renewed sense of intimacy with your partner. The New Moon will be supported by Pluto the planet of transformation, so anything you create it can really profoundly change your life, and could feel very intense. You are very active your social circles, networking a lot and your actions are really thought through and focused, so you are set to achieve your goals regarding your socials networks and long-term partner ships that you are restructuring in the next two years. The energy of Uranus square Saturn manifests in your area of status and career for you throughout the year, old structures will crumble down, and radical new ideas will come to you, but it won’t be easily swallowed down, especially by your partner.
Virgo: A very romantic new relationship could come into the picture for you this month Virgo, the Sun is moving through your 7th house of long-term relationships. If you’re single, that could be up in the air for you, definitely set your intentions on the day of the new moon. If you are in a committed relationship, you could put some magic, and romanticism and maybe renew your wows to each other, maybe by the sea with Neptun being there. The New Moon will be supported by Pluto the planet of transformation, so anything you create it can really profoundly change your life, and could feel very intense. You are very active your career and status, and your actions are really thought through and focused, so you are set to achieve your goals in your work environment. The energy of Uranus square Saturn manifests in your area of higher education, religion, belief system, for you throughout the year, old structures will crumble down, and radical new ideas will come to you, but it won’t be easily swallowed down especially in your everyday routines.
Libra: Your 6th house is activated by the Sun and Venus this month and mid-March by the New Moon as well. You are shining and are very popular in your work and team environment, the area of health and everyday routines. You finding much joy in giving service to others, in a health routine, your daily activities. You might find a new daily routine that works for you and really enjoy it, or you get a new pet and find much pleasure playing around with it. You could be enjoying a new diet that can take you back in track in terms of your health. It will be supported by Pluto the planet of transformation, so anything you create it can really profoundly change your life, and could feel very intense. You are also very active secretly perhaps with your partner’s financials and/or taxes, inheritances. Maybe you are having intense and encounters with your partner intimately. Your actions, however are really thought through and focused, so you are set to achieve your goals. You are still restructuring your area of children and creativity, self-expression. Saturn is going to stop you having too much fun this time around. This is going to be the energy for you throughout the year, old structures will crumble down, and radical new ideas will come to you from the area of shared resources and deep secrets. There’s going to be a conflict throughout the year between the areas of joy, children and joint finances. You might need to rethink that holiday, you planned for a long time and that’s not going find much fun in it.
Scorpio: Your 5th house is activated by the Sun and Venus this month, and mid-March by the New Moon as well. You are shining and having so much fun in the areas of your children, games, self-expression and creativity. With the New Moon in mid March there is a chance for a new romance for you or a new creative endeavour. You are finding much joy in your children, your creative work or you could find a new hobby that gives you much joy It will be supported by Pluto the planet of transformation, so anything you create could feel very intense. You are also very active in your long-term partnerships but many changes are happening there throughout this year. Your actions, however are really thought through and focused, so you are set to achieve your goals. You are still restructuring your home environment maybe some radical change is needed in this area. This is going to be the energy for you throughout the year, old structures will crumble down, and radical new ideas will come to you from your long-term partnerships.
Sagittarius: Your 4th house is activated by the Sun and Venus this month and mid-March by the New Moon as well. The Sun is shining its light in this area and you are having much pleasure in your home environment finding joy in staying at home. You might find pleasure in DIY, cooking, creating new piece of art or renewing and beautifying your home. The new moon will be supported by Pluto the planet of transformation, so anything you newly create it can really have big impact and could feel very intense. You are actively working on your health, vitality, service, hygiene and you are focusing so much in achieving a long-term goal with it. Uranus is being in this area of daily routines and service and will shake things up throughout the year, you may experience unexpected changes, it could bring some health issues up and disruption to your regular schedule. You are still restructuring your area of thinking, communication, siblings, short journeys or even feel like you are restricted in this sector. This is going to be the energy for you throughout the year, old structures will crumble down, innovative idea will come to fore and the energy is coming again from your 6th house of every day routine, service and health. There’s going to be a conflict throughout the year between these two areas mentioned before, with changes wining over the status quo by the end of the year.
Capricorn: The Sun and Venus moved into the house of short journeys, siblings, lower education and writing, social media, general communication. You could be creating something new in these areas with the new moon in Pisces, your words are very kind and artsy, your writing could be romantic, or writing about something romantic. Maybe your social posts will take on a sense of romantic, dreamy feelings. Or you could be taking a short trip somewhere not too far that you just simply really enjoy, especially with relatives, or neighbours. With the New Moon will be supported by Pluto the planet of transformation, it could be that a someone new comes into your kinships or in your neighbourhood and close environment, and could feel very intense. You are working very actively on your routines, work and team environment your actions are really thought through and focused, so you are set to achieve your goals in the long term, especially since you’re restructuring your earning, financial and your values system. The energy of Uranus square Saturn manifests in your area of children, self-expression, for you throughout the year, old structures will crumble down, and radical new ideas will come to you, but it won’t be easily swallowed down especially in your finances, values.
Aquarius: The Sun and Venus moved into your second house of earnings, financials and you could be creating something new in these areas with the new moon in Pisces. You need to visualise your financial goals, and create new dream. You could be cashing up a bit here with exalted Venus, so have an open eye for money coming in, like in you dreams. With the New Moon will be supported by Pluto the planet of transformation, it could change your life and could feel very intense. You could be very active in the area of self-expression, creativity and children. Might be taking fun activities with your children and having much fun with it. If you’re single you could be actively dating your actions are really thought through and focused, you are set to achieve your goals in the long term, since you are restructuring your looks, appearance and how you show yourself in the world. The energy of Uranus square Saturn manifests in your area of home versus self, for you throughout the year, old structures will crumble down, and radical new ideas will come to you in your home environment, you might move but it won’t be easily swallowed down since you want to keep the status quo.
Pisces: The Sun and Venus moved into your first house of your lifepath and your entire physical appearance. You are feeling very confident, you’re shining now and looking very beautiful. People will enjoy being around you as you radiate this beautiful, dreamy, charming energy. You could be changing something in your appearance with the new moon in Pisces and I can assure your it will look amazing. Good time for changing a hairstyle, colour, new style, Allia can help with that, and generally your appearance will have a renewed, refreshed look. With the New Moon will be supported by Pluto the planet of transformation, this physical change and could feel and look very profound and intense. You can manipulate with this new look. You are very active in your home environment your actions are really thought through and focused, so you are set to achieve your goals in the long term, especially since you’re very subtly restructuring subconscious mind. On a more physical realm you could be remaking your bedroom, which then in the long-term will support your areas of dreams and rest. The energy of Uranus square Saturn manifests in your area of communication, siblings and short journeys for you throughout the year, old structures will crumble down, and radical new ideas will come to you, but these much-needed changes won’t be easily swallowed down especially behind the scenes.