“As above so below, the sky is full of tension between Libra sun and Aries Mars the planet of war.”
The theme of the week is undoubtedly the Libra sun opposing against action orientated Mars in Aries. I have to say the tension isn't over just yet. We want to act, but our desire will be thwarted by some kind of authority figure. As a consequence, frustration will spark up and we might speak our truth in a way that might not be politically correct. Mercury the planet of communication is in poisonous Scorpio opposing individualistic, unconventional Uranus. We may surprise ourselves as well as our surroundings with things that emerge in our mind and as a result in our speech. We may disclose things that could be stingy and unexpected, not making us particularly popular amongst those in charge. The two sweetest planets Moon and Venus are trying their best to smooth things out but little they can do in their weak positions. Venus the planet of pleasure and beauty is in hardworking Virgo which is not the place she likes best. She'd rather enjoys herself and life somewhere else. Our nurturing Moon is moving too fast out of Cancer the place of her home, arriving into a balsamic phase. This lunation stage is our monthly sleep. Our vitality and spirit needs renewal following all the challenges we had to face last couple of weeks. Resting and recuperating will certainly be the wisest things to do this week. Have a peaceful weekend everyone.