On the 10th of June an annular solar eclipse happens on the 19 47” of Gemini. An annular solar eclipse occurs when the Moon covers the Sun's centre, leaving the Sun's visible outer edges to form a “ring of fire” or so-called annulus around the Moon.

Solar and Lunar eclipses are dynamic cosmic occurrences that activate the lunar nodes. Basically, a solar eclipse is a New Moon, but with the lunar nodes involved, whilst a lunar eclipse is a full moon, that conjunct the lunar nodes as well. The south and north nodes often referred as the points of destiny, the south symbolises the past, whilst the north node the future karma, that one has to walk towards. We can call this axis the karmic pathways that our soul wants to experience in this lifetime. Accordingly, the eclipses activate fated avenues of the human life, illuminating the soul’s choice before birth, hence they became this somewhat feared, fated, events that we have no or very little control over, according to the ancient astrologers. Even today eclipses considered highly charged lunations that are pushing us towards our destiny. They also always arrive in pairs, 2 weeks ago we had the lunar eclipse in Sagittarius on May 26th.

If an eclipse is falling within 8-10 degree of your Sun, Moon, Ascendant or Midheaven the probability of a life changing event is fairly high. This solar eclipse on the 19 47” of Gemini will activate mutable signs (Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces and Virgo) from the 10th degree till the 29 59", till the end of those signs. If the eclipse is falling right on the mathematical degree of your personal planet (Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars, Mercury) the effect of the eclipse is even more powerful. Check out your personal planets' degree here.
What can we expect during this highly charged New Moon, this annular solar eclipse? Well first of all, don’t plan anything major, not only on that day, but on that week. Anything that is important such as marriage, signing of a contract is a big no,no. Don’t travel unless it is absolutely necessary and don’t buy a new house either.
According to the ancient astrologers eclipses bring life changing events into our life, that can happen during the week of the eclipse, but that can have an effect on our life up till 6 months or longer. It is very interesting that eclipses repeat in the same sign and degree every 19th year, so if you are old enough to remember, look back on your calendar what happened 19 years ago on the 10th June. You will foresee an event of a similar nature is happening to you again. Also, it interesting to note, that eclipses on the same axis (Gemini-Sagittarius) are coming in a bunch of 4s or 6s, so called family. We have already had a pair happening last December in this family (Sagittarius-Gemini) and there is one more to come end of the year. They work more like series and each eclipse in a series is a united theme and strung together like beads in a necklace. During a personally active eclipse season it feels like one is walking on a path where everything seems to collapse behind one and only at the end we can see how all those events, that seemed it came out of the blue, very unexpectedly, lead us to our destined path, where we really belong. Indeed, they can be scary since there is no way back, the only way is forward with an eclipse but it seems that we are pushed, rushed into something we haven’t always consciously chosen but we were pulled and forced on those directions.
So, let’s see what they can bring generally and then more personally.
As I mentioned before a solar eclipse is after all a fated New Moon, they usually tend to bring something new into our life. Two weeks ago, with the full moon eclipse perhaps, it was an ending of some sort. All endings are followed by new beginnings, this lunation can bring a new event into our life. With this axis in Gemini and Sagittarius, first of all we may experience something connected to travels, learning new skills, education, communication, siblings, neighbours. Also, this eclipse is falling right on the same degree with Mercury retrograde, that is squared by Neptune. When Mercury is stressed by Neptune and backtracking, the mind feels scattered and less able process information, as it usually would in Gemini especially, but this time around, all Mercury ruled things, such as communication, trading, travelling, learning is somewhat misleading, misinterpreted, delayed, unclear, hazed and confused. Retrograde Mercury calls us anyway to rethink, reorganise, revise at a certain points to resign as well. The New Moon is trined by Saturn, that on the other hand gives a longevity to this constellation, so whatever new beginnings are coming your way, the effect will be long term. Seeing so many Gemini and Mercurian influence, the solar eclipse can come to you in form of news on social media, or in a form of unexpected call. Since the solar eclipse usually reveals something with the Mercury Neptune square a misleading, deceitful information could come into light. An old friend could also be back with retrograde Mercury causing confusion or misunderstanding.
Rule breaker Uranus is nearly coming up to its second square to Saturn this year, which is all about the crumbling down of the old way, outdated strategies, giving way to the new, the unconventional. This aspect is felt throughout the year, but on the day of the eclipse they are only one degree away from the perfect square and they are approaching as well, which means the aspect is pretty strong, powerful. It is the collision of the old, the traditional versus unconventional. Saturn and Uranus have opposite functions. Saturn creates structures. Uranus breaks these down so a new, superior order can emerge. This aspect is more subtle, works on the psyche since Uranus is not visible for the naked eye, the effects are more psychological and long term. However, Uranus’ unpredictable, exciting energy will be felt not only because the sextile with Venus in Cancer but also the general feel of eclipse is very Uranian, it happens out of the blue. The aspect to Venus can manifest as a surprising new relationship or a sudden change on how we value emotional bonding and security. As mentioned above, unless you have personal planet or points between the last 20 degrees of mutable signs, check here (Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo and Pisces) you can treat the solar eclipse as an ordinary New Moon, but if you belong to that mutable group that I mentioned above, well… expect the unexpected.
If you would like to know more, how it plays out in your chart watch this video. If you would like a personal reading with me click here.

Gemini sun (June 10th ) Sagittarius rising and mercury in gemini , both in my 7th