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Beaver Full Moon lunar eclipse with the head of Gorgon Medusa

Writer's picture: Ildiko EgyedIldiko Egyed

Updated: Nov 15, 2021

Full moon eclipse happens when the Sun and the Moon are in opposition but they are also triggered by the Nodes of the Moon so called Rahu and Ketu in Vedic astrology.

Eclipses are usually very potent new or full moons, that are fated and unexpected, they have this Uranian influence when you just didn’t see that event coming, which eventually changes your life. They usually bring historic life events to your life such as a pregnancy, or birth of a baby, a move, a promotion, career change, divorce or end of a relationship. A date you’ll definitely remember. It doesn’t necessarily have to happen to you, but somehow you will be affected so much so that it’ll bring some monumental events to your life. For example: you are renting a house and the owner decides to sell it. They’ll let you know around the eclipse time that you’ll need to move out within 3 months. When I had a solar eclipse on my moon, I found out that my boss was leaving and because of that they had to make such changes, that I got transferred to another unit, which made me leave within few weeks too. My life was fully affected by someone else’s decision. This is a very typical eclipse manifestation, when someone else’s choice turns your life completely to 180 degree and exactly this is why eclipses feel so scary. But eventually they put you on your true path, the universe works to your higher good.

“During an eclipse period, it is as though you will walk over a rickety old bridge. As you walk across this bridge, over a very deep, rugged, treacherous ravine, you may be a little nervous. Once you make it to the other side, the bridge will collapse and you will see the pieces fall far into the deep, perhaps making you jittery. The bridge snaps just as you get to safe ground, but you realise, first, that you could have been on that bridge when it fell (but you weren’t), and more importantly, you will never again be able to walk back over to the other side.”

Lunar eclipses usually bring endings, but they are also followed within two weeks by a solar eclipse with a great new beginning. They are like full and new moons to the power of two or even three.

Who’s going to be affected and for how long?

This lunar eclipse is happening on the 19th of November on the late degrees of Taurus, the 27th degree and 15th minute to be precise.

Everyone who has got planets or important point within 5 degrees is going to be affected. The more personal the planet the more personal the experience. (Sun, Moon, Ascendant, MC, Venus, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn), the closer is the degree the more you are feeling it. See here if you have personal planets and points close by. We are already in the eclipse season, but generally a month before and 6 months after when events usually unfold.

Lunar eclipses are very potent full moons with unexpected twist and events that you have no control of.

Something comes to its full circle; the light cannot grow anymore. Often times someone, usually a female can be eclipsed out of our life or since the full moon illuminates things, sometimes the true colour of a person can be revealed to you that changes everything you believed so far.

An earthy quality of project, something tangible, material, valuable might come to its completion. Your sense of security and safety can also play a major role. You need to let it go…. It’ll be emotional as usually lunar eclipses are and feel very fated because of the lunar nodes involvement but when you look back later on you’ll see the purpose of it.

What can unfold during this Beaver’s Moon Lunar eclipse?

Lunar eclipses come in cycles, as usually things in astrology and life. Every 19th year eclipses occur nearly on the same degree. In 2002 on the 20th of November the fated beaver’s full moon happened on the 27th degree of Taurus. Do you have good memory that you can recall events from the distant past, or if you are and have been writing journals, diaries look back and expect similar theme this time.

The closest aspects to the full moon are the Jupiter square and Pluto sextile. They both are going amplify and intensify the energy of this lunation that is already feels like steroids. Jupiter will make sure that the emotional component is going to be overly felt and it will put you to action, whilst Pluto will deepen it, will make it a profound experience.

The lunation happens on the same degree as Algol the demon star, the dreadful Medusa’s head in the constellation of Perseus. ‘Algol is associated with pain, suffering, violence, difficult and emotionally intense experiences, beheadings, accidents to the head, losing one’s head (mentally) and has been historically linked with murderous acts, disastrous events, and anything horrific. People are advised to be cautious when personal planets are transiting over Algol, and when natal planets are with in close proximity to her, (conjunction) it is viewed to be an unlucky and troublesome placement.’ *

The association however doesn’t have to be literal. Mental illnesses are connected to this point, but it can simply mean that you learn a life altering lesson by ‘loosing your head’ in this experience. The blinking demon can be analogous with violent disasters if it’s closely connected the most malefic planets such as Pluto, Saturn or Mars and perhaps not just one of them. That is not the case in this occasion. Like everything Algol has two sides of the coin. It can also give wealth, high spiritual development and protect you from witchcraft.

Since this time the demon will be illuminated by the full moon someone’s malignant spirit could be reveal to you or could be eclipsed from your life. But as the saying goes ‘Better the devil you know that the devil you don’t’ we might actually thank the universe for the eye-opening experience encountered during this season.

So please don’t be afraid, raise your vibration by doing something joyful, check out my full moon ritual for more help, and trust the has your back. Mantra’s can work wonders.

Watch this video to find out where you might be affected and what mantras to use for protection and high spirits.

With love and blessings


Watch this video for the eclipse manifestation for your sign and for protective mantras for all 12 signs. Find out here where is your Sun, Moon and ascendant.


Susan Miller

Kepler astrology

Rose Lineman, Eclipse interpretation manual

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