Aka wolf Moon or queen Moon
Full Moons are always intense no matter what, but this full Moon in Leo is beyond any intensity that we experienced lately. Full moons are a time of harvest, the energies have ripened now from two weeks ago (New Moon), 6 months ago (Leo New Moon) or even one and a half year ago (previous Leo New Moon). Think back on any project you started earlier and those come to fruition this time around. So why is this special wolf Moon fiercer than a regular full moon per se? Read on and I will explain.

To describe this full moon on Thursday as fierce is no coincidence. This phenomenon is as fiery and dramatic as it can be. First of all, Leo is a fire sign and loves drama as we know. Secondly, it is part of a T square, a configuration in astrology that creates tension and conflict, this way forcing us towards the change. Then the constellation involves square aspects which is a very action (fire) orientated aspect. Last, but not least Mars the fire and war planet sits along with explosive Uranus on the apex of this T square.
The modality of this T square is fixed and so needless to say the fixed signs are most effected (Leo, Taurus, Aquarius and Scorpio) What does that mean? This action orientated constellation it urges us to make changes, but we resist, because we are fixated in our self-expression (Leo), individuality (Aquarius) and comfort (Taurus). Loyalty (Leo) versus freedom (Aquarius) in secure (Taurus) relationships.
Are we dating (Leo) or are we just friends (Aquarius)? Can we feel secure and /or sensual (Taurus) in such relationships?
These ideas get into conflict this week when Moon will reach the exact opposite degree to the Sun conjunct Jupiter that will amplifies the situation, squaring Mars Uranus conjunction, that acts and distracts, on the focal point of this pattern. The tension feels explosive and out of the blue. Very volatile and with the Jupiter Mars square overreactions are very likely. On a good note, T squares as tense as they are, they are achievers of success, hence things will be worked and smoothed out, but emotions will be stirred.
Interpreting this T square in your own life it is up to the house position in your chart, so that is very personal. You need to look at where do the angels of the T square falls in horoscope and apply it on the area.
Just careful, take care of yourselves and of one another
Love Ildiko