On the 30th of April at 20:27 GMT on the 10˚20' of Taurus an extraordinary solar eclipse is taking place.
In astrology, solar eclipses mean New Moons that are amplified by the fated, karmic points of the lunar nodes, therefore leading us to permanent changes, great new beginnings especially for people with planets and points around the 10th degree of fixed signs Taurus, Scorpio, Leo and Aquarius.
Looking at the chart, with so many benefic aspects, this particular lunation is perhaps as good as a solar eclipse can get, but of course that does not mean that it will not bring upheaval to those that are effected. The very nature of these type of new moons are to bring chaos and extraordinary events to our life, that feels out of our control. However, this is only a tool that the universe uses to push us into our purpose that our souls have chosen to uptake in this incarnation.
Broadly speaking, this solar eclipse will bring fated new beginnings in the financial sector, agriculture, the material side of the world. An element of surprise is going to be there, but more highlighted than normally because of the Uranus conjunction or in a different scenario new beginnings can take place where something unconventional or sudden break might happen in the financial world, economical sphere or in the food industry. New technology introduced in these areas, something that breaks away from tradition and surprises us, even shocks us.
The Mars sextile brings energy, enthusiasm and natural action oriented bravery to the picture. There will be passion at play to make this plan work out in the future. The ruler of the eclipse, the ever so benefic Venus is exalted in Pisces, expanded by a strong, inspirational Jupiter in his rulership. As a result the new beginning will carry an element of growth, abundance, expansion, generosity and luck to it. Always and especially this time, you need to trust the universe despite chaotic circumstances that when is going to be over it will be all well.
Check here which house is effected for you in your personal chart, and choose your ascendant sign here to have an overview of how you might be effected.
Finally, I quote from my favourite film: 'At the end all will be well. If it is not well, it's not yet the end'
with 💕