New moon is the time of sowing the seeds, for a later harvest in 2 weeks (Full Moon) or in 6 months (Full Moon in Capricorn) time. With the New Moon the tiny, flickering light grows slowly and gradually to its full manifestation before it reaches the climax of the energies, to a full blown idea, life situation or circumstance. What do you dream of that you would like to manifest, expand? Carefully crafting your life involves being consciously aware of the timing of when and what we can achieve.
The how lies in the sign.
The sea goat (Capricorn) teaches us about reaching to our goals with steady and hard work, by being realistic, earth-bound and materialistic. In mundane astrology it represents the government, more personally the authority figure in our life. Capricorn is indeed the institution, the one in charge of time and everything. Ruled by Saturn (Chronos in Greek mythology the god of Time) this earthy sign represents the frozen winter, the limitation of time and matter. Here we learn that there isn’t plenty, we’ll have to live of our resources, the stocks that we set aside during the time of abundance and harvest.
The sea goat loses its fish tail and sets of to climb the mountain to reach to the top.
However, there is an intensity on this day, as the new Moon exactly conjuncts Pluto the planet of power, transformation and extremes. This heavenly body along with the dwarf but powerful planet creates the concept of the mighty and fearful. Whatever is being created here will carry the energy of Pluto, that of powerful, paramount and transformative.
Not far off in Aquarius, the ruler of Capricorn, Saturn, receives his final, dynamic challenge from Mars, who lost its great power momentarily entering Taurus and changed its energy coming into union with the newly direct Uranus, the planet of rebellion.
This does not sound pleasant… nope. Suchlike constellation is anything but amiable. Unexpected distraction, erratic flow and volatile zest are some of the keywords connected to this type of fusion. Problems with electricity, earth shakes are all under this influence. Heavy energies are in the sky as malefic Mars and serious Saturn are coming up to their last encounter, imposing their latest decree on economy and comfort vs innovation on earth and in air.
The where lies in your personal chart's house position along with the details of your individual strengths and weaknesses.

Thus, be even more careful of the seeds you will be sowing during midweek, approach everything from a place of love and pure intention. Venus can actually help and work with that along with Uranus, creating a unique and unconventional love scenario amongst the battlefield of those celestial bodies mentioned above.
Take good care of yourselves and of one another