The energy of the New moon can be felt for two weeks of even more if it touches and important point in your chart.

Who doesn’t like a New Moon? The time of intention setting, New Moon is like a new born baby with all the potential in it. It’s like a clean page, a new chapter in your life. You can plant new seeds in the area of your life where the novice energies are taking place. A new cycle of light begins, initially our intentions are invisible, the energy isn’t defined yet, the seeds are growing under the ground undeniably.
"New moon is like a new born baby with all the potential in it. It is a new chapter and a clean page in our life"
Generally speaking, New Moon in Libra draws us to look at our relationships with others to restore the peace, balance and fairness. This powerful new energy however is in opposition with the willpower of ego (Mars) clashing with the authorities (Saturn) that want to maintain the status quo. As a consequence, this new beginning might be a rocky start for us all we will be challenged by stubbornness and dominance coming from other people. The most effected signs are the cardinal ones: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.
On a personal level this may manifest in the area where the New Moon falls in your natal chart and that depends on your ascendant, the sign that was rising on the eastern horizon at the time and the place of your birth. Life thrives anywhere you put your energies and intention to. But with the energies of the new moon your harvest will have the blessing of the sky. So, go with the flow and see where is your call for inspiration. Plant your seeds of good intentions and benefit from them after the hibernation of the winter. Depending on your rising sign your effected areas are:
ARIES - In the area of long-term relationships and associates.
TAURUS - In your health, lifestyle and work/service
GEMINI - the house of children and creative endeavours/ joy
CANCER - in your home life and anywhere relating property business
LEO - in your neighbourhood and siblings/communication or short travels
VIRGO - In the area of your earned finances and self-valuation
LIBRA - Needless to say that you are the most affected by this energy, new ideas abound in your immediate environment and most likely in your appearance too. Make an appointment with that beauty salon/hairdresser and personal trainer. There's a new YOU coming out of their shell.
SCORPIO - your renewed area is that of self-sacrificing or you may simply renew your bedroom and your spaces behind the scenes
SAGITTARIUS -Your friends, networks and long-term goals will have the blessings of this new energy.
CAPRICORN - Your public reputation and life goals/ career is going under the influence of renewal next six months
AQUARIUS - Your long-term journeys and higher educations can thrive with brand new energies next couple of months.
PISCES - Your house of shared resources, investments, taxes and inheritances can have the benefit of new energies in the following months.
May all new beginning bring love, joy and prosperity in your life.