Once a month the Moon seems to disappear from the evening sky to mark the beginning a new lunar cycle with the dark moon phase that really is a New Moon. The moon that is beginning to grow its light and with that calling us to initiate new things, plans, endeavours that we want to invite into our life.

Before we dive deep into the New Moon in Leo, something worth mentioning and that is Mercury casimi on the 1st of August, just about a week before the lunation.
Mercury casimi happens always, when Mercury sits in the lap of the king. With this celestial scenario a planet, this case Mercury, exactly conjuncts, within 17 minutes the daytime luminary – the natural symbol of the King, of success and power. It has the opportunity to temporarily share the throne with the legitimate ruler and enjoy the benevolence of the king (Sun). As a result, it is customary to identify with all mercurial things such as writing, speaking, travelling, business, friends and siblings and more importantly to get powerful insights, downloads when Hermes (Mercury) delivers a message to you from the gods, something that has major significance.

A week later, on the 8th of August at the time of the New Moon in Leo, this divine information then will shape your thoughts on planting your new seeds of intention. This time not to a fertile ground but into the depth of your soul, into the enlivening inner fire that burns within you. Leo is a fixed sign where Sun is at strongest, here the internal passion isn’t just a flame that dies out quickly. Imagine an immense, noble fire place that mesmerizes you, where people gather because it’s warmth, light, for joy and entertainment. This is a fire that burns consistently, that purges and purifies, providing radiance, inspiration, confidence to carry through your mission with the courage of a lion’s heart.
Mercury still in Leo at the time of the New Moon and although the short and delicate Casimi is over the Sun is still empowering Mercury along with Jupiter the planet of expansion. Now it is time for grand plans, big ideas that cover a lot of ground but not looking into the details yet. Within three short days, when Mercury will have moved into Virgo, on the 11th you can start thinking about the nitty gritty.
What do you want to become? To be able to speak with authority as a passionate enthusiastic speaker, someone who can inspire others with loud style but warmth and radiance? A magnificent story teller with a good sense of drama who can speak from their heart? This New Moon can give you all of that…but not just yet.
The seeds that we plant now will be ready to harvest with the Leo Full Moon beginning of next year, or for a longer term plan the consecutive Leo Full Moon in 2022 January.
Uranus square the New Moon in fixed Leo. The great rule breaker, the planet of freedom, of the future and ultimate truths that can set us free will make us do things differently this time. We will act with inspiration, with a hope for a bright, new future, we will act with high spirits and a bit of a vigorous, nervous energy. It will definitely feel lively.
Now of the ones who are looking for love I have good news too.
Uranus trine Venus and opposition to Neptune: there will be an opportunity for love, since this is a new cycle, and Leo does talk about romance, love and dating. You’ll want to try something new; you might bump into something that feels great but too good to last. If you meet someone it could be so much fun, dreamy and exciting in the same time, however if you assume it’ll last, you’ll be disappointed. You meant to enjoy it, let your spirit run high for a little time, live for the moment and when it’s gone be grateful for the delightful experience that shook you up and gave your hope back for the lasting one to come. (Aquarius, Aries and Scorpio risings)
NOT only Mercury is Casimi on the 1st of August, which is a massive thing, but a week later the magnificent Leo New Moon follows it up.
All this coincides with the the Lion's gate 88 portal's opening and activations. The Lion's gate portal peaks on the day of the Leo New Moon that allows high vibrational energy to be sent to earth. In numerology the number 8 is indication material abundance and worldly success. It is also the symbol of infinity.
Lionsgate is not just about numerology but also astrology, astronomy and history too. It involves the Sun in its ruling sign of Leo and Sirius the brightest stars in the sky, also known as our Spiritual Sun. While our earthly Sun illuminates our physical world which is an illusion, our Spiritual Sun illuminates the truth of our timeless soul.
For the ancient Egyptians, being able to accurately predicting the river Nile's flooding was the driving force behind the development of astronomy and agriculture. They connected the flooding to the days exactly when Sirius became visible in the sky. One of the oldest civilization in the world was heavily supported by the Nile and without the yearly floods that created the fertile green valley across the desert they would not have survived never mind thrived. Each year the flooding provided them with material growth, enriching the land with alluvial soil. The Nile River Valley and the yearly flooding is truly a gift to Egypt. Without its water and rich soil, the Egyptian civilization would have not emerged.

The ancients were very in tune with the star Sirius, as they believed it was the gateway to heaven and the home of higher vibrational beings. They believed the energy of Sirius carried highly advanced wisdom that we could tap into and utilize whenever Sirius was strong in the sky.
All in all it is paramount, that you don't miss this powerful new beginning without preparing yourself to receive.
Use rituals, mantras as suggested in this video and watch for more details.
In this video you can learn about mantras for all 12 signs for far-reaching effect.
