When the faster moving Moon reaches exactly the same degree as the Sun a New Moon occurs in the sky. Such constellation comes into existence once every month, but each one of them takes place in a different sign, with different, hence each New Moon carries diverse energies, bringing new beginnings under unique cosmic consciousness.

'Magic dwells in each new beginning' said Hermann Hess in his poem. Truer words have never been spoken.
On the 2nd of March, the New Moon in Pisces is the perfect expression of this idiom. It holds the key of new beginnings by planting new seeds of intentions of dreams, hope, turning over a new leaf and making a fresh start as a newborn baby.
Let us unpick the dominating energies of this lunation.
Pisces is the sign of dreams and magic, that happens in the mind first as a vision. The dream, the picture in the mind is the first step of conscious manifestation. Having a perfect picture in your imagination, a vision of your desire, is where everything begins. Dreams are the fuel of creation, the most powerful way to awaken your inventive intelligence.

The New Moon 🌙 conjunct Jupiter and Neptune the planets associated with the principles of growth, expansion, healing, prosperity, good fortune and miracles. Jupiter always amplifies whatever he touches, Neptune brings in an element of dream, healing and spirituality. More importantly both of the planets are in their rulership in Pisces, therefore they are able to fully give the best of their ability.
Not only the Sun and the Moon but any other conjunction signifies new beginnings. Saturn and Mercury are also coming into alignment in this lunar phase. Mercury rules the mind and communication and Saturn has association with seriousness and responsibility. This adds some seriousness to the picture when you are able to apply yourself to mentally challenging tasks too, or you communicate your ideas with a sense of maturity and sobriety. You are definitely not fooling around.
Since this is a stronger aspect than the Jupiter conjunction, the heaviness will be dominating over optimism and joviality. Saturn is also related with longevity, reality, rules and regulation hence whatever project you may begin now will be there for the long term and it indicates grounding and connections with rules and laws of some sort. It is happening in the sign of Aquarius therefore it signifies new beginnings in terms of your social circle, long term goals and wishes, so the importance of dream reoccurs again with this very strong aspect.
The Pluto, Mars and Venus triple conjunction also very significant in this new moon chart. On a personal level this is the most passionate and creative conjunction, that is signalling new passionate relationships for those who are out seeking one, making you feel more attractive or a new cycle of love ❤️ perhaps a sexual union that is extreme, intense and perhaps a little obsessive as well. It can also pinpoint the beginning of a new creative financial project that has to do with shared finances, investments or inheritance. Mars is the most powerful energy in this alliance therefore the exalted and strategic planet's warrior spirit unites with the obsessive, extreme Pluto causing rage, destruction and lust for power. We have already seen the manifestation of this energy in the collective, unfortunately.
On a more personal level this partnership indicates a massive surge of desire, unstoppable energy and strength to fight for your goal. You will be bursting out with initiating, creative power that, if channelled in the right direction, can cause major transformation in your life.
Uranus sextile must be mentioned as well, since it is a very tight aspect and can bring a breath of fresh air, a surprising element to the lunation. Events could take an unexpected turn that nobody seen coming, reforms and positive change is outlined on the horizon.
All in all, this New Moon brings a breath of fresh air filled with hope with lots of new beginnings that can transform and improve life, if you know how to use it.
Ask for directions from your spirit guides and follow your intuition once you are connected to your higher self. Look here for rituals and ceremonies.
Love and healing for all