This very special new Moon in Sagittarius on the 4th of December, is triggered by the fated karmic nodes of the moon. When this happens the Moon blocks the light of the Sun thus a total solar eclipse happens and certain parts of the earth become dark during daylight.
South in Australia, South in Africa, South in South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Antarctica are going to be the areas where this solar eclipse is going to be visible, in other parts of the earth the eclipse will not be on sight, however in astrology that does not really tend to make a difference. People still going to be affected if their sun, their moon or their ascendant falls within the 5 degrees of the eclipse point.
Eclipses have long roused human curiosity and inspired scientific studies📖. Undoubtedly, their role is principal in astrology bringing unexpected, fated events, that are out of the native’s control, therefore they have a bad rep. However, eclipses can bring positive things too, such as pregnancy, birth of a baby, a promotion or a travel.Solar eclipses are preceded by a full moon lunar eclipse and out of the two perhaps the full moon stirs up more feathers. On the same note a new moon solar eclipse has the energy of great new beginnings. Let’s not forget that eclipses are very Uranian in nature, they
bring about events that you did not see coming, surprising, sometimes even shocking.

Especially this particular new moon with an aspect from Uranus.
According to the ancient astrologers though when the light of the Sun or the Moon is blocked it is a bad omen since the light was considered as deity, who’s protection is obstructed during an eclipse. Even if it's for only couple or minutes, the daylight disappears from the sky leaving humans in darkness, having to rely on the rest of their senses is definitely could have been a bit unnerving for the ancients.
Let us see a modern astrologer’s interpretation on this unique lunation of the last month of the year.
The eclipse is happening on the 12 degrees of Sagittarius the sign of beliefs, faiths, philosophies, travels, higher knowledge, morals. Click here to find out if you have planets close to this degree. Its ruler Jupiter is heavily aspected by Mars, which promotes excess and tendencies to overreach. New religious, spiritual and philosophical movements can begin or existing ones flourish under the auspices of a Sagittarius eclipse. This is also a South Node eclipse which indicates further more movements towards spirituality with the nature of the tail of the monster.
The dispositor of the eclipse is Jupiter in Aquarius which tells us a story about a need to look into the future, to have a vision, to begin something revolutionary, to build a new network or community. With the heavy Mars influence courage and action are definitely on the plate, we won’t be lacking initiating, bold vitality. Martian energy is woven into this eclipse from many angles. The eclipse is happening in the decan of Mars, aspected by the red planet and on the same degree of the fixed star Antares with the nature of Mars. Undoubtedly the energies born out of this eclipse will carry military influence and bold, courageous, warrior spirited risk taker activity.

The new moon conjuncts Mercury the planet of communication which energises mental aptitude. There is a need to express thoughts through speech and the ego is satisfied through displaying intellectual abilities. Detail oriented Mercury in Sagittarius forgets to scrutinise, instead the mental horizon becomes broader, philosophical, we prefer to learn larger subjects, higher knowledge. With a positive outlook in life we turn into free thinkers with restless intellect and we are truly interested in learning about different cultures, ideologies, principles. Since both Mercury and Jupiter ruled Sagittarius love to travel there could be a news about travel (restrictions) globally or new beginnings in terms of international journeys.
New Moon’s sextile to Saturn suggests that the climate is sobering, it fosters realistic image and encourages controlled action. It promotes caution and conservatism but that won’t harm the progress. Opportunities that arise during this eclipse permits longevity and makes steady strides towards objectives.
Mars Pluto sextile gives enormous drive and determination to the otherwise compelling lunation, the positive influence gives physical energy to focus and succeed in our goal.
The eclipse is happening on the same degree as the fixed star Antares resides.
'Antares in the constellation of Scorpio is, but to this Mars nature, powers of Mercury, Jupiter and also Saturn are added. Antares makes people tough, belligerent and pugnacious. This is an important star for military personnel and is said to convey mental alertness, strategic ability and courage and to make daredevils, especially if tied up with the Midheaven, Ascendant, Sun or Jupiter.'

Antares represents one of the important four Archangels stars. He is Uriel, the watcher of the west. Befitting its lofty angelic status, Antares also looks awesome, a flaming red binary star that occasionally glimmers emerald from its tiny green sibling. Archangel Uriel the angel of wisdom and truth, often gives people sparks of inspiration and motivation as they seek truth. Truth is a peculiar thing. It is incredibly powerful, liberating, and sometimes quite scary. Sometimes we find ourselves content to hear the truth twisted into a happier version of reality, rather than face the truth head-on. Why do we often choose to stick our heads in the proverbial sand over acknowledging the realities in front of us? There are many reasons to prefer illusion over the truth. Perhaps the effort it takes to work through the truth and accept it is too great. Maybe the familiar devils are easier to acknowledge, even if they cause pain and suffering daily, simply because the unknown is too scary. Maybe the truth will encourage someone to change, and they don’t know what work will be required or how others will judge them after their transformation.
Archangel Uriel helps and gives us the courage to embrace the truth and overcome our personal challenges in facing it. His energy provides support to those seeking to find, speak, and realise their truth in a way that serves the highest and best versions of themselves. This may lead us into a significant change that bring us into new beginnings.
On the negative side since sun represent life force the life of an important military personnel could be eclipse.
Watch this video for more insight how your Sun, Moon and ascendant are effected. Find out here where is your ascendant and Moon are. For eclipse mantras for all 12 signs click here.
Blessed be
Rose Lineman, Eclipse interpretation manual