This year's Aries New Moon is going to occur on the 1st of April at 06:24 GMT on the 11˚30" in the sign of the great warrior.
New Moons are new beginnings and the start of something that offers a promise of hope that dreams can indeed come true.

Strangely enough, this new 🌙 Moon's only major aspect is the conjunction to Mercury, the planet of words, thoughts and trips as well the one to Chiron, astrologers favourite asteroid. We know Mercury rules all sorts of communication, short trips and learning new skills. New plans or endeavours that will have a strong, impulsive and pioneering energy connected to words, paperworks, trips, studies is a given.
How may Chiron manifests though? Let's dive deep into the mythology of this astonishing asteroid to learn more about him.

Chiron is called the wounded healer. He was the wisest, most noble of the Centaurs who was famous of his knowledge of medicines and herbs. On one occasion Herakles shot him accidentally with his poison arrow but Chiron was immortal, so lived on with unbearable pain constantly soaring through his body. He carried on healing and teaching but ironically he could never heal himself entirely. Hence, he became the wounded healer.
In astrology Chiron represent our healing power that originates from a deep spiritual wound that we crave to soothe.
This bold and courageous New Moon in Aries carries strong themes of both of these celestial bodies, Mercury and Chiron. For many of us this new moon is going to represent a new, pioneering journey of deep wounding and healing that will be connected to speech, words, paperworks and studies. You could initiate a talking therapy, or write enthusiastically about harm and hurt and the path to heal it. You may also start writing a blog about your own healing journey or remedial that will eventually works as a cure for your pain.
Where have you faced issues of low self worth and inadequacy that created anguish that traumatised you? Now is the time to speak up about it in Aries fashion. Boldly, courageously and directly, in order to heal them and move forward on your journey.
House position of this New Moon degree will certainly help to find out where this could manifest. Check your chart here to be in the know. Also you can watch these to have a bit more personal interpretation of it.
Healing and blessings